Steel Anniversary Reel

hook: roll away to mad ladle

by: Rick Mohr

formation: improper

A1 4
long lines forward
gentlespoons roll away neighbors with a half sashay on the way back
mad robin, gentlespoons in front
A2 2
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
partners meltdown swing
B1 8
circle left 3 places
neighbors allemande right 1½
B2 8
gentlespoons start a half hey - lefts in center, rights on ends
neighbors swing ⁋

Source with videos:

Rick's Notes:

"The "Mad Ladle" figure, borrowed from the English country dance of the same name, has shown up in a number of contra dances; I think it fits particularly nicely in this sequence. Dancers walk the path of a neighbor dosido but face their partner across the set throughout, keeping eye contact. Since the figure is unfamiliar to many dancers it can help to first walk a neighbor dosido and then repeat the same track keeping partner eye contact.

While backing up in long lines in A1, gentlespoons roll their new neighbor from left to right. Then neighbors pull sideways into the Mad Ladle, with gentlespoons passing in front of their neighbor but keeping eye contact with their partner across the set. After one revolution, gentlespoons cross the set passing left shoulders to gypsy and swing partner.

For David and Cynthia Simonoff on their 11th anniversary, commissioned by our mutual friend Karen Geer in a Pinewoods auction."


user: Nicholas Rockstroh

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