GP 2019-10-06

user: Moose Flores

Diving Under the Double Rainbow 0.2

by: Moose Flores

  • Q) B1 AL 1.5? or Same-Role Swing?

This dance is not published.

Dance the Snapper

by: Moose Flores

  • Reworked

introduces moves: long lines, allemande orbit, form an ocean wave, custom, star, hey, swing

formation: Becket

A1 8
long lines forward & back
gentlespoons allemande left once around while the ladles orbit clockwise ½ around
A2 0
form an ocean wave - gentlespoons by left hands and neighbors by right hands
balance the wave & "Spank the Alligator" + ⁋
star right - hands across - 4 places - gentlespoons drop out, ladles pull by to start ...
B1 16
ladles start a full hey - rights in center, lefts on ends
B2 16
partners balance & swing

For the Gator in Humbolt Park, Chance the Snapper
+ Spank the Alligator (from B2 of Joseph Pimentel's Hotpoint Special) All take a small step forward & face right. Partners walk single file, turning right to go up/down the set to new neighbors across.

2024-03-25 Updated (removed the rollaway).

First Cause 1.1

by: Moose Flores

  • Pass thru promenade

introduces moves: gyre, circle, pass through, promenade, meltdown swing

formation: Becket ccw

(ask for a "flowing" tune. Avoid a bouncy to that would encourage a balance at A2)

A1 8
gentlespoons gyre 1½
neighbors swing
A2 8
long lines forward & back
circle left 2 places
pass through ⁋
B1 8
neighbors promenade
circle right 3 places
B2 16
partners meltdown swing

End effect: couples waiting to come back in should be half sashayed.

Andie's Blue Boot Becket variation

by: Moose Flores

  • with diagonal promenade

introduces moves: chain

formation: Becket

Double progression!
Have dancers find/point to their first Next Neighbors for recognition (the couple past the usual next neighbors).

A1 8
circle left 3 places
neighbors swing
A2 8
long lines forward & back
ladles chain
B1 4
star left 2 places (a little less)
partners promenade right diagonal single file, (passing right shoulders to trade places with a couple and THEN finding new neighbors across). ⁋
star right 4 places
B2 16
partners meltdown swing

For Andie (and her boots) on her birthday
If there is no couple on your right diagonal, turn as a couple and star right with new neighbors.