Pass Through



related figures: pass by
formal parameters: dir, shoulder, beats


Dance Figure
pass through across the set to ocean wave of 4
40 Mohr Years
pass through ⁋
A Becket Full of Butterflies
pass through across the set
A Long Way to Glow
pass through ⁋
pass through ⁋
Across the Pond
pass through
Ad Vielle (Oddville)
pass through to next neighbors ⁋
After the Solstice
pass through ⁋
After the Solstice (AC version)
pass through
Airpants, Bradley Smith pass through
pass through to new neighbors ⁋
Almond Joy
pass through
pass through ⁋
Another Cure for the Claps
pass through ⁋
Another Easy One
pass through ⁋
Another Nice Combination
pass through
Another Nice Combination variation
pass through
pass through to next neighbors
Another Nice Combination variation
pass through
Another Nice Slice
pass through
Ants Marching
pass through ⁋
Apples and Caramel
pass through ⁋
Arizona Becket
pass through across the set
Ashokan Hello (var.)
pass through to new neighbors ⁋
Autumn Air
pass through ⁋
Autumn Leaves
pass through ⁋
Autumn Leaves variation
pass through ⁋
Back on the Interstate
pass through to next neighbors ⁋
Barack Me, Obamadeus
pass through by the left ⁋
Batja's Breakdown
pass through across the set to an ocean wave, ladles in the center...
Be Here Now
pass through ⁋
Beck and Call
pass through ⁋
Becket Eyes
pass through across the set
Bettine (var)
pass through across the set
pass through
pass through
Blueberry Highway
pass through to next neighbors ⁋
Bobbin' Robin
pass through ⁋
pass through across the set
pass through
Breakup Breakdown
pass through across the set
pass through (to new couple) ⁋
Brown Bag Reel
pass through ⁋
Brown Bag Reel
pass through ⁋
Buffalo Stampede
pass through to next neighbors ⁋
Bumbling in the Shower
pass through across the set, turn right 90 degrees
pass through ⁋
Butterfly On the Wing
pass through across the set gentlespoons pass left in center
Cal and Irene
pass through ⁋
Carla's Stomp
pass through to face a new Neighbor ⁋
Cats and More Cats
pass through ⁋
Cats and More Cats
pass through to next neighbors ⁋
Centrifugal Hey
pass through ⁋
Chasing Butterflies
pass through to next neighbors ⁋
Cheat Lake Twirl
pass through ⁋
Chinese Pickles 0.1
pass through ⁋
Chippenham Square
pass through
Chorus Jig II
pass through, ones split the twos ⁋
Christmas '96
pass through
Christmas '96 variation
pass through ⁋
Companion Piece
pass through across the set and turn alone
Compost Pile Breakdown
pass through to home
Constellation Contra
pass through left shoulders across the set Gentlespoons to neighbor
Cross Hey
pass through to next neighbors ⁋
Dave Found the Missing Coffee Cup
pass through past partners to face shadows
Debra's Dance
pass through across the set
Diagonal Discovery
pass through with shadows ⁋
Diane's Been There
pass through to an ocean wave
pass through to a new line of 3 ⁋
Dogleg Left - Par Five
pass through to next neighbors ⁋
Early Evening Rollaway
pass through ⁋
Easily Led Lad
pass through
Eeyore's Excuse
pass through ⁋
pass through ⁋
Eleanor’s Reel
pass through ⁋
pass through
Fairport Harbor pass through B2
pass through across the set
Fan in the Doorway
pass through ⁋
First Cause 1.1
pass through ⁋
First Hey
pass through
First dance
pass through ⁋
First dance variation
pass through ⁋
First dance variation
pass through ⁋
First dance variation
pass through ⁋
Flirt Delete Fling
pass through ⁋
Flirt Delete Fling 0.2
pass through ⁋
Flow and Glide
pass through right shoulders
Folklife Noodles
pass through to next neighbors ⁋
Fun With Alex
pass through ⁋
pass through ⁋
pass through across the set
pass through across the set
Gaye's Groove
pass through across the set
Gene's Genius
pass through to next neighbors ⁋
George is Rettie, Willing, and Able
pass through across the set
Giant Robot Dance
pass through ⁋
Give Me A Moment
pass through across the set
Good Friday
pass through across the set
Grand Western Canal
pass through
pass through ⁋
Grit and Grist
pass through across the set
Halloween Parade
pass through up & down, face partner ⁋
Ham Wiggle Makes Me Giggle
pass through
Happy Birthday
pass through ⁋
Haste to the Wedding
pass through ⁋
Heart and Home
pass through across the set
Heart of Glass
pass through ⁋
Heartbreak Contra
pass through ⁋
Hey the Line
pass through ⁋
Higgs Boson
pass through ⁋
Hold on to your Hats
pass through straight ahead to new neighbors
Hot Summer Nights
pass through and form a wave with new neighbors - right to...
Hotpoint Deluxe
pass through
Hume Fogg Reel
pass through
I Like to Walk, I Love to Dance
pass through
I Wanna Dance
pass through ⁋
In Cahoots
pass through to form an ocean wave with shadows
Inflation Reel
pass through (to new neighbors) ⁋
It's the Flow, Stupid!
pass through across the set (with a courtesy turn, right and left...
Jim to the Rescue
pass through across the set
Jonjak's Jaunty Jaunt
pass through up and down ⁋
Joy is an Act of Resistance
pass through ⁋
Jubilation Permutation
pass through ⁋
Kimberly's Here
pass through
Kimmswick Express
pass through to face Sides
Kiss the Bride
pass through ⁋
Kowalski's Back Room II
pass through ⁋
Last Hey
pass through ⁋
Like I've Known You Forever
pass through ⁋
Luna in the Library
pass through
Luna in the Library var.
pass through
Mad Orbin
pass through ⁋
Mad Slice
pass through ⁋
Mad Slice variation
pass through ⁋
Mad, Mad World
pass through across the set
Mary Keith's Harmonium
pass through across the set (partner right)
pass through along the set (neighbor right)
Maximum Fun, Minimum Variation
pass through to next neighbors ⁋
pass through left diagonal (next neighbors right), gentlespoons...
Melted Butter (W.M.)
pass through ⁋
Memories of a Dance I Haven't Met variation
pass through across the set
Mirror, Mirror var
pass through across the set
Missing Duck
pass through ⁋
pass through across the set gentlespoons to face partner
Moon Dance / Sun Dance
pass through ⁋
pass through ⁋
Mountains in Sunny Windows
pass through
pass through (walk forward) ⁋
Moving Day
pass through to shadows
Mutual Enjoyment
pass through (the first time just swing neighbor
Mystic to Montreal
pass through
New Dance [ Rumble }
pass through across the set
New Dance (Riding The Waves )
pass through straight ahead to new wave of four
New Dance Contra Connection
pass through to ocean wave of four
New Dance Partner Fun
pass through left shoulders across the set gentlespoons to face...
New Dance ( Wave Surfing )
pass through in line of direction to new wave of four
New Dance Ice cream La Mode
pass through across the set gentlespoons pass left in center to...
Night Lace
pass through across the set Just the ladles
Northeast on Southwest
pass through
Not My Second Rodeo
pass through ⁋
Not So Fast
pass through ⁋
Nutella Petronella
pass through to partners
On the Rebound
pass through past shadow ⁋
One Good Tern Deserves Another Tern
pass through with partner
One Way or Another
pass through to next neighbors ⁋
Out of the Box
pass through
Partner? I hardly know 'er!
pass through ⁋
Peak Bagger
pass through ⁋
Pebbles in my Boots
pass through ⁋
Pedal Pushers
pass through across the set to face out
pass through ⁋
Phoebe's Becket
pass through ⁋
Pigeon-hey Principle
pass through ⁋
Pinball Wizard
pass through ⁋
Plain Vanilla
pass through to next neighbors ⁋
Push the Button
pass through ⁋
Queen Lea's Frolic
pass through across the set
pass through to next neighbors ⁋
Quesadilla on the Half Shell
pass through across the set, reform line across coming up the hall...
pass through ⁋
Red Beard's Redder Beard
pass through
Reel to Reel
pass through (improper here) ⁋
Request and Receive B
pass through across the set
Robin Shall Restore Amends
pass through ⁋
Rock the Cradle, Joe
pass through to new waves ⁋
Rock the Cradle, Joe
pass through to next neighbors ⁋
Rod's Grits
pass through ⁋
Rod's Grits
pass through to new neighbors ⁋
Rod's Grits Lawn variation
pass through to new neighbors ⁋
Roses on the Road
pass through
Royal Wedding
pass through to next neighbors
Rusty Frame
pass through ⁋
Salmonella Evening
pass through ⁋
pass through
Seige of Ennis
pass through ⁋
Separation Anxiety
pass through ⁋
Simple Gifts
pass through ⁋
Sleeping With The Hounds
pass through ⁋
pass through across the set
Spin Break
pass through,walk forward to new wave
Spring Break
pass through and form a ring ⁋
Spring Break (variation)
pass through ⁋
Spring Greens
pass through to a wave and balance
Springtime in Philly
pass through across the set and turn right 90 degrees
Star Through
pass through
pass through and CROSS trail
pass through
Start Your Engines
pass through passing partner; going to shadow
pass through ⁋
Start Your Zoom
pass through; pass your partner by the right to find your shadow
Still More O'Moore
pass through ⁋
Stir Crazy
pass through
Stoolie's Jig
pass through across the set to meet on the other side
Strollin' Outta Barstow
pass through
Summer Sunshine
pass through to next neighbors ⁋
Summer in Summerland
pass through
Sun Dance and Moon Dance
pass through ⁋
pass through ⁋
Susan's Slide
pass through across the set
pass through across the set
Susie's Send-Off
pass through ⁋
Sving Træbenet
pass through ⁋
Sweet Home Petronella
pass through
Sweet Vicki
pass through
Tempus Fugit
pass through across the set (two #1 couples in center of set)
Tetrahymena Twirl
pass through across the set
The Big Easy
pass through
The Big Easy variation
pass through ⁋
The Caller's Wife
pass through ⁋
The Eyes Have Hills
pass through across the set
The Hobbit
pass through
The Law Firm of Rob and Sue
pass through ⁋
The Merry-Go-Round (Das Ringelspiel)
pass through ⁋
The Mud Dragon
pass through
The Queen Bee
pass through ⁋
The Queen Bee (folk processed version)
pass through ⁋
The Reunion
pass through ⁋
The Triangle Inequality
pass through to partners ⁋
The Weekend Warrior
pass through to new neighbors ⁋
The Wild Woman From North Carolina
pass through (to new neighbors) ⁋
The Wild Woman From North Carolina (original)
pass through ⁋
The Wrong Way
pass through across the set
The Young Adult Rose
pass through past partners
The Young Adult Rose
pass through
The Young Adult Rose var
pass through
This Dance is, Jess, For You
pass through to original place
Through the Looking Glass
pass through ⁋
pass through across the set
To Have and to Hold
pass through across the set
Too Hot to Trot var.
pass through ⁋
pass through ⁋
Travels with Rick and Kim
pass through across the set
Trip to Falmouth
pass through ⁋
Trip to Richmond Centre Mall
pass through to new neighbors ⁋
Trip to Shorebird
pass through ⁋
Trip to Wilson
pass through and walk single file to new star ⁋
Uncharted Seas
pass through to next neighbors ⁋
Valerie's Trip to Portland
pass through across the set
Van Is My Middle Name
pass through across the set
pass through, 2s shooting the 1s down the center ⁋
Walking on Air
pass through across the set
pass through left shoulders ⁋
West By Midwest
pass through ⁋
pass through ⁋
Wilderness Road
pass through across the set and turn alone to face back in
pass through along the set to next neighbors ⁋
Wildflowers A
pass through ⁋
Winter in Winterland
pass through, walk forward to new neighbors ⁋
Woven Waves
pass through up and down ⁋
You Can Get To Good Friday From Here
pass through across the set
Zoom Contra #4
pass through
Zoom Contra #7
pass through

Dances without Pass Through

Moves Sharing a Dance with Pass Through


allemande orbit

arch & dive


balance the ring

box circulate

box the gnat

butterfly whirl

California twirl



cross trails


do si do

down the hall

facing star

figure 8

form a long wave

form an ocean wave

form long waves


give & take



long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by




pull by dancers

revolving door

right left through

roll away

Rory O'More

see saw


slide along set

square through

stand still


star promenade

swat the flea


turn alone

up the hall

zig zag

Moves Preceding Pass Through


arch & dive


balance the ring

butterfly whirl




down the hall

form an ocean wave


long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing



revolving door

roll away


slide along set


up the hall

Moves Following Pass Through


allemande orbit


balance the ring

box the gnat

California twirl



do si do

down the hall

form an ocean wave




mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by



pull by dancers

roll away

Rory O'More

see saw



turn alone

up the hall