Barber Teeny's Trampoline

by: Moose Flores

formation: Becket ccw

A1 16
Gentlespoons cast (left) behind partner, pass each other left, and loop right around neighbor to other gentlespoon's place., then with new neighbors ... ⁋
A2 16
Ladles cast (left) behind new neighbor, pass each other left, and loop right around partner to other ladle's place. +
B1 8
partners do si do once
long lines forward & back
B2 2
neighbors pull by right
partners swat the flea
partners swing ++

Barberini's Tambourine variation

  • after the two casting figures, you should be on the opposite side of the line, across from new neighbors, & next to your partner, but on the other side of them ("half sashayed").

++ after swat the flea, a symmetric swing could fit nicely


user: Moose Flores

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