related figures: balance
formal parameters:
Dance | Figure |
Mistletoe | balance the ring |
Contra Verve | balance the ring |
Delight | balance the ring |
Heartthrob ( for Donna & Chris) | balance the ring and twirl one palace to the right |
balance the ring and twirl one palace to the right |
3, 2, 1, Dance | balance the ring |
40 Mohr Years | balance the ring |
A Different Bride | balance the ring |
A Gentle Turn | balance the ring |
A Random Thought | balance the ring, left foot first, and spin/slide left one place... |
balance the ring, left foot first, and spin/slide left one place... |
A-1 Reel | balance the ring |
AADS Reel | balance the ring |
ANTICI...PATION | balance the ring |
Addiction | balance the ring and twirl one place to the right |
balance the ring and twirl one place to the right |
balance the ring |
Airpants, Bradley Smith pass through | balance the ring |
Allison's Favorite | balance the ring |
Already Taken | balance the ring |
Alternating Current | balance the ring |
Aplets and Cotlets | balance the ring |
Arrhythmia | balance the ring and twirl one place to the right |
balance the ring |
Ashokan Hello (var.) | balance the ring |
Autumn Joy | balance the ring |
Autumn Leaves | balance the ring |
Autumn Leaves variation | balance the ring |
Back on the Interstate | balance the ring |
Back to Back | balance the ring |
Back to Front | balance the ring |
Backbeat Boogie | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Balance and Cross | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Balance and Think | balance the ring |
Banwell Fancy | balance the ring and pass thru across set with partner |
Be Happy | balance the ring |
Bicycle | balance the ring |
Birthday | balance the ring |
Blueberry Highway | balance the ring |
Bubbling Bob | balance the ring and twirl one place to the right |
balance the ring and twirl to wave of four ladles in center right... |
Burning Man | balance the ring Neighbor swing to wave of four ladles in center... |
Caffeinated Contra | balance the ring |
Cal and Irene | balance the ring |
balance the ring (back with partner) |
California Twirlin' | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Candles in the Night | balance the ring |
Carla's Stomp | balance the ring |
Cascades | balance the ring |
Center Ring | balance the ring and roll neighbor with half sashay alone set |
balance the ring roll partner across with half sashay |
balance the ring |
balance the ring ⁋ |
Chance Dance Scrambled Eggs | balance the ring |
Cherokee Shuffle | balance the ring |
Chicago Shuffle | balance the ring |
Chorus Jig II | balance the ring |
Christmas '96 | balance the ring |
Christmas '96 variation | balance the ring |
Cinco De Maye | balance the ring and twirl one place to the right |
balance the ring and twirl one place to the right and a little more... |
Circle of Delight | balance the ring |
Citronella Morning | balance the ring |
Clapp for Joy | balance the ring |
Climate Change's Reel | balance the ring |
Coconut Cream Pie | balance the ring |
Coming Home | balance the ring ladles trade to face partner |
Companion Piece | balance the ring |
Constellation Contra | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Contra Pride | balance the ring |
Contra Sashay | balance the ring |
Cotton Candy | balance the ring |
Counter Flow | balance the ring |
Counter Flow (re-timed) | balance the ring |
Cows are Watching | balance the ring |
Cows are Watching variation | balance the ring |
Cranky Ingenuity | balance the ring |
Creme Fraiche | balance the ring |
Cretaceous Companions | balance the ring |
Crock Pot Contra | balance the ring and ladles trade right shoulder |
balance the ring & pass thru to wave of 4 - ladles in center... |
Cross Current | balance the ring gentlespoons roll neighbor alone set |
balance the ring gentlespoons roll partner across |
balance the ring |
Crossroads Contra | balance the ring |
Cup of Joe | balance the ring |
Cupid's Clout | balance the ring |
Cutler Coast | balance the ring |
DANCING ON THE EDGE | balance the ring |
DANCING ON THE EDGE | balance the ring |
DANCING ON THE EDGE | balance the ring |
Dance Both Rolls | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Dance of Joy | balance the ring 1/2 sashay roll neighbor alone set |
balance the ring 11/2 sashay roll partner across set |
balance the ring |
Dance of Joy | balance the ring gentlespoons roll neighbor alone set |
balance the ring gentlespoons roll partner across |
Dance of Joy variation | balance the ring 1/2 sashay roll neighbor alone set |
balance the ring 11/2 sashay roll partner across set |
balance the ring |
Dancing Bears variation | balance the ring |
Dar Trek | balance the ring |
Dar Trek (alt. presentation) | balance the ring |
Dar Trek variation | balance the ring |
David's Daily Double | balance the ring |
Deck The Halls | balance the ring and twirl one place to the right |
balance the ring and twirl one place to the right |
Detour in Louisville | balance the ring |
Diamond Allotrope | balance the ring (diamond) |
balance the ring (diamond) |
Diane's Been There | balance the ring |
Dippin-Dots | balance the ring |
Dipping Dots | balance the ring |
Dipping Dots alternate B1 | balance the ring |
Dive for the Dolphin | balance the ring |
Diving Under the Double Rainbow 0.3 | balance the ring with 3rd couple |
Dolphin Poussette | balance the ring |
Dolphin Poussette (becket version) | balance the ring |
Don't Have to Walk but You Can Dance | balance the ring |
Door to Door var. | balance the ring |
Double Balanced Brain | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Down the Aisle | balance the ring |
Dr. Swinglove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love COVID-19 | balance the ring |
Dreamland Races | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Druzy Green | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Du Quoin Races | balance the ring |
E6 | balance the ring |
Early Rising Robins (Original) | balance the ring |
Easy Peasy | balance the ring |
Eclipse Chasers TESTING | balance the ring |
Emma's Emergency | balance the ring |
Entangled in Monte Carlo | balance the ring |
Everybody Dance | balance the ring |
Fair Trade | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
balance the ring |
balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Fast Fresh & Furious | balance the ring roll neighbor half sashay, you should be on the... |
balance the ring |
balance the ring partner roll with 1/2 sashay |
Feet in Flight (KW var) | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Fire in Vermont | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Fire in the Tunnel | balance the ring |
Firefly Pedicabs | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
First Hey | balance the ring |
First dance | balance the ring |
First dance variation | balance the ring |
First dance variation | balance the ring |
First dance variation | balance the ring |
First of May | balance the ring |
Flaherty Will Get You Everywhere | balance the ring |
Flip Flop | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Footloose Contra | balance the ring |
Four Ring Circus | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Fruit Punch | balance the ring |
Full Moon | balance the ring gentlespoons trade across to form ring |
Fun Dance For Linda (for Linda Leslie) | balance the ring (same 4) |
Fun With Alex | balance the ring |
Galaxy Brain Balance | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Glint | balance the ring |
Godspeed You! Blue Megabus | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Gold Star Wednesday | balance the ring |
Gotta Catch 'Em All | balance the ring |
Grand Western Canal | balance the ring |
Greenfield Petronella | balance the ring |
Guild Star Hall twirl | balance the ring ⁋ |
Handsome Young Maids | balance the ring |
Happy Trails to You | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Happy as a Cold Pig in Warm Mud | balance the ring |
Heart and Home | balance the ring |
Heartbeat Contra | balance the ring |
Heartbreak Contra | balance the ring |
Helgesson Hall | balance the ring |
Ho Ho Ho | balance the ring |
Hocus Pocus | balance the ring |
Hold on to your Hats | balance the ring |
Holiday in the Wood | balance the ring |
Home brew | balance the ring California twirl to face partner |
Hot Summer Nights | balance the ring |
Hotpoint Special | balance the ring |
Huckleberry Friend | balance the ring |
I Like to Walk, I Love to Dance | balance the ring ⁋ |
I Wish They All Could be California Twirls | balance the ring |
Ice cream | balance the ring shift one place to Left |
balance the ring shift Left one place |
Inflation Reel | balance the ring (not part of original choreography) |
Into the DMZ | balance the ring |
Invertro Flirtilization | balance the ring |
Irritable Inventiveness | balance the ring |
It's All Backwards 0.1 | balance the ring |
Java variation | balance the ring ⁋ |
Jersey Twirl | balance the ring |
Jim to the Rescue | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Joe | balance the ring |
Joel's in the Kitchen | balance the ring |
Joel's in the Kitchen variation variation | balance the ring |
Jonjak's Journey | balance the ring |
Joyous Night | balance the ring |
Kimmswick Diamonds | balance the ring (diamond) |
balance the ring (diamond) |
balance the ring |
Kowalski's Back Room II | balance the ring |
La Grande Voyage | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
balance the ring - gentlespoons bring your partner home to your side |
Lanny's Back | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Lark in The Afternoon | balance the ring |
Last Hey | balance the ring |
Leap Dance | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Libra Boys | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Life Crossings | balance the ring |
Liz's steady hand | balance the ring |
Love Sting | balance the ring |
Luna in the Library | balance the ring with partner |
Luna in the Library var. | balance the ring with partner |
Mad Orbin | balance the ring |
Mad Robin in Love | balance the ring |
Made Up Tonight | balance the ring |
Made in the Shade | balance the ring |
March for Andrea | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Marshmallows in Flight | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Metronella | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Mid Night Dancer | balance the ring and roll partner across set with half sashay |
Mind the Shark | balance the ring |
Moe Joe | balance the ring |
Molaro | balance the ring |
Moon & Stars Contra | balance the ring |
Moon Doggie | balance the ring |
balance the ring ⁋ |
More for your Money | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Morning Tea | balance the ring |
Needs Must | balance the ring |
New Dance { Call it What You Want } | balance the ring this the second couple you face |
New Dance Magic Ring | balance the ring ⁋ |
New Dance Dance Friends | balance the ring |
New Dance Yellow Shirt Bike Ride | balance the ring |
balance the ring ladles cross back to partner side |
New Dance { Ocean Wave Of Joy} | balance the ring this is an other choice for the B2 |
New Dance Contra Connection | balance the ring |
New Dance Partner Fun | balance the ring ⁋ |
New Dance Dance tme | balance the ring ⁋ |
New Dance Night Owl | balance the ring |
New Dance Rowdy Society | balance the ring |
New Dance Hearten Contra | balance the ring |
balance the ring and twirl one place to the right |
balance the ring |
balance the ring |
New Dance Just pass thru | balance the ring |
New Dance Spin the Bottle | balance the ring and twirl right one place in circle |
balance the ring and twirl right one place in circle |
balance the ring |
New Dance Sugar High | balance the ring |
balance the ring men trade places |
balance the ring |
New Dance Reunited | balance the ring |
New Dance Shawn Reel | balance the ring balance in and out |
New Dance Cheer Contra | balance the ring |
balance the ring & twirl right one place |
balance the ring |
New Dance Circulation | balance the ring |
New Dance Red White Blue | balance the ring |
New Dance Right turns | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
New Dance Spellbound | balance the ring |
New Dance Tase of honey | balance the ring and twirl one place to the right |
balance the ring and twirl right once half to new neighbors to... |
New Year, Same Old Charlie | balance the ring |
Night dancer | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Nightingale | balance the ring |
No Rest for the Weary | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Nutella Petronella | balance the ring |
Old & New Friends | balance the ring |
On the Other Hand | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
On the Other Hand (It Works Fine With the Music) | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
On the Road | balance the ring and roll partner from left to right with half... |
Out Bound | balance the ring and twirl one place to rhe right |
balance the ring |
Paradise | balance the ring and roll neighbor across set ( trade) |
Peacock | balance the ring |
Pebbles in my Boots | balance the ring |
Pedal Pushers | balance the ring |
Penicillin | balance the ring |
Petrofornia Twirl 0.1 | balance the ring |
Petronella | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Petronella Stars | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Piece of Cake | balance the ring |
Piece of Cake variation | balance the ring |
Pink Martini | balance the ring |
Push the Button | balance the ring |
RING OF FIRE | balance the ring |
Rachel | balance the ring and twirl one place to the right |
balance the ring and twirl one place to the in (Long Ocean Wave ,... |
Ransom Note (adaptation) | balance the ring |
Reflection | balance the ring California twirl to new new couple ⁋ |
Rim of the Sky | balance the ring |
Ring a ding | balance the ring |
Rings of Fun | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Rings of Fun | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Rip and Snort | balance the ring then Rip and Snort (1s Arch, 2s Dive Through, 2s... |
balance the ring |
Rising Of The Sun | balance the ring |
Rising Of The Sun variation | balance the ring |
Robin Shall Restore Amends | balance the ring |
Rock the Cradle, Joe | balance the ring |
Roll 12.5 | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Roll, Roll, Roll Your Beau | balance the ring |
Rollicking Good Time | balance the ring |
Rosie's Rave | balance the ring |
Rosin the Beau | balance the ring |
Sautee Swing var | balance the ring |
Seige of Kerrick (adaptation) | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Shining Eyes | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Slapping The Wood | balance the ring |
Snow Dance | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Solstice Reel | balance the ring |
Sounds Like a Match | balance the ring |
Southern Summer | balance the ring |
Southern Summer | balance the ring |
Spin Break | balance the ring |
Spring Break | balance the ring |
Step In Time | balance the ring |
Stick in the Bug | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Stoolie's Jig | balance the ring |
Sving Træbenet | balance the ring |
Sweet Home Petronella | balance the ring |
Tetrahymena Twirl | balance the ring |
The Big Easy | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
The Big Easy variation | balance the ring |
The Connectrix | balance the ring |
The Future Soon | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
balance the ring |
The Hey Vexation 0.1 | balance the ring |
The Law Firm of Rob and Sue | balance the ring |
The Menagerie | balance the ring |
The Petronella Hurl | balance the ring |
The Pizza Democracy | balance the ring |
The Pizza Democracy variation | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
balance the ring |
The Sturgeon General | balance the ring |
The Sturgeon General variation | balance the ring |
The Wedding Ring Circle Mixer | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
The Wild Woman From North Carolina | balance the ring (not part of original choreography) |
Third Dance | balance the ring |
This Dance is, Jess, For You | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Three Bricks Shy | balance the ring |
Three Sisters | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Time of your Life | balance the ring and shift Left one place |
Togetherness | balance the ring |
Too Hot to Trot var. | balance the ring |
Toulouse- Lautrec | balance the ring trade to swap with partner ⁋ |
Trance | balance the ring |
Travels with Rick and Kim | balance the ring |
Trip to Outer Magnolia | balance the ring |
Triple Hat Syndrome | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Triwizard Tournament | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Twice The Fun | balance the ring |
Twirling colors | balance the ring |
Twist Of Destiny | balance the ring ⁋ |
Two Waves, Five Balances on the Head of a Pin | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Uncharted Seas | balance the ring |
Vallimont's Steamboat | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Van Is My Middle Name | balance the ring |
Wave Goodbye to Winter | balance the ring |
Wave Goodbye to Winter Rollaway variation | balance the ring |
Waxmyrtle | balance the ring |
Weeks on the Road | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Weeks on the Road (var) | balance the ring |
What That Goes Together Well | balance the ring |
What the Flock? | balance the ring |
Which Side is Up? | balance the ring |
Winter is Coming | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Wizard's Walk Ted Steele A2 | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Y 2k | balance the ring |
Yellow Rose (var) | balance the ring |
Yoyo's Ma | balance the ring |
Zoom Contra #6 | balance the ring |
slapping wood variation | balance the ring |