Balance The Ring



related figures: balance
formal parameters: beats


Dance Figure
balance the ring
Contra Verve
balance the ring
balance the ring
Heartthrob ( for Donna & Chris)
balance the ring and twirl one palace to the right
balance the ring and twirl one palace to the right
3, 2, 1, Dance
balance the ring
40 Mohr Years
balance the ring
A Different Bride
balance the ring
A Gentle Turn
balance the ring
A Random Thought
balance the ring, left foot first, and spin/slide left one place...
balance the ring, left foot first, and spin/slide left one place...
A-1 Reel
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring and twirl one place to the right
balance the ring and twirl one place to the right
balance the ring
Airpants, Bradley Smith pass through
balance the ring
Allison's Favorite
balance the ring
Already Taken
balance the ring
Alternating Current
balance the ring
Aplets and Cotlets
balance the ring
balance the ring and twirl one place to the right
balance the ring
Ashokan Hello (var.)
balance the ring
Autumn Joy
balance the ring
Autumn Leaves
balance the ring
Autumn Leaves variation
balance the ring
Back on the Interstate
balance the ring
Back to Back
balance the ring
Back to Front
balance the ring
Backbeat Boogie
balance the ring
balance the ring
Balance and Cross
balance the ring
balance the ring
Balance and Think
balance the ring
Banwell Fancy
balance the ring and pass thru across set with partner
Be Happy
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
Blueberry Highway
balance the ring
Bubbling Bob
balance the ring and twirl one place to the right
balance the ring and twirl to wave of four ladles in center right...
Burning Man
balance the ring Neighbor swing to wave of four ladles in center...
Caffeinated Contra
balance the ring
Cal and Irene
balance the ring
balance the ring (back with partner)
California Twirlin'
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
Candles in the Night
balance the ring
Carla's Stomp
balance the ring
balance the ring
Center Ring
balance the ring and roll neighbor with half sashay alone set
balance the ring roll partner across with half sashay
balance the ring
balance the ring ⁋
Chance Dance Scrambled Eggs
balance the ring
Cherokee Shuffle
balance the ring
Chicago Shuffle
balance the ring
Chorus Jig II
balance the ring
Christmas '96
balance the ring
Christmas '96 variation
balance the ring
Cinco De Maye
balance the ring and twirl one place to the right
balance the ring and twirl one place to the right and a little more...
Circle of Delight
balance the ring
Citronella Morning
balance the ring
Clapp for Joy
balance the ring
Climate Change's Reel
balance the ring
Coconut Cream Pie
balance the ring
Coming Home
balance the ring ladles trade to face partner
Companion Piece
balance the ring
Constellation Contra
balance the ring
balance the ring
Contra Pride
balance the ring
Contra Sashay
balance the ring
Cotton Candy
balance the ring
Counter Flow
balance the ring
Counter Flow (re-timed)
balance the ring
Cows are Watching
balance the ring
Cows are Watching variation
balance the ring
Cranky Ingenuity
balance the ring
Creme Fraiche
balance the ring
Cretaceous Companions
balance the ring
Crock Pot Contra
balance the ring and ladles trade right shoulder
balance the ring & pass thru to wave of 4 - ladles in center...
Cross Current
balance the ring gentlespoons roll neighbor alone set
balance the ring gentlespoons roll partner across
balance the ring
Crossroads Contra
balance the ring
Cup of Joe
balance the ring
Cupid's Clout
balance the ring
Cutler Coast
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
Dance Both Rolls
balance the ring
balance the ring
Dance of Joy
balance the ring 1/2 sashay roll neighbor alone set
balance the ring 11/2 sashay roll partner across set
balance the ring
Dance of Joy
balance the ring gentlespoons roll neighbor alone set
balance the ring gentlespoons roll partner across
Dance of Joy variation
balance the ring 1/2 sashay roll neighbor alone set
balance the ring 11/2 sashay roll partner across set
balance the ring
Dancing Bears variation
balance the ring
Dar Trek
balance the ring
Dar Trek (alt. presentation)
balance the ring
Dar Trek variation
balance the ring
David's Daily Double
balance the ring
Deck The Halls
balance the ring and twirl one place to the right
balance the ring and twirl one place to the right
Detour in Louisville
balance the ring
Diamond Allotrope
balance the ring (diamond)
balance the ring (diamond)
Diane's Been There
balance the ring
balance the ring
Dipping Dots
balance the ring
Dipping Dots alternate B1
balance the ring
Dive for the Dolphin
balance the ring
Diving Under the Double Rainbow 0.3
balance the ring with 3rd couple
Dolphin Poussette
balance the ring
Dolphin Poussette (becket version)
balance the ring
Don't Have to Walk but You Can Dance
balance the ring
Door to Door var.
balance the ring
Double Balanced Brain
balance the ring
balance the ring
Down the Aisle
balance the ring
Dr. Swinglove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love COVID-19
balance the ring
Dreamland Races
balance the ring
balance the ring
Druzy Green
balance the ring
balance the ring
Du Quoin Races
balance the ring
balance the ring
Early Rising Robins (Original)
balance the ring
Easy Peasy
balance the ring
Eclipse Chasers TESTING
balance the ring
Emma's Emergency
balance the ring
Entangled in Monte Carlo
balance the ring
Everybody Dance
balance the ring
Fair Trade
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
Fast Fresh & Furious
balance the ring roll neighbor half sashay, you should be on the...
balance the ring
balance the ring partner roll with 1/2 sashay
Feet in Flight (KW var)
balance the ring
balance the ring
Fire in Vermont
balance the ring
balance the ring
Fire in the Tunnel
balance the ring
Firefly Pedicabs
balance the ring
balance the ring
First Hey
balance the ring
First dance
balance the ring
First dance variation
balance the ring
First dance variation
balance the ring
First dance variation
balance the ring
First of May
balance the ring
Flaherty Will Get You Everywhere
balance the ring
Flip Flop
balance the ring
balance the ring
Footloose Contra
balance the ring
Four Ring Circus
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
Fruit Punch
balance the ring
Full Moon
balance the ring gentlespoons trade across to form ring
Fun Dance For Linda (for Linda Leslie)
balance the ring (same 4)
Fun With Alex
balance the ring
Galaxy Brain Balance
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
Godspeed You! Blue Megabus
balance the ring
balance the ring
Gold Star Wednesday
balance the ring
Gotta Catch 'Em All
balance the ring
Grand Western Canal
balance the ring
Greenfield Petronella
balance the ring
Guild Star Hall twirl
balance the ring ⁋
Handsome Young Maids
balance the ring
Happy Trails to You
balance the ring
balance the ring
Happy as a Cold Pig in Warm Mud
balance the ring
Heart and Home
balance the ring
Heartbeat Contra
balance the ring
Heartbreak Contra
balance the ring
Helgesson Hall
balance the ring
Ho Ho Ho
balance the ring
Hocus Pocus
balance the ring
Hold on to your Hats
balance the ring
Holiday in the Wood
balance the ring
Home brew
balance the ring California twirl to face partner
Hot Summer Nights
balance the ring
Hotpoint Special
balance the ring
Huckleberry Friend
balance the ring
I Like to Walk, I Love to Dance
balance the ring ⁋
I Wish They All Could be California Twirls
balance the ring
Ice cream
balance the ring shift one place to Left
balance the ring shift Left one place
Inflation Reel
balance the ring (not part of original choreography)
Into the DMZ
balance the ring
Invertro Flirtilization
balance the ring
Irritable Inventiveness
balance the ring
It's All Backwards 0.1
balance the ring
Java variation
balance the ring ⁋
Jersey Twirl
balance the ring
Jim to the Rescue
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
Joel's in the Kitchen
balance the ring
Joel's in the Kitchen variation variation
balance the ring
Jonjak's Journey
balance the ring
Joyous Night
balance the ring
Kimmswick Diamonds
balance the ring (diamond)
balance the ring (diamond)
balance the ring
Kowalski's Back Room II
balance the ring
La Grande Voyage
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring - gentlespoons bring your partner home to your side
Lanny's Back
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
Lark in The Afternoon
balance the ring
Last Hey
balance the ring
Leap Dance
balance the ring
balance the ring
Libra Boys
balance the ring
balance the ring
Life Crossings
balance the ring
Liz's steady hand
balance the ring
Love Sting
balance the ring
Luna in the Library
balance the ring with partner
Luna in the Library var.
balance the ring with partner
Mad Orbin
balance the ring
Mad Robin in Love
balance the ring
Made Up Tonight
balance the ring
Made in the Shade
balance the ring
March for Andrea
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
Marshmallows in Flight
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
Mid Night Dancer
balance the ring and roll partner across set with half sashay
Mind the Shark
balance the ring
Moe Joe
balance the ring
balance the ring
Moon & Stars Contra
balance the ring
Moon Doggie
balance the ring
balance the ring ⁋
More for your Money
balance the ring
balance the ring
Morning Tea
balance the ring
Needs Must
balance the ring
New Dance { Call it What You Want }
balance the ring this the second couple you face
New Dance Magic Ring
balance the ring ⁋
New Dance Dance Friends
balance the ring
New Dance Yellow Shirt Bike Ride
balance the ring
balance the ring ladles cross back to partner side
New Dance { Ocean Wave Of Joy}
balance the ring this is an other choice for the B2
New Dance Contra Connection
balance the ring
New Dance Partner Fun
balance the ring ⁋
New Dance Dance tme
balance the ring ⁋
New Dance Night Owl
balance the ring
New Dance Rowdy Society
balance the ring
New Dance Hearten Contra
balance the ring
balance the ring and twirl one place to the right
balance the ring
balance the ring
New Dance Just pass thru
balance the ring
New Dance Spin the Bottle
balance the ring and twirl right one place in circle
balance the ring and twirl right one place in circle
balance the ring
New Dance Sugar High
balance the ring
balance the ring men trade places
balance the ring
New Dance Reunited
balance the ring
New Dance Shawn Reel
balance the ring balance in and out
New Dance Cheer Contra
balance the ring
balance the ring & twirl right one place
balance the ring
New Dance Circulation
balance the ring
New Dance Red White Blue
balance the ring
New Dance Right turns
balance the ring
balance the ring
New Dance Spellbound
balance the ring
New Dance Tase of honey
balance the ring and twirl one place to the right
balance the ring and twirl right once half to new neighbors to...
New Year, Same Old Charlie
balance the ring
Night dancer
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
No Rest for the Weary
balance the ring
balance the ring
Nutella Petronella
balance the ring
Old & New Friends
balance the ring
On the Other Hand
balance the ring
balance the ring
On the Other Hand (It Works Fine With the Music)
balance the ring
balance the ring
On the Road
balance the ring and roll partner from left to right with half...
Out Bound
balance the ring and twirl one place to rhe right
balance the ring
balance the ring and roll neighbor across set ( trade)
balance the ring
Pebbles in my Boots
balance the ring
Pedal Pushers
balance the ring
balance the ring
Petrofornia Twirl 0.1
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
Petronella Stars
balance the ring
balance the ring
Piece of Cake
balance the ring
Piece of Cake variation
balance the ring
Pink Martini
balance the ring
Push the Button
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring and twirl one place to the right
balance the ring and twirl one place to the in (Long Ocean Wave ,...
Ransom Note (adaptation)
balance the ring
balance the ring California twirl to new new couple ⁋
Rim of the Sky
balance the ring
Ring a ding
balance the ring
Rings of Fun
balance the ring
balance the ring
Rings of Fun
balance the ring
balance the ring
Rip and Snort
balance the ring then Rip and Snort (1s Arch, 2s Dive Through, 2s...
balance the ring
Rising Of The Sun
balance the ring
Rising Of The Sun variation
balance the ring
Robin Shall Restore Amends
balance the ring
Rock the Cradle, Joe
balance the ring
Roll 12.5
balance the ring
balance the ring
Roll, Roll, Roll Your Beau
balance the ring
Rollicking Good Time
balance the ring
Rosie's Rave
balance the ring
Rosin the Beau
balance the ring
Sautee Swing var
balance the ring
Seige of Kerrick (adaptation)
balance the ring
balance the ring
Shining Eyes
balance the ring
balance the ring
Slapping The Wood
balance the ring
Snow Dance
balance the ring
balance the ring
Solstice Reel
balance the ring
Sounds Like a Match
balance the ring
Southern Summer
balance the ring
Southern Summer
balance the ring
Spin Break
balance the ring
Spring Break
balance the ring
Step In Time
balance the ring
Stick in the Bug
balance the ring
balance the ring
Stoolie's Jig
balance the ring
Sving Træbenet
balance the ring
Sweet Home Petronella
balance the ring
Tetrahymena Twirl
balance the ring
The Big Easy
balance the ring
balance the ring
The Big Easy variation
balance the ring
The Connectrix
balance the ring
The Future Soon
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
The Hey Vexation 0.1
balance the ring
The Law Firm of Rob and Sue
balance the ring
The Menagerie
balance the ring
The Petronella Hurl
balance the ring
The Pizza Democracy
balance the ring
The Pizza Democracy variation
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
The Sturgeon General
balance the ring
The Sturgeon General variation
balance the ring
The Wedding Ring Circle Mixer
balance the ring
balance the ring
The Wild Woman From North Carolina
balance the ring (not part of original choreography)
Third Dance
balance the ring
This Dance is, Jess, For You
balance the ring
balance the ring
Three Bricks Shy
balance the ring
Three Sisters
balance the ring
balance the ring
Time of your Life
balance the ring and shift Left one place
balance the ring
Too Hot to Trot var.
balance the ring
Toulouse- Lautrec
balance the ring trade to swap with partner ⁋
balance the ring
Travels with Rick and Kim
balance the ring
Trip to Outer Magnolia
balance the ring
Triple Hat Syndrome
balance the ring
balance the ring
Triwizard Tournament
balance the ring
balance the ring
Twice The Fun
balance the ring
Twirling colors
balance the ring
Twist Of Destiny
balance the ring ⁋
Two Waves, Five Balances on the Head of a Pin
balance the ring
balance the ring
Uncharted Seas
balance the ring
Vallimont's Steamboat
balance the ring
balance the ring
Van Is My Middle Name
balance the ring
Wave Goodbye to Winter
balance the ring
Wave Goodbye to Winter Rollaway variation
balance the ring
balance the ring
Weeks on the Road
balance the ring
balance the ring
Weeks on the Road (var)
balance the ring
What That Goes Together Well
balance the ring
What the Flock?
balance the ring
Which Side is Up?
balance the ring
Winter is Coming
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
Wizard's Walk Ted Steele A2
balance the ring
balance the ring
Y 2k
balance the ring
Yellow Rose (var)
balance the ring
Yoyo's Ma
balance the ring
Zoom Contra #6
balance the ring
slapping wood variation
balance the ring

Dances without Balance The Ring

Moves Sharing a Dance with Balance The Ring


allemande orbit

arch & dive


box circulate

box the gnat

butterfly whirl

California twirl



contra corners

cross trails


do si do

dolphin hey

down the hall

figure 8

form a long wave

form an ocean wave

form long waves

give & take



long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by

pass through




pull by dancers

pull by direction

revolving door

right left through

roll away

Rory O'More

see saw


slide along set

square through

stand still


star promenade


turn alone

up the hall

zig zag

Moves Preceding Balance The Ring


arch & dive


balance the ring

California twirl




do si do

down the hall

figure 8

form long waves



long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by

pass through




right left through

roll away

Rory O'More

slide along set

square through


star promenade


up the hall

zig zag

Moves Following Balance The Ring


arch & dive


balance the ring

box circulate

California twirl


cross trails


do si do

down the hall

form an ocean wave

give & take

mad robin

pass by

pass through



pull by dancers

pull by direction

roll away



turn alone

zig zag