formation: Becket
Double progression. Can be any improperish or properish Becket. Begin in a line of four facing down, ones left of twos.
A1 | 8 | down the hall and right hand high, left hand low, leftmost 1 turn alone
8 | up the hall and bend into a ring, ones above twos
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A2 | 8 | neighbors do si do once MIRROR, ones split twos
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0 | ones swing, moving down below twos
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8 | twos up the outsides and cross above ones
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B1 | 0 | ones face down, twos face up toward next neighbors ⁋
8 | neighbors do si do once MIRROR, twos split ones
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0 | twos swing, moving up above ones
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8 | ones down the outsides and cross below twos
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B2 | 0 | twos face up, ones face down, toward next neighbors ⁋
10 | circle left 5 places
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8 | partners two-hand turn any amount, end facing down in line of four ⁋
When a couple moves up or down the outside, there is an opportunity to turn it into a come together and cast around. The cross afterwards is optional, as well.