


related figures: star promenade
formal parameters: who, dir, turn, beats


Dance Figure
Music Of The Spheres
partners promenade and a little more 3/4's to face neighbor up and...
neighbors promenade and a little more to face partner up and down set
A 60th Birthday Dance (for Chris Deephouse)
partners promenade counterclockwise around set one place to meet...
Accretion Reel
partners promenade scatter [5]
Accretion Reel (variation, with patter)
partners promenade scatter - "promenade now on the heel and toe"
Alabama Charlie
partners promenade and a little more (3/4)'s to face up and down set
Alamo Intro
neighbors promenade (henceforth, this neighbor is new partner)
Almost Never Too Late
partners promenade
An Arm and a Leg (John Coffman) variation
partners promenade and loop to next neighbors ⁋
Andie's Blue Boot Becket
partners promenade along the set on the right (Single file or...
Andie's Blue Boot Becket variation
partners promenade right diagonal single file, (passing right...
Another First Time
neighbors promenade
Another Nice Combination variation
partners promenade
partners promenade ⁋
Arpeggio variation
partners promenade
Azure Aster
partners promenade around the big oval + one place ⁋
Back to Back
neighbors promenade
Back to Front
neighbors promenade
Barack Me, Obamadeus
partners promenade
Between Buffalo and Nowhere
neighbors promenade the oval
next neighbors promenade back along the oval (ladles on inside),...
neighbors promenade
neighbors promenade
Blurring the Lines
neighbors promenade along the set on the left (holding inside...
neighbors promenade along the set on the right (holding outside hands)
Bowl of Cherries
neighbors promenade
Bowl of Cherries Lawn variation
neighbors promenade
Bristol Court
neighbors promenade
Brown Bag Reel
partners promenade along the set on the right Single file
partners promenade on the left Back to the Neighbor you Do-si-Doed
By My Valentine variation
partners promenade along the set on the left
partners promenade along the set on the right - continue past old...
Cal and Irene
partners promenade
Cape Mixer
partners promenade and reform circle - turn into center with ladle...
Carrot Cake and Candles
partners promenade left diagonal and face new neighbors ⁋
partners promenade
partners promenade randomly to find new neighbors ⁋
Charismatic Megafauna
partners promenade
Chicken Soup
partners promenade across set
Chippenham Square
partners promenade to home (half-way)
Cincinnati Reel
partners promenade around the circle
Circassian Circle
partners promenade along the set on the right
Circassian Circle
partners promenade line of direction
Compost Pile Breakdown
partners promenade around the set
Courtesy Turn Training Mixer
partners promenade, wheel around to go back the other way
partners promenade, wheel around to face in to the center
Dancing Bears variation
neighbors promenade along the set on the left Move in a clockwise oval
neighbors promenade along the set on the right Turn as couple and...
David K's Reel
partners promenade
partners promenade gentlespoons pass left in center
Don't Have to Walk but You Can Dance
neighbors promenade
Dusable's Chicago
partners promenade then loop large to the left to progress. ...
neighbors promenade
Fairport Harbor Hey B2
neighbors promenade along the set on the right counterclockwise big...
neighbors promenade along the set on the right home (til across...
Fairport Harbor pass through B2
neighbors promenade along the set on the right counterclockwise big...
neighbors promenade along the set on the right home (til across...
Fire in the Creek variation
neighbors promenade
Firefly Pedicabs
partners promenade - wide loop to face new neighbors ⁋
First Cause 1.1
neighbors promenade
First Night Quadrille
partners promenade along the set on the right home
Flicker Of Fun
partners promenade across set and to the Right and along set to ...
Flirt Delete Fling
neighbors promenade
Flirt Delete Fling 0.2
neighbors promenade
Frannie's Alarm Clock
partners promenade single file ccw 1x, ladles turn around
Friday Night Fever
partners promenade
Further and More
partners promenade
partners promenade
Gallery Place Transfer
partners promenade
George's Neat Reel
partners promenade on the left
Give Me A Moment
partners promenade J-hook
Go A Roving
partners promenade and a little more to face on the left diagonal ⁋
Grand Right and Left Mixer
partners promenade along the set on the right (ccw) [3]
Groovemonger's Contra
neighbors promenade
Hallie's Comment
neighbors promenade
Halloween's Twisted Heart
partners promenade
Henri and Jacqui
neighbors promenade
Henry & Jacqui
next neighbors promenade
Hey Fever
partners promenade
Howl at the Moon
partners promenade
Huckleberry Friend
neighbors promenade along the set on the left - ladles closer to...
neighbors promenade along the set on the right Look for your...
I Like to Walk, I Love to Dance
neighbors promenade
neighbors promenade along the set on the left - gentlespoons on the...
next neighbors promenade along the set on the right - ladles on the...
Jesse & Lizzy
neighbors promenade
Joy to the World
partners promenade and too the right little more to face new...
Kayaking Through Popcorn
partners promenade along the set on the left single file -...
Kimmswick Express
partners promenade along the set on the right to home
Kiss the Bride
partners promenade
La Bastringue, ONS var.
partners promenade along the set on the right
La Green Bean
partners promenade along the set on the right
La Southern Green Bean
partners promenade along the set on the right
La String Bean
partners promenade along the set on the right
La String Bean (reverse progression & courtesy turn variation)
partners promenade along the set on the right CCW
Left Hand of Darkness 0.9
partners promenade
Like I've Known You Forever
partners promenade
Lucky Seven
partners promenade around the ring
Mad Scatter
partners promenade to find new group to circle with ⁋
Maliza's Magical Mystery Motion
neighbors promenade
May Flies
partners promenade
Moose Tracks
neighbors promenade along the set on the right, turn as a couple
neighbors promenade along the set on the left, returning to your...
Moving Day
partners promenade looping CCW to next neighbors ⁋
Mutual Enjoyment
partners promenade and a little more (3/4's) to face up and down in...
Mystic to Montreal
partners promenade
New Beginnings
partners promenade across set to face in
New Dance ( Oscillating Contra )
partners promenade along the set on the right counter clock wise...
partners promenade along the set on the right come back ladles on...
New Dance Gem
partners promenade pomenade along set to the right to face new couple
New Dance Buffing The Floor
neighbors promenade
New Dance Music Of The Spheres
partners promenade and a little more to face up and down set
neighbors promenade across set and a little more to face partners
Not a Figment of Your Imagination
partners promenade in courtesy turn position - loop wide left ⁋
Not a Trip to Vegas
partners promenade, shift right to next neighbors ⁋
Nothing Works and We Don't Know Why
neighbors promenade with a wide loop left to face shadow
neighbors promenade along the set on the right
November Night
neighbors promenade across
O, Galileo!
partners promenade across and continue to face along the set (CCW)
Opening Break
partners promenade home
Out of the Box
partners promenade and loop left to new neighbors ⁋
Partner? I hardly know 'er!
next neighbors promenade and loop left to face shadows
Passing Through
neighbors promenade
partners promenade
partners promenade
partners promenade
Pensacola Rollaway
partners promenade
Pete's Dark Roast
neighbors promenade
Phinney Gaffer Becket
neighbors promenade along the set on the right clockwise +
neighbors promenade along the set on the right counterclockwise
Promenade Lemonade 0.1
partners promenade along the set on the right
Queer Contra Zig-Zag
neighbors promenade 3/4 to face partner up & down
partners promenade 3/4 to original positions
Razzle Dazzle
partners promenade
Red Beard's Redder Beard
neighbors promenade across and j-hook left to face partners across
Ribbons for Shoe Laces
partners promenade, shifting right along the side to face new...
Rochelle’s Big Squiggle
partners promenade and loop left to next neighbors ⁋
Rod's Grits
partners promenade
Rod's Grits
partners promenade
Rod's Grits Lawn variation
partners promenade
Rod's Velvety Lawn ("Rod's Grits Lawn" variation)
partners promenade
Roll Away
partners promenade home
Roll Away (variation)
partners promenade home
Roll Away Beginner Variation
partners promenade home
Sawdust Liquor
shadows promenade on the left
Shadrack's Friday
partners promenade
Simple Break 0
partners promenade
Single File Mixer
partners promenade to find another pair
Sleepy Sam’s Late Night Jam
neighbors promenade and hook left one couple to face shadows
partners promenade and hook to next neighbors ⁋
partners promenade (looping wide left on courtesy turn) [3] ⁋
Speed the Plough (American Version)
neighbors promenade
Spend Some Money Together
partners promenade
Spend Some Time Together
partners promenade
Spring Fever
partners promenade
Star Three Places break
partners promenade along the set on the right to home (halfway around)
Star of the County Alameda
partners promenade
Star of the County Alameda variation
partners promenade
Star of the County Alameda variation
partners promenade
Stick With The Union (for Dorian and Chris)
partners promenade across and a little wide to progress ⁋
Summer Of 96
partners promenade and to the right along the set to a new couple...
Surfing the Set
partners promenade
Texas Star
partners promenade home
Texas Star Barn Dance Variation
partners promenade home
The Bus Stop
partners promenade
The Caller's Wife
neighbors promenade
The Country of Marriage
neighbors promenade
The Country of Marriage Lawn variation
neighbors promenade
The Farmer's Bride
partners promenade
The Farmer's Bride
partners promenade
The Gang of Four
neighbors promenade along the set on the right
The Lakewood Six
partners promenade across the set
The Levi Jackson Rag
partners promenade along the set on the right 1 place ⁋
The Wedding Ring Circle Mixer
partners promenade the one you swung
This Feels Backwards...
partners promenade and loop to next neighbors ⁋
Tica Tica Timing
neighbors promenade
Together Again
partners promenade
Trail Markers
partners promenade
Tuesday Night Special
partners promenade
neighbors promenade
neighbors promenade
Unknown Circle Right Left Grand
partners promenade til the top of the music
Vallimont's Silver Hammer
neighbors promenade
We will be back together
partners promenade
Where's Alex?
partners promenade
Winter is Coming
partners promenade and loop to next neighbors ⁋
Wrinkled Ribbon
partners promenade across & loop wide to new neighbors (J-hook) ⁋
Yellow Cat's Jig (Maggie Jo's Version)
partners promenade, then face the center

Dances without Promenade

Moves Sharing a Dance with Promenade


allemande orbit


balance the ring

box circulate

box the gnat

butterfly whirl

California twirl



cross trails


do si do

down the hall

facing star

form an ocean wave

form long waves

give & take



long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by

pass through



pull by dancers

pull by direction

revolving door

right left through

roll away

Rory O'More

see saw


slide along set

square through


star promenade

swat the flea


turn alone

up the hall

zig zag

Moves Preceding Promenade


box the gnat

butterfly whirl



do si do

down the hall



long lines

meltdown swing

pass through



right left through



turn alone

Moves Following Promenade


balance the ring




do si do

form an ocean wave

give & take



long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing

pass through



pull by dancers

right left through

roll away

slide along set


star promenade


turn alone

zig zag