hook: Retrograde travel with a star slingshot
by: Isaac Banner
formation: Becket
A1 | 8 | revolving door - ladles take right hands and drop off partners on other side
8 | neighbors swing
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A2 | 8 | ladles chain
8 | partners promenade across and continue to face along the set (CCW)
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B1 | 3 | gentlespoons allemande left ¾ while ladles promenade single-file along to shadows and previous neighbors
3 | star left - hands across - 2 places
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2 | gentlespoons allemande left ½ while ladles promenade single-file along to partners
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8 | ladles start a half hey - lefts in center, rights on ends
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B2 | 14 | partners meltdown swing
2 | slide left along set ⁋
For the B1: gentlespoons allemande 1½ (same gentlespoons) to trade places while ladles walk a large U on the floor, dipping back to a star with their shadows and their previous neighbors before returning to their partners and current neighbors for the hey.
Ladles join the star in front of their shadow, and can optionally choose to not take hands across, instead treating the star halfway as an orbit counter-clockwise.
The last allemande left is more like 3/8 to give ladles space to enter the hey. Dancers may run a little late but that’s okay - the timing is flexible as they slide into the B2 swing.