hook: Fiddleheads but with contra corners
by: Isaac Banner
formation: improper
A1 | 8 | ones right hand balance & box the gnat across the set
2 | ones pull by right across
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6 | ones turn left, cast counterclockwise around one, and step into the center to form diamonds facing shadows
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A2 | 8 | balance & petronella
8 | balance & petronella
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B1 | 16 | ones contra corners
B2 | 16 | ones balance & swing in the center, end facing down ⁋
8 | twos right hand balance & box the gnat across the set
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2 | twos pull by right across
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6 | twos turn left, cast counterclockwise around one, and step into the center to form diamonds facing shadows
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8 | balance & petronella
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8 | balance & petronella
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16 | twos contra corners
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16 | twos balance & swing in the center, end facing up ⁋
As if Fiddleheads by Ted Sannella needed to be even more challenging.
I can’t believe Steve Zakon-Anderson tricked me into writing a dance with contra corners in it.
I’m livid, livid.