Red Beard's Redder Beard

hook: J-hook to ocean waves to mad ladle to swings

by: Isaac Banner

formation: Becket

A1 8
ladles allemande right 1½ while gentlespoons turn over left shoulder and cast off to meet prev neighbors
prev neighbors swing
A2 8
long lines forward & back
neighbors promenade across and j-hook left to face partners across
B1 8
pass through to an ocean wave & balance - ladles by left in the center, neighbors by right on the sides
pass through
mad robin, ladles in front
B2 2
ladles pass by left shoulders across
partners meltdown swing
slide left along set ⁋

Have dancers identify their opposite-role dancer on the right diagonal before starting. A1 has the gentlespoons cast off down the set to that identified dancer for a swing. Each other time through, it will be the neighbor they mad ladle with.

The pass through in the B1 is just undoing the reverse-progression in the A section. The only real progression is the slide left in the B2. In more detail -

* A1 - End the previous neighbor swing across from a shadow

* A2 - The j-hook promenade leaves dancers facing their partners

* B1 - The pass through takes dancers from their previous neighbors back to their current neighbors

* B2 - With the slide left, dancers finally progress on to new neighbors

Based on Red Beard Reel by Bob Isaacs, now even redder and more beard-y.


user: Isaac Banner

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