Allemande Orbit



related figures: allemande
formal parameters: who, hand, circling, circling, beats


Dance Figure
Amy's Harmonium
ladles allemande left once around while the gentlespoons orbit...
ladles allemande left once around while the gentlespoons orbit...
Another Orbit for Liz
ladles allemande left 1½ around while the gentlespoons orbit...
ladles allemande right 1½ around while the gentlespoons orbit...
gentlespoons allemande left 1½ around while the ladles orbit...
Consider Hydrogen
gentlespoons allemande left 1½ around while the ladles orbit...
Consider Hydrogen Lawn variation
gentlespoons allemande left 1½ around while the ladles orbit...
Converging Orbits
ladles allemande right 1½ around while the gentlespoons orbit...
gentlespoons allemande right 1½ around while the ladles orbit...
Cut to the Jack (for Annie)
gentlespoons allemande left 1¼ around while the ladles orbit...
Dance the Snapper
gentlespoons allemande left once around while the ladles orbit...
gentlespoons allemande left 1½ around while the ladles orbit...
George is Rettie, Willing, and Able
ladles allemande left once around while the gentlespoons orbit...
Heart and Home
gentlespoons allemande left 1½ around while the ladles orbit...
Hunter's Eclipse
ladles allemande left once around while the gentlespoons orbit...
Left Hand of Darkness 0.9
ladles allemande left once around while the gentlespoons orbit...
Mad Orbin
gentlespoons allemande left 1½ around while the ladles orbit...
Mad Scatter
ladles allemande left 1½ around while the gentlespoons orbit...
Mary Keith's Harmonium
ladles allemande left once around while the gentlespoons orbit...
Monkey See, Monkey Swing
ladles allemande right once around while the gentlespoons orbit...
Mountains in Sunny Windows
ladles allemande left once around while the gentlespoons orbit...
New Dance Spellbound
ladles allemande right once around while the gentlespoons orbit...
Orbiting Serena
ladles allemande right 1½ around while the gentlespoons orbit...
gentlespoons allemande right 1½ around while the ladles orbit...
Reel to Reel
gentlespoons allemande left once around while the ladles orbit...
ladles allemande left once around while the gentlespoons orbit...
Rory O'S'mores
ladles allemande left once around while the gentlespoons orbit...
Shadow Nova
gentlespoons allemande left once around while the ladles orbit...
Shadow Nova variation
gentlespoons allemande left once around while the ladles orbit...
Sleeping With The Hounds
ladles allemande left once around while the gentlespoons orbit...
ladles allemande right once around while the gentlespoons orbit...
ladles allemande right once around while the gentlespoons orbit...
Southern Summer
gentlespoons allemande left once around while the ladles orbit...
Southern Summer
gentlespoons allemande left 1½ around while the ladles orbit...
Sving Træbenet
ladles allemande left once around while the gentlespoons orbit...
Wilderness Road
gentlespoons allemande left once around while the ladles orbit...
ladles allemande left once around while the gentlespoons orbit...

Dances without Allemande Orbit

Moves Sharing a Dance with Allemande Orbit



balance the ring

box the gnat

California twirl




do si do

form a long wave

form an ocean wave

form long waves

give & take



long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by

pass through



pull by dancers

revolving door

right left through

roll away

Rory O'More


slide along set

square through



turn alone