hook: 4 face 4 with stars
by: Ceilidh
formation: four face four
Dancers line up in lines of four people or two couples, facing another line of four.
Tagged: Ar Rince Foirne
A1 | 4 | advance & retire
4 | advance & retire
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4 | divide couples, left couple 7s behind couple to right, rise& grind
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4 | divide couples, left couple 7s behind couple to right, rise & grind
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A2 | 4 | centers star right while sides allemande right
4 | centers star left while sides allemande left
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4 | advance & retire
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0 | line facing the music raises their arms
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4 | pass through ⁋
1 Advance & Retire
2 Sides
3 Hands Across--centers star right then left. Outsides star right then left
4 Advance, Retire, & pass through
Sides: The ladle and gentlespoon in the middle of each line drop hands and the couples now sidestep as a pair with the other couple in their line. The couple to the left sevens behind the couple to the right and ends with a rise and grind. The couples sidestep again (couples going right go behind) and rise and grind again.