hook: Continuous Mad Ladle and contra corners
formation: improper
A1 | 4 | balance the ring
4 | gentlespoons roll away neighbors with a half sashay
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8 | mad robin, gentlespoons in front, look for next neighbors ⁋
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A2 | 8 | mad robin, gentlespoons in front with next neighbors
8 | ones right hand balance & box the gnat
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B1 | 16 | ones contra corners
B2 | 16 | ones balance & swing
The first Contra Corners dance that I ever wrote. Written for Rosie Wildman from Columbus, OH in honor of her highschool graduation; she said the Mad Ladle and Contra Corners were her favorite figures, and I was happy to rise to the challenge. This is technically a variation I used at Dance Trance 2016, but I greatly prefer it to the original. Alternate active couples for a more equal experience.