hook: upbeat, with star through
by: Bob Golder
formation: improper
A1 | 8 | gentlespoons allemande left 1½ to face partner
8 | partners start a half hey - rights on ends, lefts in center
| |
A2 | 16 | partners balance & swing, end facing neighbor across the set, give inside hand to neighbor
B1 | 4 | neighbors balance (gentlespoons right hand, ladles left hand)
4 | star through
| |
4 | balance the ring (same 4)
| |
4 | petronella
| |
B2 | 16 | neighbors balance & swing (same neighor) ⁋
Bob Golder notes: I wrote "Fun Dance for Linda" fourteen years ago, and first called it on May 15, 2004. I think it truly is a fun dance, and so did Linda, but I called it infrequently - whenever Linda was on the dance floor, and I was on stage, and those gigs were few and far between. I thank Lisa Greenleaf for including "Fun Dance for Linda" at Linda's celebration of life at the Concord Scout House on May 20. There are no circle-left figures in this lively and upbeat dance, which makes it a nice choice at times to drop into an otherwise-circly program.