related figures: balance
formal parameters:
bal, beats
Dance | Figure |
Delight | balance & petronella one place to the right |
balance & petronella one place to the right |
A 60th Birthday Dance (for Chris Deephouse) | balance & petronella |
A Different Bride | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella (turn a bit more to face new neighbors) ⁋ |
A Good Egg | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella into long waves (gentlespoons face out) |
Aberdeen Angus | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella to face next neighbors ⁋ |
Ain't Dancing Grand | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella, face next neighbors ⁋ |
Alexander Avery's Articulate Anime Adventure | balance & petronella, gentlespoons turn a little extra to... |
All hands in | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Almond Joy | balance & petronella + to face new neighbors |
balance & petronella + to face a new foursome |
Alternating Current | balance & petronella |
Annie Which Way | balance & petronella |
Another Cure for the Claps | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Arrhythmia | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella Dance starts with the same couples |
Art of contra | balance & petronella and twirl one place to the right |
balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
As If! | balance & petronella, face next neighbors and form a ring ⁋ |
balance & petronella |
Back to Back | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Back to Front | balance & petronella |
Backbeat Boogie | petronella |
Bailey's Dream | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella - turn a little extra to face new... |
Bailey's Dream variation | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella - turn a little extra to face new... |
Balance to My Lou | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
balance & petronella, turn a little more to face partners ⁋ |
Balance to My Lou (correct) | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
balance & petronella, turn a little more to face partners ⁋ |
Balance to My Lou variation | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
balance & petronella, turn a little more to face partners ⁋ |
Banwell Fancy | balance & petronella one place to the right |
balance & petronella one place to the right |
Barbara's Becket | balance & petronella, turning to face next neighbors ⁋ |
balance & petronella |
Becket in the Kitchen | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Birmingham's | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella ⁋ |
Birminghams | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Birthday | balance & petronella |
Boys From Brooklyn | balance & petronella |
Carla's Stomp | balance & petronella |
Catapult! Jig | balance & petronella |
Catch Me If You Can | balance & petronella to face new neighbors and ⁋ |
Chance Dance Scrambled Eggs | balance & petronella |
Charismatic Megafauna | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Cheat Lake Twirl | balance & petronella |
Chicago Shuffle | balance & petronella |
Chippenham Square | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Circle of Delight | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Citronella Morning | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Clapp for Joy | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
balance & petronella the ones are back on top, the dance... |
Coming Home from Toohollie | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Contra Pride | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Contra Sashay | balance & petronella twirl one place to the right |
Contra Beauty | balance & petronella |
Contra Quad | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Cotton Candy | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Coyote Road on Christmas | balance & petronella, face next neighbors and form rings ⁋ |
balance & petronella |
Creme Fraiche | balance & petronella |
Crossing the Line | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Dance Both Rolls | balance & petronella |
Deja Vu All Over Again | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
balance & petronella 1 1/2 and face the wrong way (ones up,... |
Detour in Louisville | balance & petronella turn |
balance & petronella turn |
Devious | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella and a little more to face partner |
Diamond Allotrope | petronella to end in a diamond shape + |
petronella |
Diamonds Are a Baby's Choking Hazard | balance & petronella to face up and down the set (trad.... |
balance & petronella (standard 4 person petronella) |
Dive for the Dolphin | balance & petronella |
Do-si-dolphin | balance & petronella |
Don't Let's Star | balance & petronella |
Don't Think, Dance | balance & petronella directly into... |
balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Door to Door | balance & petronella |
Door to Door var. | balance & petronella |
Double Balanced Brain | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Dreaming of Michael | balance & petronella |
Druzy Green | balance & petronella |
Ellen's Yarns | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella turning to face partners ⁋ |
Fast Fresh & Furious | balance & petronella |
Feet in Flight (KW var) | balance & petronella |
Fiddle Tales | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella, ones turn a little more to find partners |
Fiddleheads | balance & petronella around the diamond |
balance & petronella |
Fire in Vermont | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Firefly Pedicabs | petronella |
First light of spring | balance & petronella |
First of May | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Flaherty Will Get You Everywhere | balance & petronella shift right |
balance & petronella shift right and make a wave of four,... |
Flip Flop Frenzy | balance & petronella with N1 |
Four Ring Circus | balance & petronella |
Full Moon | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Fun Dance For Linda (for Linda Leslie) | petronella |
Fun With Alex | balance & petronella |
Galaxy Brain Balance | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella *left* ⁋ |
Gallery Place Transfer | balance & petronella with next neighbors (turn away from... |
Generation Gap | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella, face next neighbors ⁋ |
Goody One Shoe | petronella gentlespoons turn one quarter more to form |
Goody One Shoe | petronella - gentlespoons turn 1/4 more |
Gotta Catch 'Em All | balance & petronella turn |
Greenfield Petronella | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Grit and Grist | balance & petronella |
Guild Star Hall twirl | balance & petronella one place to right |
balance & petronella |
Happy Ending | balance & petronella |
Heartbeat Contra | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Heartbreak Contra | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Heather’s Poussette | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Heavenly | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella and a little bit more to new neighbor ⁋ |
Henri and Jacqui | balance & petronella to face next neighbors ⁋ |
balance & petronella to face partners ⁋ |
Henry & Jacqui | balance & petronella, catch neighbor from other ring ⁋ |
balance & petronella ⁋ |
Hold on to your Hats | balance & petronella one place to the right |
Homeward Bound | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Homeward Bound var. | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Hopscotch Reel | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
I Did It Wrong!! | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
I Wish They All Could be California Twirls | balance & petronella |
I'll Hold You In My Arms | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Jacqui & Henry | balance & petronella, catch neighbor from other ring |
balance & petronella |
Jesse & Lizzy | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Jim to the Rescue | balance & petronella |
Joel's in the Kitchen | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Joel's in the Kitchen variation variation | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Jonjak's Jaunty Jaunt | balance & petronella |
Jonjak's Jaunty Jaunt variation | balance & petronella to face next neighbors ⁋ |
balance & petronella |
Jovial Heart | balance & petronella Left one place over right shoulder |
balance & petronella One palace to the left over right shoulder |
Jump Back Barley | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella and turn to face new neighbors ⁋ |
Just to See You Smile | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Kat in Halifax's Second Scatter Dance | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella (doesn't matter where it takes you) |
Kimmswick Diamonds | petronella |
petronella |
petronella (ladles move, gentlespoons catch partner) |
Kitchen Stomp | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
LERN to Lava | balance & petronella |
Lady Mondegreen | balance & petronella |
Lanny's Back | balance & petronella |
Lark and Found | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella, turn around to face partner |
Lava Pit | balance & petronella |
Lavender and Lilac | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella + (look for new neighbors) ⁋ |
Liz's steady hand | balance & petronella |
Looking for Love Again | balance & petronella |
Low German Junction (hey figure) 0.1 | balance & petronella, face new neighbors ⁋ |
Low German Junction (hey figure) 0.2 | balance & petronella, face new neighbors ⁋ |
Low German Junction (hey figure) 0.3 | balance & petronella, face new neighbors ⁋ |
Maliza's Magical Mystery Motion | balance & petronella and turn to face the next ⁋ |
balance & petronella |
Maliza's Magical Mystery Motion v. | balance & petronella and turn to face the next ⁋ |
balance & petronella |
Manifest Density (choreographically dense version) | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Manifest Density (spatially dense version) | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Melted Butter | balance & petronella (face new neighbors) |
Memories of a Dance I Haven't Met | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Memories of a Dance I Haven't Met variation | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Metronella | balance & petronella |
petronella |
Missing You | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella And a little more to new neighbor ⁋ |
More for your Money | balance & petronella – 1 place right |
balance & petronella – 1 place right |
Mr. Isaac's Magic | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella; turn to face next neighbor ⁋ |
New Dance [ Rumble } | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
New Dance Furry Valentine | balance & petronella form a ring from the basket |
balance & petronella |
New Dance Right turns | balance & petronella and a little more to face new neighbors |
New Year, Same Old Charlie | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
No Rest for the Weary | balance & petronella |
Nutella Petronella | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella, centers note partners and then... |
Old Time Elixir | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Old Time Elixir #2 | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Once More With Feeling | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella and turn to face new neighbors ⁋ |
One for Ruth | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
One in the Hand (slight variation) | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella - twirl a little extra to face next... |
Partner? I hardly know 'er! | balance & petronella, face new rings with shadows |
Pat" s Pick | balance & petronella |
Penicillin | balance & petronella spin right one place |
Penny’s Calinella Twirl | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella moving two places. “Petronella-nella” |
Petrofornia Twirl 0.1 | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella moving two places, a “Petronella-nella” |
Petronella | balance & petronella |
petronella |
balance & petronella |
Petronella Milkshake | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Petronella Stomp | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella to a left hand star |
Petronella Stomp variation | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella to a left hand star |
Petronella Stomp variation | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella to a left hand star |
Petronella Stompshake | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Petronella Swing Break | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Petrozilla | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella, turn to face direction of travel ⁋ |
Piece of Cake variation | balance & petronella |
Pigtown Petronella | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Pigtown Petronella variation | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Pink Martini | balance & petronella (spinning extra to face new neighbors; no... |
balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Pinwheel Petronella | balance & petronella to long waves, gentlespoons face in ⁋ |
balance & petronella to short waves, partners take right... |
Power Surge | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Practice Petronella | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella, turn to face partner |
Presto Petronella | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
RING OF FIRE | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Ring a ding | balance & petronella move one place to the right |
balance & petronella move one place to the right |
Ring a ding ding and ding | balance & petronella one place to the right |
balance & petronella one place to the right in circle |
Rings of Fun | balance & petronella |
Rings of Fun | balance & petronella |
Rip and Snort | balance & petronella |
Road to Yesterday | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Robin Shall Restore Amends | balance & petronella to long waves, gentlespoons face out |
Rosin the Beau | balance & petronella One place to right |
balance & petronella One place to the right |
Ryan’s Happy Feet | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella ⁋ |
Salmonella Evening | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Salmonella Evening -> Old Time Elixir #2 | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Sarah Said Yes! | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Shambolic | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Silver Lining | balance & petronella |
Slam Poetry | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Spin Break | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Splashdance Special | balance & petronella |
Spring Break | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Spring Break (variation) | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Stacking the Deck | balance & petronella 1 place |
balance & petronella 1½ places to a diamond |
balance & petronella 2 places |
Star Trick | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Step In Time | balance & petronella |
Summer Sun | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Sunny Dragon | balance & petronella |
Superballin' | balance & petronella x2 |
Superballin' (KW transcription) | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Superballin' (by Jack Laurel) variation | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Sweet Home Petronella | balance & petronella |
Swingin' Off a Ring | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Tag and Zag | balance & petronella |
Tenth Year in Tommerup | balance & petronella across |
balance & petronella turning extra to face partner |
The Itchy Bug Reel | balance & petronella |
The Judge | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella ⁋ |
The Law Firm of Rob and Sue | balance & petronella |
The Missing Piece | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella and a little bit more ⁋ |
The Missing Piece, Rick Mohr variation | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella and a little bit more ⁋ |
The Petronella Hurl | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
balance & petronella ⁋ |
The Pizza Democracy | balance & petronella |
The Set Monster | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
The Weaving Wyandottes | balance & petronella |
The Witches' Way | balance & petronella (no clap) |
balance & petronella (no clap) |
The Wrong Way | balance & petronella spin LEFT, face next neighbor ⁋ |
balance & petronella spin LEFT |
This Feels Backwards... | balance & petronella left |
balance & petronella left |
Through Traffic | balance & petronella |
Tica Tica Timing | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Tighten Your Lugnuts | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
To Call a Mockingjay | balance & petronella Encourage Clapping Here |
balance & petronella Try to talk them out of clapping here |
Together Again | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Toward the San Rafael Swell | balance & petronella 1&½ places to a diamond |
balance & petronella 1&½ places and turn to face partners ⁋ |
Trance | balance & petronella twirl once and a little more to face a... |
balance & petronella |
Trip Two | balance & petronella left |
balance & petronella left |
Triple Hat Syndrome | petronella |
Twirling colors | balance & petronella |
Vallimont's Steamboat | petronella |
petronella and halfway more to |
Van Is My Middle Name | balance & petronella |
Wasatch Wiggle | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella slide right 2 places instead of one |
Waxmyrtle | petronella |
Weeks on the Road (var) | balance & petronella |
Welcome to Feet Retreat | balance & petronella, gentlespoons turn to face next... |
Whatchagonnado? | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Where Will I Be | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Which Side is Up? | balance & petronella - turn around and.... |
Whirlpool | balance & petronella [3] |
balance & petronella |
balance & petronella [4] |
Would You Do It for $20? | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Zoom Contra #1 | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
Zoom Contra #7 | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
[name pending] | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
balance & petronella |
right dance, wrong time | balance & petronella |
balance & petronella and turn to face new neighbors ⁋ |