Melted Butter

hook: Meandering flow, ending in a partner swing.

by: JJ Luxe, Kenny Greer

formation: Becket ccw

Dance begins in Becket formation (partners on the side, Ladle on the Right).
However, when couples are out at the top and bottom, they should stand Indecent (Ladle on the Left).

The progression happens almost immediately, in the end of A1. Starting the dance with a couple out at the top (standing Indecent) helps to ensure that people don't get kicked out right away.

A1 8
balance & petronella (face new neighbors)
neighbors balance
Star Thru (use inside hands)
A2 8
ladles gyre 1½; gentlespoons orbit CCW
neighbors gyre left shoulders once
B1 16
ladles start a hey - rights in center, lefts on ends - until gentlespoons meet the second time - gentlespoons ricochet second time (see note)*
B2 16
partners balance & swing

*Instead of a traditional ricochet, Gentlespoons should Gyre once around each other to face partners.

Kenny Greer was instrumental in writing this dance, allowing me to bounce ideas off him, and helping with transitions.


user: JJ Luxe

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