Murphy's Second

hook: Advanced: Dance with colonnade and rollaway swings

by: cameron young

formation: proper

A1 8
3/4 Colonnade - 2s take right hands, form an arch, and each person will take turns trading places with their neighbor, while the neighbor goes under the arch ⁋
partners swing - Very short
long lines forward
A2 6
half poussette - gentlespoons pull neighbors back then right, ladles pull back to center
Roll away Swing - Ladles roll gentlespoons by the right, right hands stay clasped, gentlespoons half roll away ladles into a swinging position
neighbors swing
B1 6
1 1/2 Whirlemande - Pivot around a person rather than in between people. Each half turn, trade who the pivot is. The last half turn, move the pivot back to the hands so that dancers have momentum to release and go into the next move
1 Handy Hand Allemande - Use hands that make sense based on the direction of the dancer coming to you


user: cameron young

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