related figures: balance the ring, box circulate, box the gnat, swat the flea, form a long wave, form an ocean wave, petronella, pull by dancers, pull by direction, Rory O'More, square through
formal parameters:
who, beats
Dance | Figure |
Badlands Contra | balance wave |
Contra Verve | balance wave |
Music Of The Spheres | balance and move to new wave straight ahead to new wave of 4 |
balance wave of 4 and ladles slide left in center pass each other! |
Step Left to wave of Four | balance wave of four |
20 Below | balance wave |
500 Miles, One Step at a Time | neighbors balance |
A 60th Birthday Dance (for Chris Deephouse) | balance |
A Peek Ahead | neighbors balance |
Abolish Mop Snarl | balance the wave |
balance the wave |
Accretion Reel | balance ring [1] |
Across the Ohio | balance the wave, left then right |
Across the Pond | balance |
Ad Vielle (Oddville) | balance the wave forward and back |
balance the new wave forward and back |
Alabama Charlie | balance star |
Alamo Intro | ____ balance the wave |
____ balance the wave |
Allison's Favorite | balance the star |
balance the star |
Amherst & Wooster | balance the wave |
Another Trip to Germany | balance the wave |
Apple of my eye | neighbors balance |
Aqueous | neighbors balance |
At Long Last Swing | next neighbors balance |
Backbeat Boogie | partners balance left hands along |
next neighbors balance right hands along |
Balance And West Coast Swing | partners balance left hands |
balance the wave (L, R) |
balance the wave (R, L) |
Bass Ackwards | balance the wave |
balance |
Batja's Breakdown | ____ balance the wave |
Be Here Now | balance the wave left & right |
Beach Grass | balance the wave |
Bells Of The Season | balance Ladles shift left in center |
balance And move foward to new wave of 4 |
balance |
Binary Stars | balance the star |
Bird Of Paradise | balance gentlespoons move straight ahead ladles move ahead of the... |
Black Bird in The Night | balance left and slide Rory O' More back same neighbor |
____ balance wave |
Buffet Contra | balance wave and move forward to new wave of 4 gentlespoons in... |
balance wave |
Burning Man | balance left & right wave of four |
Can't Wait to See You Again | balance the wave |
balance the wave |
Can't wait to See You Again | balance Wave 4 ladles move straight ahead to new wave of 4 while... |
balance Wave of 4 ladles allemande left once back to neighbor |
Candles in the Night | balance wave of 4 |
Carla's Stomp | balance the wave |
Carnvail | balance Wave of 4 gentlespoons move straight ahead while ladles... |
Catch a Falling Star | balance the star |
Chinese Pickles 0.1 | balance the wave |
Chippenham Square | balance |
Chuck the Budgie | balance |
Chuck the Budgie | balance the wave *left* & right |
balance the wave |
Complicity Swing | balance the wave |
Confection | balance wave of 4 |
balance wave of 4 |
same roles balance right & shift left nose to nose as in Rory O... |
balance and move straight a head to new wave of 4 |
Cotillion Maze | balance wave of 4 move forward to new wave of 4 |
balance |
Courtesy Turn Training Mixer | balance in and out |
Crock Pot Contra | balance wave of 4 |
Cup of Joe | partners balance |
Daddy's Little Girl | partners balance |
Dancing Waves | balance wave and move on the right diagonal to form a new wave with... |
balance gentlespoons turn left half to face partner |
Deck The Halls | partners balance star thru ( gentlespoons right ladles left twirl... |
Diane's Been There | balance right and then left |
Don't Let's Star | neighbors balance |
Dr. Bluhm's Delight | balance the wave |
balance the wave |
balance the wave |
Dreamland Races | balance the wave |
Du Quoin Races | balance |
Early Evening Rollaway | balance the ring |
Eden | balance wave of 4 |
balance wave |
same roles balance -- with neighbor on side of set trade to swap... |
Eeyore's Excuse | neighbors balance |
Equity Reel | balance |
Essential | balance wave |
Evanesce | balance the wave |
Expert Bits | balance |
Eye Of The Tiger | balance Wave-gentlespoons move straight to next wave -- whiles... |
FANTASY | balance Gentlespoons move straight ahead while ladles cross left to... |
Family Contra | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
balance the ring |
balance the ring |
Fire Fly dance | balance |
Flaherty Will Get You Everywhere | ____ balance the wave |
Flea Swats Back | balance ocean wave |
Flip Flop Frenzy | balance star |
balance star with N1 |
Fool on the Hill | balance the wave |
Fourth Friday | balance |
balance |
Fun Dance For Linda (for Linda Leslie) | neighbors balance (gentlespoons right hand, ladles left hand) |
Generation Gap | neighbors balance with inside hands |
Gleeful Partners | balance |
Good By Chatham | balance wave |
Good Time Contra | balance long wave |
Goody One Shoe | balance the diamond |
balance the diamond |
Goody One Shoe | balance the diamond |
balance the diamond |
Gravity Waves | balance |
Greenleaf Wave new dance Revise from 10-31-06 | balance wave of 4, just the gentlespoons move forward to new wave... |
balance wave 4, |
same roles balance ladles |
Hazelnut Contra | balance wave of 4 |
Heart of love | balance wave of 4 |
Heartbeat Contra | partners balance |
Hey Maker Contra | partners balance (or right gyre ) |
Hey Man | same roles balance right hand |
Hey Man | partners balance twirl to swap with partners |
Hey the Line | balance - forward/left & back/right |
balance - the ring |
balance |
Heyllamande | ____ balance the wave |
Hidden Pleasure | balance wave of 4 and go to shadow and allemande right once around... |
Hold on to your Hats | balance |
Holiday in the Wood | balance |
Home brew | balance wave and men move forward cw in oval to new neighgor and be... |
Hope You Like It | partners balance |
neighbors balance |
Hot Summer Nights | balance the wave right & back |
balance the wave left & right |
Hot Winter Nights | balance |
Hume Fogg Reel | partners balance |
Hume Fogg Reel variation | partners balance |
Humppa Promenad | partners balance sideways - inside hands |
partners balance sideways - inside hands |
Ice Cream in the Sink | partners balance together & apart |
partners balance together & apart |
In Cahoots | balance forward and back |
balance forward and back |
It Started on Facebook | balance (right and left) |
Joseph | balance |
same roles balance gentlespoons |
Joyous Night | neighbors balance inside hands |
Jump& Shout | balance wave and move straight to a new ocean of 4 |
balance wave of 4 |
Kimmswick Diamonds | balance wave |
Kimmswick Express | balance right & left |
La Green Bean | balance |
balance |
La Guaracha aka Spanish Waltz | ____ balance corners |
balance corners |
balance corners |
balance corners |
Lama Lama Ding Dong | balance wave of four |
balance long wave |
Lamplighter's Hornpipe | balance |
balance |
Lamplighter's Hornpipe (diagonal wave variation) | balance the wave right & left |
balance the wave left & right |
balance the wave right & left |
Last Hey | balance short waves |
Laugh & Love | balance ⁋ |
Lava Flow | balance in a left-hand star |
M.A.D. About Dancing | balance wave right, then left |
balance wave left, then right |
balance wave forward and back, and walk forward to new waves |
M.A.D. About Dancing | balance the wave right |
balance the wave left |
balance the wave forward |
Mange Tak | balance right & left |
balance right & left |
Melted Butter | neighbors balance |
Moe Joe | neighbors balance and twirl to swap with inside hands |
Money Musk | balance long lines |
balance short lines |
Monophobia | balance the cloverleaf |
Neighbor Tease | balance wave |
New Dance | balance And move forward to new neighbors |
balance Ladles allemande left halfway to face partner |
New Dance Dream Dance | balance wave of four |
balance long wave |
New Dance (Riding The Waves ) | balance wave of four |
balance straight to new wave of four |
New Dance { Ocean Wave Of Joy} | same roles balance gentlespoons balance in center of long ocean wave |
same roles balance Ladles balance in center of ocean wave |
New Dance All that Jazz | balance wave of four |
balance new wave of four |
New Dance Dancing Lights | balance wave of 4, |
New Dance Contra Connection | balance long wave |
balance wave of 4 |
New Dance CJ | balance and ladles shift left in center |
New Dance Elvis Wave | same roles balance long wave , gentlespoons back out ladles come... |
same roles balance |
New Dance ( Wave Surfing ) | balance |
balance new wave of four gentlespoons in center right hands |
New Dance Banjo Moon | balance |
balance wave of four |
New Dance Swing in' Tern | balance men move forward in oval cw ,to shadow ladles stay at home, |
balance wave |
New Dance Tambourine | balance wave of four |
same roles balance gentlespoons balance long wave |
New Dance Cafe' Au Lait | same roles balance ladles balance |
New Dance Dance Song | balance |
New Dance Just pass thru | neighbors balance in and roll back to face partner across set |
New Dance Contra Medicine | balance wave of four |
balance wave of four |
New Dance Lost in Time | balance |
balance wave |
New Dance Shawn Reel | balance ladles shift left to neghbor |
New Dance Circulation | balance gentlespoons move one place clockwise to the left in an... |
New Dance Dancing ON My Own | balance |
____ balance wave of 4 |
New Dance Fun Frolic | balance |
New Dance Music Of The Spheres | balance wave of 4 and move straight ahead to new wave of four |
balance wave of 4 |
New Dance Right turns | balance circle gentlespoons trade places and give two hands to... |
New Dance Rip Tide With a Twist | balance wave of 4, move on right diagonal to new wave of 4... |
balance ocean wave and move on left diagonal,with third neighbor |
New Dance Road Runner | balance ocean wave o 4 |
balance gentlespoons pull by and look for partner on slight right... |
New Dance Tase of honey | balance |
New Dance) Exotic | balance |
Night Sail | balance |
No-See-Ums | balance long waves |
Not Quite Fifty | partners balance with handy hand (gentlespoon's left ladle's' right) |
Not So Fast | neighbors balance |
On the Other Hand | balance |
balance |
On the Road | balance |
Once More With Feeling | neighbors balance right hand |
Orange Peel | balance wave |
Over the Rainbow | balance wave of 4, and couples move forward on right diagonal to... |
balance wave of 4 and |
Page Turner | balance wave |
balance wave |
Pebbles in my Boots | balance short waves forward/back |
Penny’s Calinella Twirl | balance the ring |
Pinball Wizard | balance the wave right & back (with N1) |
balance the wave right & back (with partner) ⁋ |
Pinwheel Petronella | balance the wave |
Pinwheels | balance |
balance |
Playground Stomp | balance |
Potpurri | neighbors balance and star through (inside hand) |
balance the ring |
Raven Joy | balance |
Razzle Dazzle | balance |
Rick's Triplet #1 | balance in a ring of four |
balance in a ring of six |
balance in a ring of six |
Rip Tide | balance & move forward to new wave on the right diagonal , ... |
balance wave, move on the left diagonal to third neighbor |
Rock the Cradle, Joe | balance the ring |
Rosin the Beau | balance Wave, gentlespoons move straight ahead while ladles cross... |
Royal Wedding | balance the ring |
balance the ring |
SLIDING WAVES | balance |
Salmonella Evening | balance the ring |
Sauce for the Goose | neighbors balance right hand, |
neighbors balance right hand |
Second dance | neighbors balance |
Shadow Nova | balance the wave |
Shadow Nova variation | balance the wave |
Shiver Me Timbers | balance right and left |
Silver Sea | balance the wave right, then left |
Slo Mo Bo Circ (Slow Motion Box Circulate) | balance |
balance |
Smile On | balance and go straight ahead to new neighbor |
Snake in the Garden | balance |
balance |
Snapping the wood variation | balance |
Snapping the wood variation | balance |
Soul Mate | balance wave of 4 |
Spider Jive | neighbors balance by the left |
Spin Break | balance wave |
balance wave ⁋ |
Splashing IN The Waves | same roles balance long wave in center ladles |
same roles balance long wave , gentlespoons back out ladles come in |
Spoot the Dog | neighbors balance |
balance left and right |
Starburst | neighbors balance by right hands |
Stars Over Bethlehem (PA) | balance and ladles move forward to new wave on right diagonal pick... |
Stars in the Wildfire | balance short waves |
Steal A Kiss | balance wave |
Stepping On The Stars | balance the star and gentlespoons pull-by left too face partner (... |
Steppy Downs Road | partners balance |
Strike up the Band | balance wave and move straight to new wave |
balance wave |
Summer Sunshine | balance the wave |
balance the wave |
Summer of '84 | balance the wave |
balance the wave |
Susie's Send-Off | balance the wave |
Sweet Honey | neighbors balance and Star Thru ( inside hands Mans right ladies... |
Sweet Pepper Bush | balance wave of four |
Sweet Vicki | balance |
Take a Dance (adaptation) | partners balance |
Tears Of Joy | balance Wave gentlespoons move straight while ladles cross left to... |
balance Wave |
Tetrahymena Twirl | balance the star |
Thanks, Charlie | balance right and left |
The Amazing Sarah Wilcox | neighbors balance |
next neighbors balance |
The Baby Yoda | partners balance |
next neighbors balance |
The Balter Dance | neighbors balance across and pull by across using right hands |
partners balance towards each other and away |
The Big Bicep | balance forward & back; step forward ⁋ |
The Farmer's Bride | balance the wave |
The Notorious First Date | balance the ring |
The Odyssey Shuffle | neighbors balance by the right hand |
The Queen Bee | balance the wave - right then left |
The Salty Swirl | partners balance (1s only) |
The Sun Never Sets on Puget Sound (Except When It Does, Sometimes) | balance short waves forward/back, pass through ⁋ |
The Tosa Slide | neighbors balance right |
The Tropical Gentleman | partners balance by the right hand |
The Weekend Warrior | balance short waves forward/back |
Three Thirty-Three | neighbors balance by the right hand |
Thundering Lagoons | partners balance right hands along |
Together Again | partners balance Dancers must turn enough to face their partners in... |
Togetherness | balance |
Totally Improper | partners balance left hands |
Toulouse- Lautrec | balance long wave and slide nose to nose with partner shifting... |
Tranquility | balance |
Two Left Hands | balance wave 0f 4 and move straight ahead new ladles will meet in... |
Two Waves, Five Balances on the Head of a Pin | partners balance left, then right |
neighbors balance right, then left |
Wave Goodbye to Winter | balance ⁋ |
Wave Goodbye to Winter Rollaway variation | ____ balance ⁋ |
Waves Tossed in Dublin Bay | partners balance keep promenade hands and balance here with the... |
Wedding Rings | neighbors balance and star through to face in |
What That Goes Together Well | partners balance and twirl to swap inside hands |
neighbors balance across set inside hands and twirl to swap |
Where is Tim's Cup? | partners balance |
Whimsical | balance wave |
Wilderness Road | partners balance towards and away from each other |
Wings Of A Dove | balance and move forward to new wave of 4 |
balance new wave of 4 |
Y 2k | balance Wave |
You Can Get To Good Friday From Here | balance the wave fwd & back |
You Can't Get There From Here | balance the wave |
balance |
balance the wave |
You Can't Get There From Here | balance the wave |
balance the wave |
balance the wave |
¡Que Linda! | balance the wave left and right |
balance the ring |