George's Neat Reel

hook: Unique progression via a right and left through

by: Michael Fuerst

formation: Becket ccw

A1 8
partners promenade on the left
star left - hands across - 4 places
A2 8
Gentlespoons see-saw, while ladles turn back over right shoulder and orbit clockwise half way around gentlespoons
neighbors swing
B1 8
forward and the way back roll away, and finish reaching across to join right hand's with partner across set
right and left through with NEW neighbors (while holding partner's hand, gentlespoons note ladle to right, ladles note gentlespoon to lefr, pull by parnenter and courtesy turn wih noted person, finishing facing partner across.)
B2 16
circle left 3 places, partners swing

First called at the barn (outside of Urbana, IL) of Kathy and Tom Anderson--during one of their occasionally hosted Sunday potlucks and dances
Susan Burt, who declared the dance quite "neat," asked me its name.
Not having named it yet, I invited her to suggest one, and without hesitation she replied "George?"

(Composed August 1999)


user: Michael Fuerst

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