related figures: up the hall
formal parameters:
who, moving, facing, ender, beats
Dance | Figure |
40 Mohr Years | down the hall and turn alone |
A 60th Birthday Dance (for Chris Deephouse) | down the hall and thread the needle + |
Acceleration | down the hall and right hand high, left hand low the #2 gentlespoon... |
Adam's Trip to the Corner | ones down the center at the bottom, ones cast around the threes and... |
After the | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Anderson Ferry Reel | down the hall backward 4 steps back |
down the hall backward 4 steps back |
Anne's Visit | down the hall and turn alone |
Annie Which Way | down the hall and turn alone |
Another Cure for the Claps | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Another Easy One | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Ants Marching | down the hall #1 gentlespoon stand still; #2 couples make an arch... |
Autumn Leaves | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Autumn Leaves variation | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Awesome Double Progression Dance | down the hall and turn alone 1s in center |
Awesome Double Progression Dance, Surdyk do-si-do variation | down the hall and turn alone 1s in center |
Bailey | down the hall and turn alone come back and bend line to a circle |
Balance and Cross | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Bale the Hay II | ones down the outsides and turn as a couple |
Bee Buzz | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Bettine (var) | down the hall and turn alone |
Black River Falls | down the hall and turn alone, 1s in the center |
Blackbird Pie | down the hall and turn alone |
Boiling Mud variation | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Broken Sixpence | down the hall and turn alone |
Broken Sixpence v. with Chains | down the hall and turn alone |
Broken Sixpence v. with Circle and Star | down the hall and turn alone |
Cascades | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Cheaters Swing Reel 0.1 | down the hall and turn alone, ends fall in behind partners |
Chorus Jig | ones down the outsides and turn alone |
ones down the center and turn alone |
Chorus Jig | ones down the outsides and turn alone |
ones down the center and turn alone |
Chorus Jig II | ones down the center and turn alone |
ones down the outsides and turn alone |
Christmas Hornpipe variation | down the hall and turn alone |
Circle of Delight | down the hall and right hand high, left hand low come back middle... |
Clover's March | down the hall and form a cozy line with ones in the middle |
Cluster Contra | down the hall and turn as a couple come back bend line to circle |
Complimentary Contra | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Crankshaft | down the hall - don't turn, draw your neighbor into a ... |
Crankshaft variation | down the hall - don't turn alone or as a couple. Instead, draw your... |
Crossing Times | down the hall and turn as a couple come back to face across |
Crossroads Contra | down the hall forward then backward |
Do What the 2's Say | ones down the center and turn alone |
Dog Branch Reel | down the hall forward then backward and turn alone |
Dogleaf Reel | down the hall and turn alone |
Door to Door | down the hall and slide doors, right-hand couple in front, and turn... |
Door to Door var. | down the hall and slide doors, right-hand couple in front, and turn... |
Down the Aisle | down the hall and turn as a couple (down the aisle in lines of four) |
Dr. Swinglove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love COVID-19 | down the hall, invert the line with the right side couplet forming... |
Dreaming of Michael | down the hall and turn alone |
Eeyore's Excuse | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Equal Opportunity | down the hall and centers (ones) turn as a couple WHILE ends (twos)... |
Equivalent Exchange | down the hall and turn alone |
Eye Of The Tiger | down the hall and thread the needle the couple on left arches ... |
Fan in the Doorway | down the hall and turn alone |
Festival Jig | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Fiddle Hill Jig | ones down the center and turn alone |
Fiddleheads | down the hall ones in the middle. Ones turn as a couple, twos turn... |
Flirtation Reel | down the hall and turn alone |
Floating the Platte | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Flying High | down the hall and right hand high, left hand low lark 1 lark 2... |
Flying High variation | down the hall and right hand high, left hand low lark 1 lark 2... |
Folklife Noodles | down the hall and turn alone |
Footloose Contra | down the hall and turn as a couple Tows in center |
For every young | down the hall and turn as a couple turn as a couple and come back... |
Frederick Contra | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Frederick Reel | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Frederick Reel variation | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Freylekhs | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Friends | down the hall and right hand high, left hand low gentlespoon two in... |
Garden State of Mind | down the hall and right hand high, left hand low |
Glint | down the hall and turn alone |
Goodnight Kiss (alt) | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Got Nice Neighbors | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Grooving' with Diane | down the hall and right hand high, left hand low |
Halloween Parade | down the hall and turn alone |
Handsome Young Maids | down the hall forward then backward [Gay Gorden] |
Haymaker's Jig | down the hall and turn alone |
Helgesson Hall | down the hall and ones turn as a couple (twos turn alone) |
Hey Gordons 0.1 | down the hall forward then backward |
House Party | down the hall and turn as a couple come back face across |
Hull's Victory | ones down the center and turn as a couple |
I ♥ Unicorns | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Indigo Silk | down the hall and turn alone |
Inflation Reel | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Ins and Outs of Contra | down the hall and turn alone - twos catch up to your ones to go... |
Invertro Flirtilization | down the hall and right hand high, left hand low |
Jefferson & Lincoln | down the hall |
Jefferson And Liberty | ones down the outsides and turn alone |
down the hall |
Jefferson And Liberty variation | ones down the outsides and turn alone |
down the hall |
Jefferson's Reel | ones down the outsides and turn alone |
down the hall forward then backward + |
Jefferson's Remorse | ones down the center and turn alone |
Jonjak's Jaunty Jaunt | down the hall and bend into a ring |
Jonjak's Jaunty Jaunt variation | down the hall and bend into a ring |
Jonjak's Journey | down the hall and bend into a ring |
Joys of Quebec variation | ones down the outsides and turn alone |
Kinematic Vorticity | down the hall and turn alone |
Lamplighter's Hornpipe | ones down the center and turn as a couple |
Lamplighter's Hornpipe (diagonal wave variation) | ones down the center and turn as a couple |
Life Crossings | down the hall and slide doors |
Life, the Universe, and Everything | ones down the outsides one place |
Love Sting | down the hall and right hand high, left hand low + |
Manifest Density (choreographically dense version) | down the hall and turn as a couple |
down the hall and turn alone |
Manifest Density (spatially dense version) | down the hall and turn as a couple |
down the hall and turn alone |
March for Andrea | down the hall and turn alone |
Melanie's Triplet | ones down the center past twos and threes |
Memories of a Dance I Haven't Met | down the hall and turn alone |
Memories of a Dance I Haven't Met variation | down the hall and turn alone |
Metronella | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Midwinter II | down the hall and turn alone, 1s in the center |
Monophobia | down the hall and bend into a cloverleaf + |
More for your Money | down the hall and turn as a couple ⁋ |
Music between the Sheets | down the hall and right hand high, left hand low lark 2, lark 1... |
Music between the Sheets variation | down the hall and right hand high, left hand low lark 2, lark 1... |
Music between the Sheets variation variation | down the hall and right hand high, left hand low lark 2, lark 1... |
New Dance Dragon Fly | down the hall and right hand high, left hand low gentlespoon two,... |
New Year, Same Old Charlie | down the hall and turn alone |
New dance (Orion Reel) | down the hall and turn as a couple turn as couples |
Once around | down the hall and turn as a couple come back bend line to circle |
Orono Special | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Ozymandius | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Paloma's Becket | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Partner's Delight | down the hall and turn alone |
Peacock | down the hall and turn as a couple ladle two dose right hand high... |
Petronella | ones down the center and turn alone while the twos petronella back... |
Phoebe's Becket | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Pivot the Line | down the hall and turn alone towards neighbor, 4 steps, rejoin... |
down the hall backward 4 more steps |
Pizza Shop | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Pooh Bear's Holiday | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Quesadilla on the Half Shell | down the hall and bend into a ring (gentlespoon 2, ladle 2,... |
Qwill & Paper | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Redhouse | down the hall and turn as a couple been the line face across |
Redhouse Zoom Variation | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Reflection | down the hall and turn as a couple come back, bend line to circle |
Rhonda's Reel | down the hall 1s raise joined hands, turn away from partner to face... |
Rip and Snort | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Ro's and Columns | down the hall, twos stop early and ones walk on to new neighbors ⁋ |
Rock Creek Reel | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Rock Creek Reel variation | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Rock Creek Reel variation (w/positional notes) | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Rock Creek Reel variation variation | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Seabrook Swing | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Shades of Impropriety (variation) | down the hall and right hand high, left hand low, leftmost 1 turn... |
ones down the outsides and cross below twos |
Shadrack's Delight | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Shoot to the Middle (variation) | down the hall |
Simple Gifts | down the hall and right hand high, left hand low |
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Solstice Reel | down the hall and turn alone (no turn alone) four steps No 1's... |
Speed the Plough (American Version) | ones down the center with hands crossed, turn in toward each other |
ones down the outsides cast to twos' place ⁋ |
Spend Some Money Together | down the hall and turn alone |
Spring Greens | down the hall and turn alone |
Springy Connection | down the hall |
Star-Thru Corners | ones down the center and turn as a couple |
Steve's Stupid Question | down the hall and turn alone (ones in the center) |
down the hall and turn as a couple (ones in the center) |
Stoolie's Jig | first corners down the center and turn as a couple |
String of Swings | down the hall and turn alone |
Symmetrical Force | down the hall and form a cozy line (ones between the twos) |
Tag and Zag | down the hall and slide doors |
Tag, You're It | down the hall and bend the line |
Tamarack Reel | down the hall and turn alone ones between the twos |
Tempus Fugit | down the hall and turn as a couple (two #1 cpls in line of four) |
Tetrahymena Twirl | down the hall, gentlespoons wheel, ladles turn alone |
The Connectrix | down the hall and form a cozy line |
The Dance Gypsy | down the hall and turn as a couple |
The Dancing Sailors | ones down the outsides past two couples ⁋ |
The Dancing Sailors | ones down the outsides past two twos couples |
The Diagonal Dilemma | down the hall and ladles turn as a couple WHILE gentlespoons turn... |
The Nice Combination | down the hall and turn as a couple |
The Nice Combination | down the hall and turn as a couple |
The Salty Swirl | down the hall and turn as a couple |
The Squeaking Wheel | down the hall and form a cozy line - twos turn in the middle, ones... |
These are the Hands | down the hall and turn alone Down the hall, 2s are in the middle.... |
Third Dance | down the hall and turn as a couple to come back |
Three Bricks Shy | down the hall and turn as a couple, then ones slide behind twos |
Thursday Night Special #1 | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Thursday Night Special #1 (Becket) | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Trip to Outer Magnolia | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Trip to Pe Ell | down the hall and turn alone |
Unnamed Easy Progression | down the hall |
Van Is My Middle Name | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Virginia Reel | ones down the center sashay |
ones down the outsides, followed by twos threes fours, |
Waiting for the Other Foot to Fall | down the hall and twos turn as a couple while ones turn alone |
Wednesday Night Liberty | ones down the outsides and turn alone |
down the hall |
Winter Slide | down the hall and turn alone |
Zoom Contra #1 | down the hall and turn as a couple |
Zoom Contra #8 | down the hall and turn as a couple |