


formal parameters: slide, slice increment, slice return, beats


Dance Figure
Across the Ohio
slice left and straight back ⁋
Angels' Rib 0.1 ALTERATION
slice right ⁋
Angels' Rib 0.1 TESTING
slice right ⁋
Another Jig Will Do
slice left and straight back ⁋
Another Nice Slice
slice left and straight back ⁋
Bev's Becket A
slice left and straight back ⁋
Blurring the Lines
slice left and straight back ⁋
Butterfly On the Wing
slice left and straight back to new couple
Cheaters Swing Reel 0.1
slice left and diagonal back (double progression) ⁋
Crystal Prelude
slice left and straight back ⁋
Crystal Prelude variation
slice left and straight back ⁋
Cut to the Jack (for Annie)
slice left and straight back ⁋
Debra's Dance
slice left and straight back ⁋
Double Joy
slice left and ladles take new neighbor ⁋
Entangled in Monte Carlo
slice left (long lines slice) ⁋
Fat Bear's Reel
slice left ⁋
Fatal Attraction
slice left ⁋
Frannie's Fabulous Folklife
slice left and straight back ⁋
Fruit Punch
slice left and straight back ⁋
Gateway to Julian #1
slice left and straight back
Green Lake Twirl
slice left ⁋
Guacamole Contra
slice right and straight back To face new neighbor
Half & Half
slice left and straight back with partners to face new couple
Hey Man
slice left and straight back ⁋
Hot Buttered Rolls
slice left, on the way back ⁋
I've Got Your Shadow Cornered
slice left ⁋
Indifferential Equations
slice left and straight back ⁋
Jalapeno Contra
slice left and straight back
Lavender Weave
slice left, and on the way back, robins roll your partner away ⁋
slice left and straight back to face new neighbors
Love variation
slice left and straight back to face new neighbors
Mad Slice
slice left and diagonal back
Mad Slice variation
slice left and diagonal back
Neighbor Tease
slice left and straight back
New Dance Magic Ring
slice left and straight back with partner to face new neighbors
New Dance { Ocean Wave Of Joy}
slice left and straight back to face new couple ⁋
New Dance Banjo Moon
slice left and straight back with neighbor
New Dance Dance Muse
slice left and straight back
New Dance Swing in' Tern
slice left and straight back to meet couple with partner
New Dance Tambourine
slice left and straight back to face new couple
New Dance Dance Song
slice right and straight back to face new couple
New Dance Rum & Barley
slice left and straight back to face new couple ⁋
slice left and straight back TO FACE NEW COUPLE
New Dance A Moment In Time
slice left and straight back the first couple you meet bounce off...
New Dance Cos'mos
slice left and straight back to new couple
New Dance Red White Blue
slice left and straight back with neighbors and come back straight
Pizza Shop
slice left and straight back ⁋
Power Surge
slice left and straight back ⁋
Projectile Possums
slice left and straight back ⁋
Projectile Possums Variant
slice left and straight back, ladles roll away partners with a half...
Ring a ding
slice left and straight back come back to face right
Ring a ding ding and ding
slice left and straight back to face partner on the right diagonal...
Road to Yesterday
slice left ⁋
Shadow Nova
slice left and straight back ⁋
Shadow Nova variation
slice left and straight back ⁋
Shift Happens
slice left and straight back
Sleepy Sam’s Late Night Jam
slice left ⁋
Slice and Dice
slice left with your shadows toward 2nd neighbor - take hands with...
slice left with 1st neighbor, toward 2nd shadows - take hands with...
Slice of Pie
slice left and straight back with new neighbors ⁋
Slice your neighbor
slice left and straight back ⁋
Slice your neighbor, Halloween version
slice left and straight back ⁋
Smooth move
slice left and straight back to face new couple
slice left and straight back ⁋
Spin Blend
slice left and straight back ⁋
Stars in Our Eyes
slice left and straight back ⁋
Susan's Slide
slice left and straight back ⁋
The Erik Effect
slice left (Yearn to new Neighbor) ⁋
The Pizza Democracy
slice left ⁋
Thundering Lagoons
slice left and straight back, ladles roll away partners ⁋
Tom's Queue-less Carousel
slice left and straight back and gentlespoons pull neighbor ⁋
Uncommon Corners
slice left and straight back
Want guidance? Will Mentor
slice left and straight back ⁋
Zag it Back
slice left and straight back ⁋

Dances without Slice

Moves Sharing a Dance with Slice


allemande orbit


balance the ring

box circulate

box the gnat

butterfly whirl

California twirl



contra corners


do si do

down the hall

form a long wave

form an ocean wave

form long waves


give & take



long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by

pass through




pull by dancers

right left through

roll away

Rory O'More

slide along set

square through


star promenade


up the hall

zig zag

Moves Preceding Slice

butterfly whirl




long lines

meltdown swing

right left through

roll away

star promenade


Moves Following Slice


allemande orbit




do si do

give & take



long lines

mad robin

pass through


right left through

roll away

square through

