Waldorf Colonnade

hook: Colonnade,

by: Moose Flores, Devin J. Pohly

formation: improper

Designate 1's and 2's
Colonnade is a new sequence. It takes 16 beats and ends with everyone where they began, like a Hey. Have 2's also practice the colonnade during the walkthrough.

A1 8
star right 3 places
partners right hand balance & box the gnat
A2 16
Colonnade - "1's Arch, Ladles trade: Colonnade!" +
B1 16
partners balance & swing
B2 8
ladles chain
square through two - partners balance & pull by right, then neighbors pull by left ⁋

Coauthored with Devin J. Pohly during IndepenDance 2019 at the Waldorf school.
+ Colonnade: ones (join right hands to) make an arch and hold that arch for the entire figure. Ladles trade by right shoulders with ladle two going under the arch. Gentlespoons trade by right shoulders with gentlespoon two going under the arch. [stop here for 1/2 colonnade] Ladles trade by right, gentlespoons trade by right. Each trade has 4 beats of music, so there's no need to rush.


user: Moose Flores

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toggle validations for common dance entry errors, e.g. typing 'gentlemen' when you're using 'leads'