Fatal Attraction

hook: fun rotating ricochet hey-esque figure

by: Cary Ravitz

formation: Becket

A1 4
slice left ⁋
gentlespoons roll away partners on way back
circle right 3 places
first gentlespoons roll away neighbor [1]
A2 4
Ones go forward; pivot counterclockwise 90 degrees; fall back. Meanwhile, Twos go backwards; loop one position counterclockwise around group of four [2]
Twos go forward; pivot counterclockwise 90 degrees; fall back. Meanwhile, Ones go backwards; loop one position counterclockwise around group of four
Ones go forward; pivot counterclockwise 90 degrees; fall back. Meanwhile, Twos go backwards; loop one position counterclockwise around group of four
Twos go forward; pivot counterclockwise 90 degrees; fall back. Meanwhile, Ones go backwards; loop one position counterclockwise around group of four
B1 16
neighbors balance & swing
B2 6
circle left 3 places
partners swing

1) At the end of A1, first gentlespoons are on their original side when they do the roll away. After the roll away, all gentlespoons are above the ladles.
2) In the A2, every four beats is the positional equivalent of a circle right 1/4. It'll feel sort of ricochet-hey-like, and you're always looking at your partner.


user: Dane Wallinga

shared everywhere


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please report problems to ContraDB.admonsterator@gmail.com.


toggle validations for common dance entry errors, e.g. typing 'gentlemen' when you're using 'leads'