2019-10-07: Louisville, KY

user: Chet Gray

Irritable Inventiveness

by: Dugan Murphy

introduces moves: custom, do si do, swing, allemande, circle, balance the ring, California twirl

formation: improper

A1 8
As a couple, Partners do si do with Neighbor couple
neighbors do si do once
A2 16
neighbors balance & swing
B1 8
gentlespoons allemande left 1½
partners swing
B2 8
circle left 3 places
balance the ring
partners California twirl to face new couple ⁋


by: Lisa Greenleaf

B2b: pass through, dosado Next neighbors

introduces moves: long lines

formation: improper

A1 16
neighbors balance & swing
A2 8
long lines forward & back
ladles allemande right 1½
B1 16
partners balance & swing
B2 8
circle left 3 places
neighbors do si do 1½ ⁋

Roll Away (variation)

by: Bill Sudkamp

introduces moves: custom, star, roll away, promenade

formation: square dance

A1 8
Heads forward & back
star right 4 places Heads
A2 8
Heads separate, go around two - form lines at the sides (gentlespoon-gentlespoon-ladle-ladle)
ladles roll away same roles with a half sashay (roll right to left)
gentlespoons roll away same roles with a half sashay
B1 4
center two roll away with a half sashay
everyone roll away with a half sashay (Corners)
partners swing
B2 8
partners promenade home
everyone forward & back

This variation is based on Wade Pearson's variation (https://contradb.com/dances/559).

Star Three Places break

by: [none]

formation: square dance break

A1 8
star right 3 places ladles
1st neighbors swing (Corners)
A2 8
star left 3 places gentlespoons
2nd neighbors swing (Opposites, but not in opposite place)
B1 8
star right 3 places ladles
3rd neighbors swing ("that other gentlespoon")
B2 8
star left 3 places gentlespoons
partners promenade along the set on the right to home (halfway around)

Equivalent Exchange

by: Bryan Suchenski

introduces moves: down the hall, up the hall, chain, give & take

formation: Becket

ID home side. Begin in lines of 4 facing down.

A1 8
down the hall and turn alone
up the hall and bend into a ring
A2 8
gentlespoons chain (right hand) - to neighbors
star left 4 places - look away to next neighbors
B1 16
neighbors balance & swing
B2 8
ladles give & take partners (to home side)
partners swing

You Can Get There From Here

by: Linda Leslie

B2: circle left 3 places; pass through ⁋; form an ocean wave with Next Neighbors

introduces moves: Rory O'More, form an ocean wave, custom

formation: improper

Dance starts in short wavy lines: from improper formation, neighbors take right hands, ladles take left in the center.

A1 8
balance & Rory O'More right
balance & Rory O'More left
A2 16
neighbors balance & swing
B1 8
circle left 3 places
partners swing
B2 8
circle left 3 places and walk forward
form an ocean wave & balance - ladles by left hands and neighbors by right hands -forward and back
walk forward to ⁋
form an ocean wave - ladles by left hands and neighbors by right hands



Centrifugal Hey

by: Gene Hubert

introduces moves: hey, right left through, pass through

formation: improper

A1 8
neighbors allemande right 1½
gentlespoons allemande left 1½
A2 16
partners start a full hey - rights on ends, lefts in center +
B1 16
partners balance & swing
B2 8
right left through
circle left 3 places
pass through ⁋

Bob Isaacs notes: One of Gene Hubert’s best, which is really saying something. As good a full hey dance as any ever written.

+partners right, ladles left, neighbor right, gentlespoons left

Kimmswick Express

by: Gene Hubert

Grand right & left break

introduces moves: custom, balance

formation: square dance

A1 8
Heads forward & back
right left through Heads
A2 6
circle left 3 places Heads
pass through to face Sides
neighbors do si do 1¼ to a wave of 4 (2 ladles in the middle by the left, neighbor right)
B1 4
balance right & left
neighbors allemande right ½
gentlespoons allemande left ½
partners swing
B2 16
partners promenade along the set on the right to home

Pigtown Petronella

by: Cary Ravitz

introduces moves: petronella, turn alone

formation: Becket ccw

Double progression.

In long lines, your partner is in one hand, your shadow is in the other hand.

A1 8
gentlespoons allemande left 1½
neighbors swing
A2 8
right left through
left diagonal ladles chain to shadow (only if there is someone there) ⁋
B1 8
balance & petronella
turn alone to face a new neighbor ⁋
balance & petronella
B2 0
turn alone to face your partner
partners balance & swing


Note the similarity to Maliza's Magical Mystery Motion. The chain is to the diagonal left here, so at the end of B1 you must face a new set of four to find your partner.

YouTube, 2, 3

Chris's Poetic Orangutan

by: Yoyo Zhou

introduces moves: mad robin, gate, pass by, gyre, meltdown swing

formation: improper

A1 8
long lines forward & back
mad robin, ladles in front (clockwise around neighbors)
A2 8
gentlespoons gate neighbors to face into the set
ladles pass by left shoulders
partners pass by right shoulders
gentlespoons gyre left shoulders once
B1 16
partners meltdown swing
B2 8
circle left 3 places
neighbors swing ⁋

https://epicyclic.org/dance/compositions.html#poe :

For Chris Page, who enjoyed the working title "untitled mad robin gate dance".

Midwest Folklore

by: Orace Johnson

introduces moves: slide along set

formation: Becket

A1 2
slide left along set ⁋
circle left 3 places
neighbors do si do once
A2 16
neighbors balance & swing
B1 8
circle left 3 places
partners do si do once
B2 16
partners balance & swing

Bob Isaacs notes: Hailing from Urbana, IL, Orace Johnson was a pillar of the Midwest contra community until his passing in 1991 while contra dancing. This simple dance is as pure as it gets. It also inspired one of the best contra books, Midwest Folklore, a collection of the best dances from the Midwest’s best choreographers.
