Pull By Dancers



related figures: pull by direction, balance
formal parameters: who, bal, hand, beats


Dance Figure
3, 33-33
neighbors balance & pull by right
next neighbors pull by left
3rd neighbors pull by right
next neighbors pull by left
500 Miles, One Step at a Time
neighbors pull by right #1 ⁋
neighbors pull by left #2 ⁋
neighbors balance & pull by right ⁋
next neighbors pull by left ⁋
A 60th Birthday Dance (for Chris Deephouse)
gentlespoons pull by right
A Different Bride
ladles pull by right
A Peek Ahead
neighbors pull by right
next neighbors pull by left
next neighbors pull by left
A Proper Whoosh
same roles pull by right (1st neighbors)
next neighbors pull by left (same roles)
3rd neighbors pull by right (same roles)
3rd neighbors pull by right (same roles)
After the Solstice var
neighbors pull by left ⁋
Al's Safeway Produce variation with Pull-By
ladles pull by right
Andie's Blue Boot Becket
neighbors pull by left
Ants Marching
neighbors balance & pull by right
next neighbors pull by left
3rd neighbors pull by right
next neighbors pull by left
At Long Last Swing
ladles pull by left
Barber Teeny's Trampoline
neighbors pull by right
Bear Country
gentlespoons pull by left (ladles drop out)
Becky's Brouhaha
neighbors pull by right to prev neighbors
Between Buffalo and Nowhere
next neighbors pull by right
ladles pull by right across the set
Blue and Green Candles
ladles pull by right
Box the Cat
neighbors pull by right
Bring 'em home
next neighbors balance & pull by right
3rd neighbors pull by left ⁋
Caffeinated Contra
partners pull by right
Catapult! Jig
neighbors pull by right
prev neighbors pull by left
Catch a Falling Star
ladles pull by right "rolling face-to-face like a half gyre"
Clotted Cream
ladles pull by right to partner
Dancing Bears variation
gentlespoons pull by left
Dead Cat Bounce
gentlespoons pull by left
Diamonds Are a Baby's Choking Hazard
shadows pull by right
Double Rory O'S'mores 0.1
neighbors balance & pull by right ⁋
neighbors pull by left ⁋
Druzy Green
gentlespoons balance & pull by left
Dynamic Appeal
neighbors balance & pull by right along the set
neighbors balance & pull by right
Eleanor’s Reel
neighbors pull by right on right diagonal ⁋
next neighbors pull by left on left diagonal ⁋
Everything Old is New Again
gentlespoons pull by left
Expert Bits
ladles pull by right
Fat Bear's Reel
gentlespoons pull by left to start a
Flea Swats Back
neighbors pull by left to progress
Flow and Glide
gentlespoons pull by left
neighbors pull by left ⁋
Four Have Sprung
ladles pull by right
partners pull by left
Four Have Sprung
ladles pull by right
partners pull by left
Four Have Sprung variation
ladles pull by right
partners pull by left
Frannie's Frolic
partners pull by right
Frannie's Frolic
partners pull by right
George is Rettie, Willing, and Able
neighbors pull by right up and down ⁋
ladles pull by right ⁋
Give the Scout a Hand
partners pull by right (to start half-hey with hands)
gentlespoons pull by left
neighbors pull by right
ladles pull by left
Going Our Opposite Waves
ladles pull by right
partners balance & pull by right
neighbors pull by left
Grand Right and Left Mixer
partners pull by right (#1) ⁋
Hallie's Comment
partners pull by right
gentlespoons pull by left
Hello from the Pond
neighbors pull by left ⁋
InNEFFAble Idiots 0.1
ladles pull by right
Lady Mondegreen
gentlespoons balance & pull by left
Lancaster Lite
ladles pull by right
Life, the Universe, and Everything
ones pull by right
Love and Twirls
ladles pull by right across
Lucky Seven
partners pull by right - that's number 1
next neighbors pull by left - 2
next neighbors pull by right -3
next neighbors pull by left -4
next neighbors pull by right -5
next neighbors pull by left -6
Made in the Shade
partners balance & pull by right
ladles pull by left
neighbors balance & pull by right
gentlespoons pull by left
Mange Tak
gentlespoons pull by left
gentlespoons pull by left
Monday Night in Ballard
neighbors pull by right
Monday Night in Ballard
neighbors pull by right
Napkin #11
ladles pull by right
neighbors pull by right ⁋
New Dance Dance Song
ladles pull by left to face neighbor
No Title WIP
partners pull by left
Not So Fast
neighbors pull by right
next neighbors pull by left
Oh Hi, Turtle!
neighbors pull by right
next neighbors pull by left
next neighbors pull by left
O’More for Me, Then
ladles pull by left
Page Turner
partners balance & pull by right
neighbors pull by left to new long waves
Partner? I hardly know 'er!
3rd neighbors pull by right
gentlespoons pull by left across
shadows pull by right along to partners
Petronella Stars
ladles pull by right changing places ⁋
gentlespoons pull by right changing places
Pink Martini
gentlespoons pull by right
Rant and Roar variation
gentlespoons pull by left
Reel Easy
neighbors pull by right to next neighbors ⁋
Reel Me Across the Ocean
gentlespoons pull by left (swing through)
Return to Sender
partners pull by right into
Return to Sender variation
partners pull by right into
Rim of the Sky
shadows pull by right
Rochelle's Grand Adventure
neighbors pull by right
next neighbors pull by left
3rd neighbors pull by right
4th neighbors pull by left
neighbors pull by right (5th, not 1st)
next neighbors pull by left (6th, not 2nd)
3rd neighbors pull by right (7th, not 3rd)
4th neighbors pull by left (8th, not 4th)
neighbors pull by right (9th, not 1st)
4th neighbors pull by left (8th, not 4th)
3rd neighbors pull by right (7th, not 3rd)
next neighbors pull by left (6th, not 2nd)
neighbors pull by right (5th, not 1st)
4th neighbors pull by left
3rd neighbors pull by right
next neighbors pull by left
Rochelle’s Big Squiggle
neighbors pull by left
Rockin' Robin
gentlespoons pull by right
Rory O'S'mores
neighbors balance & pull by right ⁋
Salute to Larry Jennings
neighbors pull by right
next neighbors pull by left
3rd neighbors pull by right
3rd neighbors pull by right
next neighbors pull by left
Salute to Larry Jennings (Larry Jennings variation)
neighbors pull by right
next neighbors pull by left
3rd neighbors pull by right
3rd neighbors pull by right
next neighbors pull by left
Salute to Larry Jennings (original)
neighbors pull by right
next neighbors pull by left
3rd neighbors pull by right
3rd neighbors pull by right
next neighbors pull by left
Sarah's Journey
gentlespoons pull by left
ladles pull by left
Saturday Night in Indianapolis
gentlespoons pull by left
partners pull by right
Shadows of St. Louis
partners pull by right
shadows pull by left
2nd shadows pull by right
2nd shadows pull by right
shadows pull by left
Snake Oil Reel
ladles pull by left
Spider Jive
neighbors pull by left into
Spring Break
gentlespoons pull by left
partners pull by right
Star Colonnade
gentlespoons balance & pull by left ⁋
Starry Eyes
neighbors pull by left ⁋
Summer of '84
gentlespoons pull by right - next gentlespoon is on left diagonal
Summer of '84
gentlespoons pull by right
ladles balance & pull by right, face a new neighbor...
gentlespoons balance & pull by right, turn back in
Superballin' (KW transcription)
ladles balance & pull by right to face new neighbor...
gentlespoons balance & pull by right; let go and turn to face...
Superballin' (by Jack Laurel) variation
gentlespoons balance & pull by right, face a new neighbor...
ladles balance & pull by right, turn back in
Superficial Tradition
neighbors pull by right across
neighbors pull by left across (same neighbors)
neighbors pull by right across (same neighbors)
neighbors pull by left across (same neighbors)
Sweet Home Petronella
neighbors pull by right
neighbors pull by right
neighbors pull by right
next neighbors pull by left
3rd neighbors pull by right
Take a Dance (adaptation)
partners pull by right
neighbors pull by right ⁋
partners pull by right
neighbors pull by right
The Big Bicep
partners pull by right across
The Birds and the Fleas
neighbors pull by left
The Dance of Deception
partners pull by right
The Hobbit
neighbors pull by right
The Set Monster
ladles balance & pull by right to 2nd neighbors ⁋
next neighbors pull by left ⁋
The Tropical Gentleman
partners pull by right
The Tugboat
neighbors pull by left ⁋
Three Thirty-Three
neighbors pull by right
next neighbors pull by left
3rd neighbors pull by right
next neighbors pull by left
Trip Two
ladles pull by right diagonal to new neighbors ⁋
gentlespoons pull by left
Trip to Chicago
neighbors pull by right across the set
first corners pull by left
gentlespoons pull by left
Wizard's Walk Ted Steele A2
neighbors pull by right "mini grand right left"
partners pull by left
neighbors pull by right
partners pull by left
Write Triangles
same roles balance & pull by right
shadows pull by left
You're Among Friends variation with pull by variation
gentlespoons pull by left
Zoom Contra #1
partners pull by right
partners balance & pull by right
shadows pull by left
2nd shadows pull by right
shadows pull by right
neighbors pull by left ⁋
next neighbors pull by right
3rd neighbors pull by left
4th neighbors pull by right
3rd neighbors pull by left

Dances without Pull By Dancers

Moves Sharing a Dance with Pull By Dancers


allemande orbit


balance the ring

box circulate

box the gnat

butterfly whirl

California twirl



contra corners

cross trails


do si do

down the hall

figure 8

form a long wave

form an ocean wave

form long waves

give & take



long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by

pass through




pull by direction

revolving door

right left through

roll away

Rory O'More

see saw


slide along set

square through


star promenade

swat the flea


turn alone

up the hall

zig zag

Moves Preceding Pull By Dancers



balance the ring

box the gnat




do si do

form a long wave

form an ocean wave


long lines

pass through



pull by dancers

roll away

Rory O'More

slide along set

square through


swat the flea


turn alone

Moves Following Pull By Dancers


allemande orbit


box the gnat




do si do

down the hall

form an ocean wave



mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by


pull by dancers

pull by direction

see saw

square through


swat the flea


turn alone