Pass By



related figures: hey, half hey, pass through
formal parameters: who, shoulder, beats


Dance Figure
Happy Days
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders gentlespoons cross left...
Contra Verve
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders to reform circle on the other...
3 Places Left
ones pass by left shoulders – across and out the side
500 Miles, One Step at a Time
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
A Gentle Turn
neighbors pass by right shoulders
ladles pass by left shoulders
A New Idea
shadows pass by right shoulders
A Ravitzingly Rosy Recombination
partners pass by right shoulders along the set
Across the Ohio
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
Another Trip to Germany
ladles pass by right shoulders
Balance and Cross
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders
ladles pass by right shoulders
Be Happy
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders gentlespoons go straight...
Blackberry Trace
ladles pass by right shoulders
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders gentlespoons go straight to...
Blue River
neighbors pass by right shoulders - current neighbor
neighbors pass by right shoulders - current neighbor
Bubbling Bob
ladles pass by right shoulders in center
Buffalo Stampede
partners pass by right shoulders
Carla's Stomp
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders
Carrot Cake and Candles
partners pass by right shoulders
Cherry Pie
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders gentlespoon go straight across...
Chris' Poetic Orangutan
ladles pass by left shoulders
partners pass by right shoulders
Chris's Poetic Orangutan
ladles pass by left shoulders
partners pass by right shoulders
Coming Home
partners pass by right shoulders
partners pass by right shoulders
Complimentary Contra
ladles pass by right shoulders
Constellation Contra
ladles pass by right shoulders (ladles trade right shoulder
Cotillion Maze
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders in center to face partner
Cretaceous Companions
neighbors pass by right shoulders
Cut to the Jack (for Annie)
partners pass by left shoulders
Dave Found the Missing Coffee Cup (reupload)
partners pass by right shoulders
ladles pass by right shoulders
Dipping Dots
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders
Dolphiniums & Daisies
ladles pass by right shoulders
Double Joy
ladles pass by left shoulders
ladles pass by left shoulders
Fezziwig Contra
ladles pass by left shoulders to form long wave on the side of set...
Fiddle Tales
ones pass by right shoulders
ones pass by right shoulders
Flapjack Express
shadows pass by right shoulders to 2nd shadows
shadows pass by right shoulders
ladles pass by right shoulders
Fun Dance for Marjorie
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
ladles pass by right shoulders and take RH as they pass
Genet's Recall
ones pass by right shoulders
Gold Star Wednesday
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders To meet partner
Grab Bag
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
Hallie's Comment
ladles pass by right shoulders
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders (loop right to progress) ⁋
Halloween Parade
ladles pass by left shoulders
Heyward Address
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders, ladles shift right
Hope You Like It
neighbors pass by right shoulders ⁋
Huckleberry Friend
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders ⁋
In the Mood
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
next neighbors pass by right shoulders
next neighbors pass by right shoulders
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
Joys of Quebec variation
ones pass by right shoulders
Jurassic Redheads
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders
Kidwell's Graces
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders across
Lads of Ohio
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
Lanny's Back
ladles pass by right shoulders
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders
Mad Robin in Love
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
Mad Slice
shadows pass by left shoulders
Mad Slice variation
shadows pass by left shoulders
Mad, Mad World
ladles pass by left shoulders
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders to next neighbors and form a...
Mirror, Mirror
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
Mirror, Mirror var
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
More for your Money
ladles pass by right shoulders
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders [ladles turn in place]
ladles pass by right shoulders [gentlespoons turn in place]
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders [ladles turn in place]
New Beginnings
ladles pass by right shoulders ladles go straight to neighbor
New Dance Cyclone
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders gentlespoon go straight across...
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders gentlespoons cross straight...
New Dance Furious
ladles pass by right shoulders ladles cross to partner
New Dance { Dancing On The Ceiling )
next neighbors pass by left shoulders
New Dance Gem
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders to face partner
New Dance Locking Hearts
ladles pass by right shoulders
New Dance Night Owl
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders in center to face partner on...
New Dance Golden Nights
ladles pass by right shoulders to face partner
New Dance Mars & Moon
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders to face partner
New Dance Boffo
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders and go to partner on the other...
New Dance Dancing ON My Own
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders Swing thru
New Dance Fun Frolic
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders to face partner
New Dance Me And My Two Shadow
partners pass by right shoulders
New England Sweethearts
ladles pass by right shoulders
Oh Hi, Turtle!
ladles pass by right shoulders straight across
Paloma's Becket
neighbors pass by right shoulders ⁋
Pensacola Rollaway
next neighbors pass by left shoulders
Piece of Cake
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
Piece of Cake variation
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
ladles pass by right shoulders
Pixie Star
neighbors pass by right shoulders
Pooh Bear's Holiday
ladles pass by left shoulders
Rant and Roar
ladles pass by left shoulders
Red & Green Chilly
neighbors pass by right shoulders
neighbors pass by right shoulders
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders
Red Beard's Redder Beard
ladles pass by left shoulders across
Rick's Triplet #2
ones pass by right shoulders
ones pass by right shoulders
Rollicking Good Time
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders to reach partners( swing thru)
Rollin' Outta Barstow
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders ++++
Rollin' Outta Barstow
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders straight across set to partner...
Rory O'More
ones pass by right shoulders
Sail Back to Aptos
partners pass by right shoulders across and continue facing out
twos pass by right shoulders with first ladle once more to home side
Seaworld (alternating version)
twos pass by right shoulders with first ladle once more to home side
ones pass by right shoulders with second ladle once more to home side
Seven Sevens
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
Shining Eyes
neighbors pass by right shoulders
neighbors pass by right shoulders
Shoot to the Middle (variation)
neighbors pass by left shoulders
Silver Sea
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders, first ladle f0llow first...
Snow Dance
ladles pass by right shoulders
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders
Sounds Like a Match
ladles pass by left shoulders
Spider Jive
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders
Splashdance Special
ladles pass by left shoulders
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
Star Trek
ladles pass by right shoulders
Steel Anniversary Reel
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
The Amazing Return
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders (same gentlespoons from the hey)
shadows pass by right shoulders ⁋
2nd shadows pass by right shoulders ⁋
The Amazing Sarah Wilcox
partners pass by right shoulders
neighbors pass by left shoulders
partners pass by right shoulders, stay facing out
The Birds and the Fleas
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders to cross set, ladles turn over...
The Emptied Crack
next neighbors pass by right shoulders
The Law Firm of Rob and Sue
partners pass by left shoulders along
The Tropical Gentleman
partners pass by right shoulders up & down
Three Ceremonies
ladles pass by right shoulders to cross the set
Three Klicks North
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
Triassic Poetry
neighbors pass by right shoulders
Trip to Brown University
neighbors pass by right shoulders
ladles pass by left shoulders
Trip to Wilson
ladles pass by right shoulders
Twist Of Destiny
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
Uncharted Seas
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders
Weave Well Enough Alone
partners pass by right shoulders
Where Gnome Ann Has Gone Before
ladles pass by right shoulders
Where is Tim's Cup?
partners pass by right shoulders along set to face a shadow
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders in center to face partner
Wicked Smooth (Becket Version (Primary))
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders to cross
Wicked Smooth (Duple Improper Version)
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders to cross
Wings Of A Dove
gentlespoons pass by left shoulders to face partner
Winter in Winterland
next neighbors pass by right shoulders (across the set, to set up a...
You're My Bing
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders
[Title of Contra]
neighbors pass by right shoulders
¡Que Linda!
gentlespoons pass by right shoulders across

Dances without Pass By

Moves Sharing a Dance with Pass By


allemande orbit


balance the ring

box circulate

box the gnat

butterfly whirl

California twirl



contra corners


do si do

dolphin hey

down the hall

figure 8

form a long wave

form an ocean wave

form long waves


give & take



long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing

pass through




pull by dancers

pull by direction

revolving door

right left through

roll away

Rory O'More

see saw


slide along set

square through


star promenade

swat the flea


turn alone

up the hall

zig zag

Moves Preceding Pass By



balance the ring

butterfly whirl

California twirl



do si do

dolphin hey

form a long wave

form an ocean wave




long lines

mad robin

pass by

pass through


pull by dancers

revolving door

roll away

square through



up the hall

Moves Following Pass By



balance the ring

box circulate




do si do

dolphin hey

form an ocean wave



meltdown swing

pass by


Rory O'More

square through


swat the flea
