Geometric Indiscretion

hook: Counterclockwise version of Geometric Discretion

by: Michael Fuerst

formation: Becket ccw

Initially have dancers note the couple
on left diagonal as previous neighbors,
the couple across as current neighbors, and
the couple on the right diagonal as next neighbors.

A1 8
promenade across, but at end of the courtesy turn shift to face couple who had been on left diagonal (previous neighbors)
star left 3/4 (wrist grip) with these previous neighbors (do not rush this)
A2 8
do-si-do current neighbor
see-saw previous neighbor, finishing in long wavy lines, gentlespoons facing in, current neighbors' right hands joined, previous neighbors' left hands joined.
B1 8
balance right then left, and spin or slide past current neighbor to face the new neighbor.
new neighbors swing
B2 8
circle left 3 places (OR balance the circle and shift/twirl one place to right)
partners swing

End effect advice for dancers:
(1) Partners will find themselves at ends during parts of three consecutive cycles through the dance.
(2) Dance as much as you can, with partner across set if no neighbor present (for do-si-do, seesaw and long wavy lines and spin by)
(3) If no couple to with whom to star left 3 places, do so with an imaginary couple (VERY IMPORTANT)
If everyone swinging either a neighbor or partner, swing with partner

(Spun off from Geometric Discretion in Sept 2019 and differs only in thA1-A2)


user: Michael Fuerst

shared everywhere


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toggle validations for common dance entry errors, e.g. typing 'gentlemen' when you're using 'leads'