Four Rights and Lefts Don't Make a Wrong

hook: The name tells it all

by: Michael Fuerst

formation: Becket CW

A1 8
right and left through on the 1/2 right diagonal* (now facing previous neighbors)
right and left through across
A2 8
left diagonal right left through (pull by original neighbors; dancers now on opposite side from which they started, facing new neighbors)
right and left through across (everyone now progressed and on their original side)
B1 8
circle balance, spin/slide right one place in circle
partners swing
B2 16
circle left three places, partners swing

*Gentlespoons pull by gentlespoon in their current foursome; ladles pull by ladle in the next foursome, courtesy turn with partner, adjust so facing couples contain the ladles who pulled by each other. (Really just a way to cross set with partners and finish facing couple who had been on the right diagonal)

Teaching hints (very important to explain to dancers):

  • Once dancers have lined up, emphasize when partners pop off the end, on either the left or right diagonal, they must switch sides, and wait to re-enter the dance on the opposite diagonal.

  • The couple dancers pull by during the left diagonal right and left is a special couple, who dancers will meet again in a moment. The special couple changes each time through the dance

  • Near the ends of the dancers:

    • stay put if there is no couple for the left diagonal R&L
    • ALWAYS participate in the R&L on the 1/2 right diagonal, one person in each couple will pull by a ghost.


user: Michael Fuerst

shared everywhere


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