hook: four ring balances and a diagonal roll away
by: Jon Greene and Jordan Taylor
formation: improper
A1 | 8 | balance & petronella
8 | partners swing
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A2 | 4 | balance the ring
4 | ladles roll away partners with a half sashay diagonally (so gentlespoons trade places)
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8 | star left 4 places
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B1 | 8 | next neighbors right hand balance & box the gnat
2 | pull by right
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6 | neighbors swing
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B2 | 4 | balance the ring
4 | gentlespoons roll away partners with a half sashay
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4 | balance the ring
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4 | partners California twirl ⁋
Though this dance has four ring balances with four different subsequent figures, it is not pressured for time.