Heart and Home

hook: Revolving door progression, pedal pusher hook

by: Isaac Banner

formation: Becket

A1 6
revolving door - ladles take right hands and drop off partners on other side
slide left past neighbors, ladles stepping to the outside as gentlespoons take left hands
gentlespoons allemande left 1½ around while the ladles orbit clockwise ½ around
A2 16
neighbors balance & swing
B1 4
balance the ring
pass through across the set
circle left 3 places single-file, gentlespoons turn back to face partners
B2 14
partners balance & swing
slide left along set ⁋

A little bit of everything, this dance began as a nod to “Pedal Pushers” by Bob Dalsemer—I just love the Englishy feel of the B1 movement in the original. I wanted to invert the star promenade from the original and, ever since Will got me hooked on slide left + revolving door (“Trip to Petrick”, Will Mentor), I’ve been seeing them everywhere I look.

A nod to Andy Shore’s “Doorbits” for the final piece of the puzzle, the transition to the orbit has the best kind of flow.

Balance and swing because there’s a lot of clockwise movement for the ladles in this one and they deserve a break.


user: Isaac Banner

shared everywhere


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toggle validations for common dance entry errors, e.g. typing 'gentlemen' when you're using 'leads'