Surfing the Cays

hook: Backbeat balanced circulates, mary cay progression

by: Isaac Banner

formation: Becket

A1 8
circle left 3 places
neighbors swing
A2 8
gentlespoons allemande left 1½
partners allemande right ¾
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out - and balance
B1 4
box circulate - gentlespoons cross while ladles loop right
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out - and balance
ladles allemande right ½ - ¾ while gentlespoons loop right
ladles form a long wave in the center
ladles allemande left ¾ with next, gentlespoons shift left ⁋
B2 16
partners balance & swing

Cay (/ˈkiː/ KEE), because I'm the worst kind of caller and because choreo inside jokes are my bread and butter.

Too many box circulate dances have either:
* All the circulates starting in the A1, or -
* All the circulates starting in the B1 leading up to a partner swing
Both cases have the balances on the beat, but there are lots of dances with other waves balances on the back-beat (any pass through to an ocean wave + balance, for example). Box circulates need a little more back-beat love, in my opinion.

Make sure dancers end the B2 swing across from their next neighbors, so they don't end up sawtooth. It can help to have ladles ID their same-role next neighbors in the allemande so they can orient the gentlespoons.


user: Isaac Banner

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