Down The Hall



related figures: up the hall
formal parameters: who, moving, facing, ender, beats


Dance Figure
40 Mohr Years
down the hall and turn alone
A 60th Birthday Dance (for Chris Deephouse)
down the hall and thread the needle +
down the hall and right hand high, left hand low the #2 gentlespoon...
Adam's Trip to the Corner
ones down the center at the bottom, ones cast around the threes and...
After the
down the hall and turn as a couple
Anderson Ferry Reel
down the hall backward 4 steps back
down the hall backward 4 steps back
Anne's Visit
down the hall and turn alone
Annie Which Way
down the hall and turn alone
Another Cure for the Claps
down the hall and turn as a couple
Another Easy One
down the hall and turn as a couple
Ants Marching
down the hall #1 gentlespoon stand still; #2 couples make an arch...
Autumn Leaves
down the hall and turn as a couple
Autumn Leaves variation
down the hall and turn as a couple
Awesome Double Progression Dance
down the hall and turn alone 1s in center
Awesome Double Progression Dance, Surdyk do-si-do variation
down the hall and turn alone 1s in center
down the hall and turn alone come back and bend line to a circle
Balance and Cross
down the hall and turn as a couple
Bale the Hay II
ones down the outsides and turn as a couple
Bee Buzz
down the hall and turn as a couple
Bettine (var)
down the hall and turn alone
Black River Falls
down the hall and turn alone, 1s in the center
Blackbird Pie
down the hall and turn alone
Boiling Mud variation
down the hall and turn as a couple
Broken Sixpence
down the hall and turn alone
Broken Sixpence v. with Chains
down the hall and turn alone
Broken Sixpence v. with Circle and Star
down the hall and turn alone
down the hall and turn as a couple
Cheaters Swing Reel 0.1
down the hall and turn alone, ends fall in behind partners
Chorus Jig
ones down the outsides and turn alone
ones down the center and turn alone
Chorus Jig
ones down the outsides and turn alone
ones down the center and turn alone
Chorus Jig II
ones down the center and turn alone
ones down the outsides and turn alone
Christmas Hornpipe variation
down the hall and turn alone
Circle of Delight
down the hall and right hand high, left hand low come back middle...
Clover's March
down the hall and form a cozy line with ones in the middle
Cluster Contra
down the hall and turn as a couple come back bend line to circle
Complimentary Contra
down the hall and turn as a couple
down the hall - don't turn, draw your neighbor into a ...
Crankshaft variation
down the hall - don't turn alone or as a couple. Instead, draw your...
Crossing Times
down the hall and turn as a couple come back to face across
Crossroads Contra
down the hall forward then backward
Do What the 2's Say
ones down the center and turn alone
Dog Branch Reel
down the hall forward then backward and turn alone
Dogleaf Reel
down the hall and turn alone
Door to Door
down the hall and slide doors, right-hand couple in front, and turn...
Door to Door var.
down the hall and slide doors, right-hand couple in front, and turn...
Down the Aisle
down the hall and turn as a couple (down the aisle in lines of four)
Dr. Swinglove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love COVID-19
down the hall, invert the line with the right side couplet forming...
Dreaming of Michael
down the hall and turn alone
Eeyore's Excuse
down the hall and turn as a couple
Equal Opportunity
down the hall and centers (ones) turn as a couple WHILE ends (twos)...
Equivalent Exchange
down the hall and turn alone
Eye Of The Tiger
down the hall and thread the needle the couple on left arches ...
Fan in the Doorway
down the hall and turn alone
Festival Jig
down the hall and turn as a couple
Fiddle Hill Jig
ones down the center and turn alone
down the hall ones in the middle. Ones turn as a couple, twos turn...
Flirtation Reel
down the hall and turn alone
Floating the Platte
down the hall and turn as a couple
Flying High
down the hall and right hand high, left hand low lark 1 lark 2...
Flying High variation
down the hall and right hand high, left hand low lark 1 lark 2...
Folklife Noodles
down the hall and turn alone
Footloose Contra
down the hall and turn as a couple Tows in center
For every young
down the hall and turn as a couple turn as a couple and come back...
Frederick Contra
down the hall and turn as a couple
Frederick Reel
down the hall and turn as a couple
Frederick Reel variation
down the hall and turn as a couple
down the hall and turn as a couple
down the hall and right hand high, left hand low gentlespoon two in...
Garden State of Mind
down the hall and right hand high, left hand low
down the hall and turn alone
Goodnight Kiss (alt)
down the hall and turn as a couple
Got Nice Neighbors
down the hall and turn as a couple
Grooving' with Diane
down the hall and right hand high, left hand low
Halloween Parade
down the hall and turn alone
Handsome Young Maids
down the hall forward then backward [Gay Gorden]
Haymaker's Jig
down the hall and turn alone
Helgesson Hall
down the hall and ones turn as a couple (twos turn alone)
Hey Gordons 0.1
down the hall forward then backward
House Party
down the hall and turn as a couple come back face across
Hull's Victory
ones down the center and turn as a couple
I ♥ Unicorns
down the hall and turn as a couple
Indigo Silk
down the hall and turn alone
Inflation Reel
down the hall and turn as a couple
Ins and Outs of Contra
down the hall and turn alone - twos catch up to your ones to go...
Invertro Flirtilization
down the hall and right hand high, left hand low
Jefferson & Lincoln
down the hall
Jefferson And Liberty
ones down the outsides and turn alone
down the hall
Jefferson And Liberty variation
ones down the outsides and turn alone
down the hall
Jefferson's Reel
ones down the outsides and turn alone
down the hall forward then backward +
Jefferson's Remorse
ones down the center and turn alone
Jonjak's Jaunty Jaunt
down the hall and bend into a ring
Jonjak's Jaunty Jaunt variation
down the hall and bend into a ring
Jonjak's Journey
down the hall and bend into a ring
Joys of Quebec variation
ones down the outsides and turn alone
Kinematic Vorticity
down the hall and turn alone
Lamplighter's Hornpipe
ones down the center and turn as a couple
Lamplighter's Hornpipe (diagonal wave variation)
ones down the center and turn as a couple
Life Crossings
down the hall and slide doors
Life, the Universe, and Everything
ones down the outsides one place
Love Sting
down the hall and right hand high, left hand low +
Manifest Density (choreographically dense version)
down the hall and turn as a couple
down the hall and turn alone
Manifest Density (spatially dense version)
down the hall and turn as a couple
down the hall and turn alone
March for Andrea
down the hall and turn alone
Melanie's Triplet
ones down the center past twos and threes
Memories of a Dance I Haven't Met
down the hall and turn alone
Memories of a Dance I Haven't Met variation
down the hall and turn alone
down the hall and turn as a couple
Midwinter II
down the hall and turn alone, 1s in the center
down the hall and bend into a cloverleaf +
More for your Money
down the hall and turn as a couple ⁋
Music between the Sheets
down the hall and right hand high, left hand low lark 2, lark 1...
Music between the Sheets variation
down the hall and right hand high, left hand low lark 2, lark 1...
Music between the Sheets variation variation
down the hall and right hand high, left hand low lark 2, lark 1...
New Dance Dragon Fly
down the hall and right hand high, left hand low gentlespoon two,...
New Year, Same Old Charlie
down the hall and turn alone
New dance (Orion Reel)
down the hall and turn as a couple turn as couples
Once around
down the hall and turn as a couple come back bend line to circle
Orono Special
down the hall and turn as a couple
down the hall and turn as a couple
Paloma's Becket
down the hall and turn as a couple
Partner's Delight
down the hall and turn alone
down the hall and turn as a couple ladle two dose right hand high...
ones down the center and turn alone while the twos petronella back...
Phoebe's Becket
down the hall and turn as a couple
Pivot the Line
down the hall and turn alone towards neighbor, 4 steps, rejoin...
down the hall backward 4 more steps
Pizza Shop
down the hall and turn as a couple
Pooh Bear's Holiday
down the hall and turn as a couple
Quesadilla on the Half Shell
down the hall and bend into a ring (gentlespoon 2, ladle 2,...
Qwill & Paper
down the hall and turn as a couple
down the hall and turn as a couple been the line face across
Redhouse Zoom Variation
down the hall and turn as a couple
down the hall and turn as a couple come back, bend line to circle
Rhonda's Reel
down the hall 1s raise joined hands, turn away from partner to face...
Rip and Snort
down the hall and turn as a couple
Ro's and Columns
down the hall, twos stop early and ones walk on to new neighbors ⁋
Rock Creek Reel
down the hall and turn as a couple
Rock Creek Reel variation
down the hall and turn as a couple
Rock Creek Reel variation (w/positional notes)
down the hall and turn as a couple
Rock Creek Reel variation variation
down the hall and turn as a couple
Seabrook Swing
down the hall and turn as a couple
Shades of Impropriety (variation)
down the hall and right hand high, left hand low, leftmost 1 turn...
ones down the outsides and cross below twos
Shadrack's Delight
down the hall and turn as a couple
Shoot to the Middle (variation)
down the hall
Simple Gifts
down the hall and right hand high, left hand low
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
down the hall and turn as a couple
Solstice Reel
down the hall and turn alone (no turn alone) four steps No 1's...
Speed the Plough (American Version)
ones down the center with hands crossed, turn in toward each other
ones down the outsides cast to twos' place ⁋
Spend Some Money Together
down the hall and turn alone
Spring Greens
down the hall and turn alone
Springy Connection
down the hall
Star-Thru Corners
ones down the center and turn as a couple
Steve's Stupid Question
down the hall and turn alone (ones in the center)
down the hall and turn as a couple (ones in the center)
Stoolie's Jig
first corners down the center and turn as a couple
String of Swings
down the hall and turn alone
Symmetrical Force
down the hall and form a cozy line (ones between the twos)
Tag and Zag
down the hall and slide doors
Tag, You're It
down the hall and bend the line
Tamarack Reel
down the hall and turn alone ones between the twos
Tempus Fugit
down the hall and turn as a couple (two #1 cpls in line of four)
Tetrahymena Twirl
down the hall, gentlespoons wheel, ladles turn alone
The Connectrix
down the hall and form a cozy line
The Dance Gypsy
down the hall and turn as a couple
The Dancing Sailors
ones down the outsides past two couples ⁋
The Dancing Sailors
ones down the outsides past two twos couples
The Diagonal Dilemma
down the hall and ladles turn as a couple WHILE gentlespoons turn...
The Nice Combination
down the hall and turn as a couple
The Nice Combination
down the hall and turn as a couple
The Salty Swirl
down the hall and turn as a couple
The Squeaking Wheel
down the hall and form a cozy line - twos turn in the middle, ones...
These are the Hands
down the hall and turn alone Down the hall, 2s are in the middle....
Third Dance
down the hall and turn as a couple to come back
Three Bricks Shy
down the hall and turn as a couple, then ones slide behind twos
Thursday Night Special #1
down the hall and turn as a couple
Thursday Night Special #1 (Becket)
down the hall and turn as a couple
Trip to Outer Magnolia
down the hall and turn as a couple
Trip to Pe Ell
down the hall and turn alone
Unnamed Easy Progression
down the hall
Van Is My Middle Name
down the hall and turn as a couple
Virginia Reel
ones down the center sashay
ones down the outsides, followed by twos threes fours,
Waiting for the Other Foot to Fall
down the hall and twos turn as a couple while ones turn alone
Wednesday Night Liberty
ones down the outsides and turn alone
down the hall
Winter Slide
down the hall and turn alone
Zoom Contra #1
down the hall and turn as a couple
Zoom Contra #8
down the hall and turn as a couple

Dances without Down The Hall

Moves Sharing a Dance with Down The Hall


arch & dive


balance the ring

box the gnat

California twirl



contra corners

cross trails


do si do

dolphin hey

figure 8

form a long wave

form an ocean wave

form long waves


give & take



long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by

pass through




pull by dancers

revolving door

right left through

roll away

see saw


slide along set

square through

stand still



turn alone

up the hall

zig zag

Moves Preceding Down The Hall

arch & dive

balance the ring




do si do

down the hall

figure 8



meltdown swing

pass through

pull by dancers



up the hall

Moves Following Down The Hall


arch & dive

balance the ring



contra corners


do si do

down the hall

long lines

pass through



stand still


up the hall