by: Cary Ravitz
formation: Becket
Face your partner, your shadow is beyond your partner, your second shadow is behind you.
A1 | 4 | long lines forward
4 | gentlespoons roll away partners with a half sashay
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4 | slice left with your shadows toward 2nd neighbor - take hands with 2nd neighbors and face shadows
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4 | slice ricochet diagonal back with 2nd neighbor (ladles are now on the left, partners are across the set) - ladles have crossed the set
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A2 | 8 | star left 4 places - look away from the star for 1st neighbor
8 | neighbors swing
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B1 | 4 | slice left with 1st neighbor, toward 2nd shadows - take hands with 2nd shadows and face 1st neighbor
4 | slice ricochet diagonal back with 2nd shadows (ladles are now on the left, partners are beside you in a different minor set) - ladles have crossed the set
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8 | star left 4 places - look away from the star for your partners
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B2 | 16 | partners balance & swing ⁋
This dance has multiple individual progressions. Be alert on the ends.
On the ends, for the left diagonal figure, if there is a couple out, that couple should participate in the figure. If there is not a couple out, the odd couple should just cross the set.
The forward to the left, back to the right with your opposite figure is simplified from Bases Loaded by Jim Saxe, Lydee Scudder, and Tom Thoreau.