Moose Flores


Actions Title Choreographer Formation
42 minutes of Puffin Pablo Moose Flores Becket
All Hands On Deck (inverted) Dugan Murphy improper
Andie's Blue Boot Becket Moose Flores Becket
Andie's Blue Boot Becket variation Moose Flores Becket
Arpeggio Moose Flores improper
Autumn Ripple Moose Flores Becket
Barber Teeny's Trampoline Moose Flores Becket ccw
Beach Adjacent Moose Flores Becket
Beach Grass Moose Flores improper
Chicago Shuffle Moose Flores improper
Circassian Circle Chestnut Circle Mixer
Complicity Swing Moose Flores improper
Connect Four Moose Flores Becket
Crystal Prelude Moose Flores Becket
Cut to the Jack (for Annie) Moose Flores Becket
Dance the Snapper Moose Flores Becket
Dave Found the Missing Coffee Cup (reupload) Michael Fuerst Becket
Do-si-dolphin Moose Flores improper
Dolphin Poussette Moose Flores improper
Dolphin Poussette (becket version) Moose Flores Becket ccw
Druzy Green Moose Flores Becket ccw
Flirt Delete Fling Moose Flores improper
Frederick Reel variation Tom Hinds Becket
Hearing Our Voices Shine (Happy Birthday Heidi, from Jeremy) Moose Flores Becket ccw
Hey in the Barn alternating variation Moose Flores improper
Hey of a Different Color Moose Flores improper
Hey of a Different Color variation Moose Flores improper
Ice Cream in the Sink Kathy Hirsh circle
Lady Mondegreen Moose Flores Becket ccw
Lark and Found Moose Flores Becket ccw
Moose Tracks Elizabeth Bloom Albert Becket
Northalstead Jig (Riverside Jig variation) Moose Flores Becket
Penny Farthing Moose Flores improper
Penny’s Calinella Twirl Moose Flores Becket
Qwill & Paper Moose Flores improper
Rory O'S'mores Moose Flores improper
Sauce for the Goose Breaking Up Thanksgiving Dance Writing Workshop 2024 improper
Shadow Boxing Elizabeth Bloom Albert Becket ccw
Shambolic Moose Flores Becket
Sharon of the Green Jane Ewing improper
Squirrel! Chris Page improper
Star Colonnade Moose Flores Becket ccw
The Becket Reel Herbie Gaudreau Becket
The Nice Complication Moose Flores improper
The Slinky Walk Moose Flores, Chris Page Becket
Trip to Versailles Moose Flores four face four
Waldorf Colonnade Moose Flores, Devin J. Pohly improper
Yellow Cat's Jig (Maggie Jo's Version) Jim Gregory Circle mixer


This is for dances that aren't ready to call. They're not discoverable from the main dance search page.

Actions Title Choreographer Formation
Angels' Rib 0.1 ALTERATION Elizabeth Bloom Albert improper
Angels' Rib 0.1 TESTING Elizabeth Bloom Albert improper
Blurring the Lines Chris Page Becket
Cheaters Swing Reel 0.1 Elizabeth Bloom Albert Becket
Chinese Pickles 0.1 Moose Flores improper
Crystal Prelude variation Moose Flores Becket
Dippin-Dots Moose Flores improper
Diving Under the Double Rainbow 0.3 Moose Flores Becket
Do What the 2's Say unknown improper
Dogs & Catenaries Dave Pokorney Becket
Double Rory O'S'mores 0.1 Moose Flores improper
Eclipse Chasers TESTING Moose Flores improper
First Cause 1.1 Moose Flores Becket ccw
Flirt Delete Fling 0.2 Moose Flores improper
Heather’s Poussette Moose Flores improper
Hey Gordons 0.1 Elizabeth Bloom Albert improper
InNEFFAble Idiots 0.1 Grace Hendrickson-Jones and Qwill Duvall Becket
Intro Lesson NOT A DANCE unknown circle
It's All Backwards 0.1 Moose Flores improper
La Bastringue, ONS var. Traditional Circle
Lakestar Contra Daniel Clark improper
Laminar Groove Moose Flores improper
Left Hand of Darkness 0.9 Grace Hendrickson-Jones, Qwill Duvall and Bob Velwest improper
Low German Junction (hey figure) 0.1 Moose Flores four face four
Low German Junction (hey figure) 0.2 Moose Flores four face four
Low German Junction (hey figure) 0.3 Moose Flores four face four
Name me Please Moose Flores Becket
Orono Special Tony Parkes improper
Petrofornia Twirl 0.1 Moose Flores Becket
Poussette Chain (?) Moose Flores Becket
Promenade Lemonade 0.1 Moose Flores Circle Mixer
Reel Time Cary Ravitz Becket ccw
Shadow Nova Moose Flores, Stephen Ulrich Becket
Sharon of the Green variation Moose Flores improper
Slo Mo Bo Circ (Slow Motion Box Circulate) Elizabeth Bloom Albert Becket
Summer Stars Moose Flores four face four
Summer Stars 0.2 Moose Flores four face four
The Hey Vexation 0.1 Fiona Carey and Qwill Duvall Becket
Wednesday Night Liberty Bill Meeks improper
“Revolving Poussette” Moose Flores Becket


Actions Title
2019-05-18 QCC (half)
2019-07-27 QCC (two)
2019-11-16 QCC
2021-11-21 Rob & Amy's
2022-02-13 Dennis's Valentine's Dance
2022-04-30 Rob & Amy's
2022-05-29 Dennis, Techno
2022-06-05 GP dance
2022-06-11 Dennis's for Nicky
2022-09-19 CBDC w/ Georges
2022-10-22 Rob & Amy's
2022-11-22 CBDC w/ Jo (& Moose)
2022-12-04 GP dance
2023-02-11 Valparaiso
2023-02-18 QCC
2023-04-03 CBDC
2023-04-15 GP dance, Rob & Amy's
2023-04-15 QCC
2023-04-29 GP dance, I.B. Park
2023-05-06 Delafield
2023-07-15 QCC
2023-07-22 Dennis's
2023-08-05 Dennis's Techno
2023-09-16 QCC
2023-10-15 Wedding reception ONS
2023-10-20 Dennis's Halloween Dance
2023-10-23 CBDC
2023-10-28 Plank Road Folk Music Society
2023-11-11 Valparaiso
2023-11-11 Valparaiso copy
2023-11-12 Grace - Glen Ellyn
2023-11-25 BUT GP
2023-12-02 GP dance
2024-01-06 Delafield
2024-02-10 Valparaiso (Church hall has hard floor. Careful!)
2024-02-17 QCC with Aden's 3
2024-02-19 CBDC Monday Night
2024-03-03 GP dance, private venue, actual
2024-03-03 GP dance, private venue, big list
2024-03-30 Rob & Amy's
2024-04-20 QCC
2024-05-18 QCC Aden plus Moose's 3
2024-05-19 GP dance, St. John's Lutheran,
2024-06-24 CBDC Monday Night
2024-08-05 CBDC Jo & Friends
2024-08-12 CBDC Mon BDAY SUSAN! The Resurrection Marys
2024-09-08 GP dance St. John
2024-09-14 Valparaiso contra
2024-09-14 Valparaiso contra for sharing
2024-09-28 PRFMS (ladies & gents)
2024-10-26 Gentry-Buie reception
2024-11-02 GP dance R&A
2024-11-16 QCC
2024-11-18 CBDC Chicago Showcase
2024-11-30 BUT
2024-12-09 CBDC - Bday party for EBA
2024-12-31 NYE EAST LANSING (20+3)
2024-12-31 NYE East Lansing, Part 1
2024-12-31 NYE East Lansing, Part 2
2024-XX-XX GP dance future
2025-02-15 QCC three
2nd try
Caller Course Prep
CBDC 2019-12-23
Cheryl & Moose & ___ Medley
Choreographers I know
Dances to save
F4F to save
Fermilab 2019-10-13 (half) w M.D.
Good for newbies
GP dance - Future
GP program 9/8
Groovin’ dances to end an evening of contra dancing by (modified)
Guinea Pig 2019-08-11
Guinea Pig 2019-10-06
Guinea Pig 2020-02-23
Jo's Bday
New contras, Summer 2021
Options for 12-20