hook: slightly challenging (stars need to be precise)
by: Arthur Kingsland
formation: proper
A1 | 4 | ones petronella diamond [1]
4 | balance the ring
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4 | ones petronella square [2]
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4 | balance the ring
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A2 | 8 | neighbors allemande left 1½
8 | ladles chain
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B1 | 4 | star left - hands across - 2 places [½ way]
4 | star left - hands across - 2 places [ladles complete the star / gentlespoons drop out] [3]
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8 | star right - hands across - 4 places
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B2 | 4 | ladles pull by right changing places ⁋
4 | gentlespoons pull by right changing places
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8 | ones allemande right 1½ below / twos allemande right once above
[1] Petronella diamond
ones only – dance a petronella turn to the right (right shoulder back) to a diamond formation (ladle to the centre of the set facing down above the twos / gentlespoon to the centre of the set below the twos facing up), while…
twos step up the side of the set slightly to be centred between the ones in a diamond.
[2] Petronella Square
ones only – dance a petronella turn to the right (right shoulder back) to partner's original place, while…
twos step back down to original place
[3] In B1 ladles star once around / gentlespoons star ½ way then loop out pulling right shoulder back and face back in