Rock Creek Reel variation (w/positional notes)

by: David Harris

formation: improper

Take hands in a ring of four. Drop hands with your partner and face across the set. You should be with your neighbor on the side of the set facing your partner across the set. If you have your right hand free, go ahead and raise it high in the air. These folks are going to be called Wave #1. Lower your hands. If your left hand is free shake it around. You are going to be known as Wave #2.

A1: Wave1 people, hold up both your hands in front of you and walk into the center of the set. Take hands with the other people coming toward you to make long wavy lines in the center. Balance the wave to the left and then the right drop hands.

Wave2 get ready. It's your turn to march into the center of the set. As Wave2 marches in, Wave1 backs up. Wave2 balance left and right.

A2: Wave#2, keep holding on to the person in your left hand. Let go of the person in your right hand. With this person, allemande left 1.5x until you see your partner. Swing your partner. End that swing facing down the hall.

A1 8
gentlespoons dance in to a long wave in the center - balance the wave
gentlespoons dance out while ladles dance in to a long wave in the center - balance the wave
A2 8
ladles allemande right 1½
partners swing and end facing down
B1 8
down the hall and turn as a couple
up the hall and bend into a ring
B2 8
circle left 3 places
neighbors swing ⁋


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