Juicy Fruity Chewy

hook: Starburst to interrupted-poussette-like half hey

by: Rochelle Starrett

formation: Becket

A1 8
ladles give & take neighbors
neighbors swing
A2 8
ladles start a half hey - rights in center, lefts on ends - ladles ricochet
left diagonal ladles chain to next neighbors
B1 10
star left 5 places
starburst counter-clockwise 2 (arc past shadows; partners) ⁋
B2 6
gentlespoons start a half hey - lefts in center, rights on ends - ladles ricochet
partners swing

Seth's description of the starburst figure: "starburst: ladles lead next neighbors out of the set 2 steps, turn left 1/4, walk w/next neighbors side by side up or down the set 3 steps to pass next couple (incl. partners), turn left 1/4, gentlespoons lead next neighbors back into the set."

In this case, the B2 half hey interrupts the starburst, a bit like Cupids Clout by Susan Petrick or Companion Piece by Isaac Banner, with gentlespoons weaving in front of their partners as they reenter the set. Don't slide all the way back into the set like Fireworks for Janet by Seth Tepfer -- if you pass your partner by the left too, you've gone too far.


user: Isaac Banner

shared everywhere


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toggle validations for common dance entry errors, e.g. typing 'gentlemen' when you're using 'leads'