related figures: star promenade
formal parameters:
who, dir, turn, beats
Dance | Figure |
Music Of The Spheres | partners promenade and a little more 3/4's to face neighbor up and... |
neighbors promenade and a little more to face partner up and down set |
A 60th Birthday Dance (for Chris Deephouse) | partners promenade counterclockwise around set one place to meet... |
Accretion Reel | partners promenade scatter [5] |
Accretion Reel (variation, with patter) | partners promenade scatter - "promenade now on the heel and toe" |
Alabama Charlie | partners promenade and a little more (3/4)'s to face up and down set |
Alamo Intro | neighbors promenade (henceforth, this neighbor is new partner) |
Almost Never Too Late | partners promenade |
An Arm and a Leg (John Coffman) variation | partners promenade and loop to next neighbors ⁋ |
Andie's Blue Boot Becket | partners promenade along the set on the right (Single file or... |
Andie's Blue Boot Becket variation | partners promenade right diagonal single file, (passing right... |
Another First Time | neighbors promenade |
Another Nice Combination variation | partners promenade |
Apogee | partners promenade ⁋ |
Arpeggio variation | partners promenade |
Azure Aster | partners promenade around the big oval + one place ⁋ |
Back to Back | neighbors promenade |
Back to Front | neighbors promenade |
Barack Me, Obamadeus | partners promenade |
Between Buffalo and Nowhere | neighbors promenade the oval |
next neighbors promenade back along the oval (ladles on inside),... |
Birmingham's | neighbors promenade |
Birminghams | neighbors promenade |
Blurring the Lines | neighbors promenade along the set on the left (holding inside... |
neighbors promenade along the set on the right (holding outside hands) |
Bowl of Cherries | neighbors promenade |
Bowl of Cherries Lawn variation | neighbors promenade |
Bristol Court | neighbors promenade |
Brown Bag Reel | partners promenade along the set on the right Single file |
partners promenade on the left Back to the Neighbor you Do-si-Doed |
By My Valentine variation | partners promenade along the set on the left |
partners promenade along the set on the right - continue past old... |
Cal and Irene | partners promenade |
Cape Mixer | partners promenade and reform circle - turn into center with ladle... |
Carrot Cake and Candles | partners promenade left diagonal and face new neighbors ⁋ |
Celebration | partners promenade |
Chaos | partners promenade randomly to find new neighbors ⁋ |
Charismatic Megafauna | partners promenade |
Chicken Soup | partners promenade across set |
Chippenham Square | partners promenade to home (half-way) |
Cincinnati Reel | partners promenade around the circle |
Circassian Circle | partners promenade along the set on the right |
Circassian Circle | partners promenade line of direction |
Compost Pile Breakdown | partners promenade around the set |
Courtesy Turn Training Mixer | partners promenade, wheel around to go back the other way |
partners promenade, wheel around to face in to the center |
Dancing Bears variation | neighbors promenade along the set on the left Move in a clockwise oval |
neighbors promenade along the set on the right Turn as couple and... |
David K's Reel | partners promenade |
Dilly | partners promenade gentlespoons pass left in center |
Don't Have to Walk but You Can Dance | neighbors promenade |
Dusable's Chicago | partners promenade then loop large to the left to progress. ... |
Eggbeater | neighbors promenade |
Fairport Harbor Hey B2 | neighbors promenade along the set on the right counterclockwise big... |
neighbors promenade along the set on the right home (til across... |
Fairport Harbor pass through B2 | neighbors promenade along the set on the right counterclockwise big... |
neighbors promenade along the set on the right home (til across... |
Fire in the Creek variation | neighbors promenade |
Firefly Pedicabs | partners promenade - wide loop to face new neighbors ⁋ |
First Cause 1.1 | neighbors promenade |
First Night Quadrille | partners promenade along the set on the right home |
Flicker Of Fun | partners promenade across set and to the Right and along set to ... |
Flirt Delete Fling | neighbors promenade |
Flirt Delete Fling 0.2 | neighbors promenade |
Frannie's Alarm Clock | partners promenade single file ccw 1x, ladles turn around |
Friday Night Fever | partners promenade |
Further and More | partners promenade |
Furthermore | partners promenade |
Gallery Place Transfer | partners promenade |
George's Neat Reel | partners promenade on the left |
Give Me A Moment | partners promenade J-hook |
Go A Roving | partners promenade and a little more to face on the left diagonal ⁋ |
Grand Right and Left Mixer | partners promenade along the set on the right (ccw) [3] |
Groovemonger's Contra | neighbors promenade |
Hallie's Comment | neighbors promenade |
Halloween's Twisted Heart | partners promenade |
Henri and Jacqui | neighbors promenade |
Henry & Jacqui | next neighbors promenade |
Hey Fever | partners promenade |
Howl at the Moon | partners promenade |
Huckleberry Friend | neighbors promenade along the set on the left - ladles closer to... |
neighbors promenade along the set on the right Look for your... |
I Like to Walk, I Love to Dance | neighbors promenade |
Jabberwocky | neighbors promenade along the set on the left - gentlespoons on the... |
next neighbors promenade along the set on the right - ladles on the... |
Jesse & Lizzy | neighbors promenade |
Joy to the World | partners promenade and too the right little more to face new... |
Kayaking Through Popcorn | partners promenade along the set on the left single file -... |
Kimmswick Express | partners promenade along the set on the right to home |
Kiss the Bride | partners promenade |
La Bastringue, ONS var. | partners promenade along the set on the right |
La Green Bean | partners promenade along the set on the right |
La Southern Green Bean | partners promenade along the set on the right |
La String Bean | partners promenade along the set on the right |
La String Bean (reverse progression & courtesy turn variation) | partners promenade along the set on the right CCW |
Left Hand of Darkness 0.9 | partners promenade |
Like I've Known You Forever | partners promenade |
Lucky Seven | partners promenade around the ring |
Mad Scatter | partners promenade to find new group to circle with ⁋ |
Maliza's Magical Mystery Motion | neighbors promenade |
May Flies | partners promenade |
Moose Tracks | neighbors promenade along the set on the right, turn as a couple |
neighbors promenade along the set on the left, returning to your... |
Moving Day | partners promenade looping CCW to next neighbors ⁋ |
Mutual Enjoyment | partners promenade and a little more (3/4's) to face up and down in... |
Mystic to Montreal | partners promenade |
New Beginnings | partners promenade across set to face in |
New Dance ( Oscillating Contra ) | partners promenade along the set on the right counter clock wise... |
partners promenade along the set on the right come back ladles on... |
New Dance Gem | partners promenade pomenade along set to the right to face new couple |
New Dance Buffing The Floor | neighbors promenade |
New Dance Music Of The Spheres | partners promenade and a little more to face up and down set |
neighbors promenade across set and a little more to face partners |
Not a Figment of Your Imagination | partners promenade in courtesy turn position - loop wide left ⁋ |
Not a Trip to Vegas | partners promenade, shift right to next neighbors ⁋ |
Nothing Works and We Don't Know Why | neighbors promenade with a wide loop left to face shadow |
neighbors promenade along the set on the right |
November Night | neighbors promenade across |
O, Galileo! | partners promenade across and continue to face along the set (CCW) |
Opening Break | partners promenade home |
Out of the Box | partners promenade and loop left to new neighbors ⁋ |
Partner? I hardly know 'er! | next neighbors promenade and loop left to face shadows |
Passing Through | neighbors promenade |
partners promenade |
Patience | partners promenade |
Peacock | partners promenade |
Pensacola Rollaway | partners promenade |
Pete's Dark Roast | neighbors promenade |
Phinney Gaffer Becket | neighbors promenade along the set on the right clockwise + |
neighbors promenade along the set on the right counterclockwise |
Promenade Lemonade 0.1 | partners promenade along the set on the right |
Queer Contra Zig-Zag | neighbors promenade 3/4 to face partner up & down |
partners promenade 3/4 to original positions |
Razzle Dazzle | partners promenade |
Red Beard's Redder Beard | neighbors promenade across and j-hook left to face partners across |
Ribbons for Shoe Laces | partners promenade, shifting right along the side to face new... |
Rochelle’s Big Squiggle | partners promenade and loop left to next neighbors ⁋ |
Rod's Grits | partners promenade |
Rod's Grits | partners promenade |
Rod's Grits Lawn variation | partners promenade |
Rod's Velvety Lawn ("Rod's Grits Lawn" variation) | partners promenade |
Roll Away | partners promenade home |
Roll Away (variation) | partners promenade home |
Roll Away Beginner Variation | partners promenade home |
Sawdust Liquor | shadows promenade on the left |
Shadrack's Friday | partners promenade |
Simple Break 0 | partners promenade |
Single File Mixer | partners promenade to find another pair |
Sleepy Sam’s Late Night Jam | neighbors promenade and hook left one couple to face shadows |
Soarin' | partners promenade and hook to next neighbors ⁋ |
Soaring | partners promenade (looping wide left on courtesy turn) [3] ⁋ |
Speed the Plough (American Version) | neighbors promenade |
Spend Some Money Together | partners promenade |
Spend Some Time Together | partners promenade |
Spring Fever | partners promenade |
Star Three Places break | partners promenade along the set on the right to home (halfway around) |
Star of the County Alameda | partners promenade |
Star of the County Alameda variation | partners promenade |
Star of the County Alameda variation | partners promenade |
Stick With The Union (for Dorian and Chris) | partners promenade across and a little wide to progress ⁋ |
Summer Of 96 | partners promenade and to the right along the set to a new couple... |
Surfing the Set | partners promenade |
Texas Star | partners promenade home |
Texas Star Barn Dance Variation | partners promenade home |
The Bus Stop | partners promenade |
The Caller's Wife | neighbors promenade |
The Country of Marriage | neighbors promenade |
The Country of Marriage Lawn variation | neighbors promenade |
The Farmer's Bride | partners promenade |
The Farmer's Bride | partners promenade |
The Gang of Four | neighbors promenade along the set on the right |
The Lakewood Six | partners promenade across the set |
The Levi Jackson Rag | partners promenade along the set on the right 1 place ⁋ |
The Wedding Ring Circle Mixer | partners promenade the one you swung |
This Feels Backwards... | partners promenade and loop to next neighbors ⁋ |
Tica Tica Timing | neighbors promenade |
Together Again | partners promenade |
Trail Markers | partners promenade |
Tuesday Night Special | partners promenade |
neighbors promenade |
Unbelievable! | neighbors promenade |
Unknown Circle Right Left Grand | partners promenade til the top of the music |
Vallimont's Silver Hammer | neighbors promenade |
We will be back together | partners promenade |
Where's Alex? | partners promenade |
Winter is Coming | partners promenade and loop to next neighbors ⁋ |
Wrinkled Ribbon | partners promenade across & loop wide to new neighbors (J-hook) ⁋ |
Yellow Cat's Jig (Maggie Jo's Version) | partners promenade, then face the center |