hook: Unique, but not difficult
by: Michael Fuerst
formation: Becket
Have dancers note the couple on the left diagonal as their next neighbors.
Then note that the dance starts with current neighbors.
A1 | 16 | hey, gentlespoons start left until facing neighbor a second time (on side of set gentlespoons started the dance). Pass neighbor 2nd time, turn individually to the right and step along set to face next neighbor ⁋
A2 | 8 | next neighbors gyre left shoulders once and return to original neigbors
8 | neighbors swing -- end facing across
| |
B1 | 8 | star left - hands across - 4 places
8 | star right - hands across - 5 places with next neighbors until everyone on side of set they started the dance (runs 2-4 beats into B2)
| |
B2 | 16 | finish star from B1, gentlespoons turn alone, partners swing
Emphasize that in B2 gentlespoons should not turn back until both they and their partner are on their original side of the set.
Dancers reaching the end of the set just face back in with the gentlespoons on the left and await the right hand star.
The star right in B1 runs into the first 2-4 beats of B2. Debuted at the August 1993 Sugar Hill dance weekend outside Bloomington Indiana. The dance's name came from Al Olson's objection to this overflow from B1, despite other dancers' very positive reaction.