An Arm and a Leg

hook: Previous neighbor interactions

by: John Coffman

formation: Becket

Look at the dancers on their left diagonal – call these dancers their old neighbors, and tell them they will come back to them.  Now, have dancers do a left diagonal right and left through with these old neighbors.

A1 8
left diagonal right left through ⁋
ladles chain
A2 8
star left 4 places, then with old neighbors
star right 4 places
B1 4
ladles turn alone in
prev neighbors meltdown swing
B2 8
gentlespoons allemande left 1½
partners swing

John Coffman Notes:  All will progress two places with the left diagonal right and left through in A1.  In A2, all will un-progress one place when they find their old neighbors to Left Hand Star 1X {for a net progression of 1 place forward}.

 In A1, the ladles chain is with the neighbors now across from you. 
The Old Neighbor gyre and Swing in B1 is with the neighbor dancers did the left diagonal right and left through with.

End Effects: Dancers are never really out in this dance.  If a couple finds themselves alone after the left diagonal right and left through, they should stand out with the ladle on the right so they can be ready for the right hand star with their old neighbors.  When waiting for the left diagonal right and left through, dancers should position themselves accordingly.

See it danced here: or here:


user: Allison Jonjak

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