


related figures: balance the ring, box circulate, box the gnat, swat the flea, form a long wave, form an ocean wave, petronella, pull by dancers, pull by direction, Rory O'More, square through
formal parameters: who, beats


Dance Figure
Badlands Contra
balance wave
Contra Verve
balance wave
Music Of The Spheres
balance and move to new wave straight ahead to new wave of 4
balance wave of 4 and ladles slide left in center pass each other!
Step Left to wave of Four
balance wave of four
20 Below
balance wave
500 Miles, One Step at a Time
neighbors balance
A 60th Birthday Dance (for Chris Deephouse)
A Peek Ahead
neighbors balance
Abolish Mop Snarl
balance the wave
balance the wave
Accretion Reel
balance ring [1]
Across the Ohio
balance the wave, left then right
Across the Pond
Ad Vielle (Oddville)
balance the wave forward and back
balance the new wave forward and back
Alabama Charlie
balance star
Alamo Intro
____ balance the wave
____ balance the wave
Allison's Favorite
balance the star
balance the star
Amherst & Wooster
balance the wave
Another Trip to Germany
balance the wave
Apple of my eye
neighbors balance
neighbors balance
At Long Last Swing
next neighbors balance
Backbeat Boogie
partners balance left hands along
next neighbors balance right hands along
Balance And West Coast Swing
partners balance left hands
balance the wave (L, R)
balance the wave (R, L)
Bass Ackwards
balance the wave
Batja's Breakdown
____ balance the wave
Be Here Now
balance the wave left & right
Beach Grass
balance the wave
Bells Of The Season
balance Ladles shift left in center
balance And move foward to new wave of 4
Binary Stars
balance the star
Bird Of Paradise
balance gentlespoons move straight ahead ladles move ahead of the...
Black Bird in The Night
balance left and slide Rory O' More back same neighbor
____ balance wave
Buffet Contra
balance wave and move forward to new wave of 4 gentlespoons in...
balance wave
Burning Man
balance left & right wave of four
Can't Wait to See You Again
balance the wave
balance the wave
Can't wait to See You Again
balance Wave 4 ladles move straight ahead to new wave of 4 while...
balance Wave of 4 ladles allemande left once back to neighbor
Candles in the Night
balance wave of 4
Carla's Stomp
balance the wave
balance Wave of 4 gentlespoons move straight ahead while ladles...
Catch a Falling Star
balance the star
Chinese Pickles 0.1
balance the wave
Chippenham Square
Chuck the Budgie
Chuck the Budgie
balance the wave *left* & right
balance the wave
Complicity Swing
balance the wave
balance wave of 4
balance wave of 4
same roles balance right & shift left nose to nose as in Rory O...
balance and move straight a head to new wave of 4
Cotillion Maze
balance wave of 4 move forward to new wave of 4
Courtesy Turn Training Mixer
balance in and out
Crock Pot Contra
balance wave of 4
Cup of Joe
partners balance
Daddy's Little Girl
partners balance
Dancing Waves
balance wave and move on the right diagonal to form a new wave with...
balance gentlespoons turn left half to face partner
Deck The Halls
partners balance star thru ( gentlespoons right ladles left twirl...
Diane's Been There
balance right and then left
Don't Let's Star
neighbors balance
Dr. Bluhm's Delight
balance the wave
balance the wave
balance the wave
Dreamland Races
balance the wave
Du Quoin Races
Early Evening Rollaway
balance the ring
balance wave of 4
balance wave
same roles balance -- with neighbor on side of set trade to swap...
Eeyore's Excuse
neighbors balance
Equity Reel
balance wave
balance the wave
Expert Bits
Eye Of The Tiger
balance Wave-gentlespoons move straight to next wave -- whiles...
balance Gentlespoons move straight ahead while ladles cross left to...
Family Contra
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
balance the ring
Fire Fly dance
Flaherty Will Get You Everywhere
____ balance the wave
Flea Swats Back
balance ocean wave
Flip Flop Frenzy
balance star
balance star with N1
Fool on the Hill
balance the wave
Fourth Friday
Fun Dance For Linda (for Linda Leslie)
neighbors balance (gentlespoons right hand, ladles left hand)
Generation Gap
neighbors balance with inside hands
Gleeful Partners
Good By Chatham
balance wave
Good Time Contra
balance long wave
Goody One Shoe
balance the diamond
balance the diamond
Goody One Shoe
balance the diamond
balance the diamond
Gravity Waves
Greenleaf Wave new dance Revise from 10-31-06
balance wave of 4, just the gentlespoons move forward to new wave...
balance wave 4,
same roles balance ladles
Hazelnut Contra
balance wave of 4
Heart of love
balance wave of 4
Heartbeat Contra
partners balance
Hey Maker Contra
partners balance (or right gyre )
Hey Man
same roles balance right hand
Hey Man
partners balance twirl to swap with partners
Hey the Line
balance - forward/left & back/right
balance - the ring
____ balance the wave
Hidden Pleasure
balance wave of 4 and go to shadow and allemande right once around...
Hold on to your Hats
Holiday in the Wood
Home brew
balance wave and men move forward cw in oval to new neighgor and be...
Hope You Like It
partners balance
neighbors balance
Hot Summer Nights
balance the wave right & back
balance the wave left & right
Hot Winter Nights
Hume Fogg Reel
partners balance
Hume Fogg Reel variation
partners balance
Humppa Promenad
partners balance sideways - inside hands
partners balance sideways - inside hands
Ice Cream in the Sink
partners balance together & apart
partners balance together & apart
In Cahoots
balance forward and back
balance forward and back
It Started on Facebook
balance (right and left)
same roles balance gentlespoons
Joyous Night
neighbors balance inside hands
Jump& Shout
balance wave and move straight to a new ocean of 4
balance wave of 4
Kimmswick Diamonds
balance wave
Kimmswick Express
balance right & left
La Green Bean
La Guaracha aka Spanish Waltz
____ balance corners
balance corners
balance corners
balance corners
Lama Lama Ding Dong
balance wave of four
balance long wave
Lamplighter's Hornpipe
Lamplighter's Hornpipe (diagonal wave variation)
balance the wave right & left
balance the wave left & right
balance the wave right & left
Last Hey
balance short waves
Laugh & Love
balance ⁋
Lava Flow
balance in a left-hand star
M.A.D. About Dancing
balance wave right, then left
balance wave left, then right
balance wave forward and back, and walk forward to new waves
M.A.D. About Dancing
balance the wave right
balance the wave left
balance the wave forward
Mange Tak
balance right & left
balance right & left
Melted Butter
neighbors balance
Moe Joe
neighbors balance and twirl to swap with inside hands
Money Musk
balance long lines
balance short lines
balance the cloverleaf
Neighbor Tease
balance wave
New Dance
balance And move forward to new neighbors
balance Ladles allemande left halfway to face partner
New Dance Dream Dance
balance wave of four
balance long wave
New Dance (Riding The Waves )
balance wave of four
balance straight to new wave of four
New Dance { Ocean Wave Of Joy}
same roles balance gentlespoons balance in center of long ocean wave
same roles balance Ladles balance in center of ocean wave
New Dance All that Jazz
balance wave of four
balance new wave of four
New Dance Dancing Lights
balance wave of 4,
New Dance Contra Connection
balance long wave
balance wave of 4
New Dance CJ
balance and ladles shift left in center
New Dance Elvis Wave
same roles balance long wave , gentlespoons back out ladles come...
same roles balance
New Dance ( Wave Surfing )
balance new wave of four gentlespoons in center right hands
New Dance Banjo Moon
balance wave of four
New Dance Swing in' Tern
balance men move forward in oval cw ,to shadow ladles stay at home,
balance wave
New Dance Tambourine
balance wave of four
same roles balance gentlespoons balance long wave
New Dance Cafe' Au Lait
same roles balance ladles balance
New Dance Dance Song
New Dance Just pass thru
neighbors balance in and roll back to face partner across set
New Dance Contra Medicine
balance wave of four
balance wave of four
New Dance Lost in Time
balance wave
New Dance Shawn Reel
balance ladles shift left to neghbor
New Dance Circulation
balance gentlespoons move one place clockwise to the left in an...
New Dance Dancing ON My Own
____ balance wave of 4
New Dance Fun Frolic
New Dance Music Of The Spheres
balance wave of 4 and move straight ahead to new wave of four
balance wave of 4
New Dance Right turns
balance circle gentlespoons trade places and give two hands to...
New Dance Rip Tide With a Twist
balance wave of 4, move on right diagonal to new wave of 4...
balance ocean wave and move on left diagonal,with third neighbor
New Dance Road Runner
balance ocean wave o 4
balance gentlespoons pull by and look for partner on slight right...
New Dance Tase of honey
New Dance) Exotic
Night Sail
balance long waves
Not Quite Fifty
partners balance with handy hand (gentlespoon's left ladle's' right)
Not So Fast
neighbors balance
On the Other Hand
On the Road
Once More With Feeling
neighbors balance right hand
Orange Peel
balance wave
Over the Rainbow
balance wave of 4, and couples move forward on right diagonal to...
balance wave of 4 and
Page Turner
balance wave
balance wave
Pebbles in my Boots
balance short waves forward/back
Penny’s Calinella Twirl
balance the ring
Pinball Wizard
balance the wave right & back (with N1)
balance the wave right & back (with partner) ⁋
Pinwheel Petronella
balance the wave
Playground Stomp
neighbors balance and star through (inside hand)
balance the ring
Raven Joy
Razzle Dazzle
Rick's Triplet #1
balance in a ring of four
balance in a ring of six
balance in a ring of six
Rip Tide
balance & move forward to new wave on the right diagonal , ...
balance wave, move on the left diagonal to third neighbor
Rock the Cradle, Joe
balance the ring
Rosin the Beau
balance Wave, gentlespoons move straight ahead while ladles cross...
Royal Wedding
balance the ring
balance the ring
Salmonella Evening
balance the ring
Sauce for the Goose
neighbors balance right hand,
neighbors balance right hand
Second dance
neighbors balance
Shadow Nova
balance the wave
Shadow Nova variation
balance the wave
Shiver Me Timbers
balance right and left
Silver Sea
balance the wave right, then left
Slo Mo Bo Circ (Slow Motion Box Circulate)
Smile On
balance and go straight ahead to new neighbor
Snake in the Garden
Snapping the wood variation
Snapping the wood variation
Soul Mate
balance wave of 4
Spider Jive
neighbors balance by the left
Spin Break
balance wave
balance wave ⁋
Splashing IN The Waves
same roles balance long wave in center ladles
same roles balance long wave , gentlespoons back out ladles come in
Spoot the Dog
neighbors balance
balance left and right
neighbors balance by right hands
Stars Over Bethlehem (PA)
balance and ladles move forward to new wave on right diagonal pick...
Stars in the Wildfire
balance short waves
Steal A Kiss
balance wave
Stepping On The Stars
balance the star and gentlespoons pull-by left too face partner (...
Steppy Downs Road
partners balance
Strike up the Band
balance wave and move straight to new wave
balance wave
Summer Sunshine
balance the wave
balance the wave
Summer of '84
balance the wave
balance the wave
Susie's Send-Off
balance the wave
Sweet Honey
neighbors balance and Star Thru ( inside hands Mans right ladies...
Sweet Pepper Bush
balance wave of four
Sweet Vicki
Take a Dance (adaptation)
partners balance
Tears Of Joy
balance Wave gentlespoons move straight while ladles cross left to...
balance Wave
Tetrahymena Twirl
balance the star
Thanks, Charlie
balance right and left
The Amazing Sarah Wilcox
neighbors balance
next neighbors balance
The Baby Yoda
partners balance
next neighbors balance
The Balter Dance
neighbors balance across and pull by across using right hands
partners balance towards each other and away
The Big Bicep
balance forward & back; step forward ⁋
The Farmer's Bride
balance the wave
The Notorious First Date
balance the ring
The Odyssey Shuffle
neighbors balance by the right hand
The Queen Bee
balance the wave - right then left
The Salty Swirl
partners balance (1s only)
The Sun Never Sets on Puget Sound (Except When It Does, Sometimes)
balance short waves forward/back, pass through ⁋
The Tosa Slide
neighbors balance right
The Tropical Gentleman
partners balance by the right hand
The Weekend Warrior
balance short waves forward/back
Three Thirty-Three
neighbors balance by the right hand
Thundering Lagoons
partners balance right hands along
Together Again
partners balance Dancers must turn enough to face their partners in...
Totally Improper
partners balance left hands
Toulouse- Lautrec
balance long wave and slide nose to nose with partner shifting...
Two Left Hands
balance wave 0f 4 and move straight ahead new ladles will meet in...
Two Waves, Five Balances on the Head of a Pin
partners balance left, then right
neighbors balance right, then left
Wave Goodbye to Winter
balance ⁋
Wave Goodbye to Winter Rollaway variation
____ balance ⁋
Waves Tossed in Dublin Bay
partners balance keep promenade hands and balance here with the...
Wedding Rings
neighbors balance and star through to face in
What That Goes Together Well
partners balance and twirl to swap inside hands
neighbors balance across set inside hands and twirl to swap
Where is Tim's Cup?
partners balance
balance wave
Wilderness Road
partners balance towards and away from each other
Wings Of A Dove
balance and move forward to new wave of 4
balance new wave of 4
Y 2k
balance Wave
You Can Get To Good Friday From Here
balance the wave fwd & back
You Can't Get There From Here
balance the wave
balance the wave
You Can't Get There From Here
balance the wave
balance the wave
balance the wave
¡Que Linda!
balance the wave left and right
balance the ring

Dances without Balance

Moves Sharing a Dance with Balance


allemande orbit

balance the ring

box circulate

box the gnat

butterfly whirl

California twirl




do si do

dolphin hey

down the hall

figure 8

form a long wave

form an ocean wave

form long waves

give & take



long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by

pass through




pull by dancers

pull by direction

right left through

roll away

Rory O'More


slide along set

square through

stand still


star promenade

swat the flea


turn alone

up the hall

zig zag

Moves Preceding Balance



balance the ring

box circulate

box the gnat

California twirl




do si do

form an ocean wave

form long waves



mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by

pass through



pull by dancers

right left through

roll away

Rory O'More

slide along set

square through



turn alone

up the hall

zig zag

Moves Following Balance



balance the ring

box circulate

box the gnat

butterfly whirl

California twirl




do si do

form a long wave

form an ocean wave

give & take



long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by

pass through



pull by dancers

pull by direction

roll away

Rory O'More

slide along set

square through


star promenade

swat the flea


turn alone