


formal parameters: custom, beats


Dance Figure
40 Years of Penguin Pam
partners two hand turn 1½
20 Below
move forward to new wavy line (progression) ⁋
balance the wave
24th of October variation
partners chain (pull by right, loop left)
3 Places Left
ones cast down one place – own side of the set ⁋
right and left grand - partners pull by right to start, 4 changes...
A Gentle Turn
ladles courtesy turn gentlespoons
A New Idea
right & left through with partner on the half-right diagonal +
right & left through with neigbor on the half-left diagonal ++
A Proper Potpourri
2nd corners (ladle 1& gentlespoon 2) do-si-do WHILE first...
right & left through with only the ones rolling away (leaving...
hey, first corners start right shoulders. Upon passing same role...
A Proper Whoosh
grand right and left along the set: [1]
A Third Easy Dance
balance and swing new neighbor
forward in long lines, and while coming back, roll away with this...
right and left through with a second new neighbor (pull by partner,...
circle left 3/4. Partners swing on side of set they started the dance.
A.O.'s No-No
hey, gentlespoons start left until facing neighbor a second time...
finish star from B1, gentlespoons turn alone, partners swing
do si do as couples, once and a little more to launch ladles into
MEANWHILE gentlespoons loop around to the left, left shoulder...
Abolish Mop Snarl
walk forward to next neighbors
Accretion Reel
individual scatter promenade ⁋
find a new partner
join in rings of any number of couples [6]
Accretion Reel (variation, with patter)
ring go forward - "into the middle, say goodbye"
individual scatter promenade - "scatter 'round"
find a new partner - "catch someone's eye"
join in rings of any number of couples
Across Nottingham A
neighbors trade places, ones behind twos
ladles trade places across, ladle one behind ladle two
first corners (gentlespoon one, ladle two) do si do, while second...
Across Nottingham B
neighbors trade places, ones behind twos
gentlespoons trade places across, gentlespoon one behind...
first corners (gentlespoon one, ladle two) do si do, while second...
Ad Vielle (Oddville)
drop hands, walk forward along the set
Adam's Trip to the Corner
ones and twos circle left
Alamo Intro
ladles into the center and come back clap at the center
gentlespoons into the center and turn to face out (clap at the center)
Alex is Where?
1/2 hey, ladles start right shoulders, upon facing neighbor veer to...
With these new (second) neighbors, 1/2 hey ladles start...
left shoulders around the 3rd
swing the 2nd neighbor
circle left 3 places, partners swing
All hands in
Balance partner right hand and pull by right across set pass...
Allen Ortep
dosido and swing neighbor
right and left through across
circle balance (on left foot then right), slide/spin left one...
partners balance and swing
forward and back and roll away, gentlespoons shifting right
circle balance (on left foot then right), slide/spin left one...
Allen Ortep's First Contra
balance and swing (with neighbor 2)
Allen Ortep shift (balance in a circle, left foot first, then...
Allison's Favorite
gentlespoons make left hand star
meet the one diagonally across from you
ladles make right hand star
join hands in your ring of 8
And Thinking About Coffee Cups
neighbors balance and swing
circle left 3 places, pass partner by right along set to face a shadow
partners balance and swing
circle left 3 places, pass neighbor along set to face new neighbor
new neighbors do-si-do
Anderson Ferry Reel
"lonesome one, ride the ferry" ⁋
Angels' Rib 0.1 ALTERATION
draw poussette three quarters, gentlespoons pull neighbors clockwise
Angels' Rib 0.1 TESTING
broken circle left 1 place ("angel's rib"), then hold on to...
Anne's Visit
partners two-hand turn ⁋
Aplets and Cotlets
(neighbors pull by left)
Apple Pie Quadrille (40 bar tune)
middle 4 dancers star right 1x
NEW middle 4 dancers star right 1x
Left hand Gentlespoon of each line cast over left shoulder leading...
Around We Go
circle left
circle right
circle left
into the middle and back
into the middle and back
partner right elbow swing
partner left elbow swing
Attleboro Reel
as couples do si do +
Azure Aster
MEANWHILE ladles pause, then follow neighbor to cross the set
Balance And West Coast Swing
ladles balance right hands
ladle 2 box the gnat with ladle 1 (into a short wavy line)
gentlespoon 2 box the gnat with gentlespoon 1
Balance and Think
All trade on rt diag with same role person (The gentlespoons trade...
Bale the Hay II
Barber Teeny's Trampoline
Gentlespoons cast (left) behind partner, pass each other left, ...
Ladles cast (left) behind new neighbor, pass each other left, ...
Basic Becket
long lines slice left & back ⁋
Beach Grass
Gentlespoons walk, Ladles dodge, forming long wavy lines +
Ben's Brilliance
promenade along the line
turn as a couple, gentlespoons closer to center
promenade back to partner
Beneath the Stars
partners join left hands (gentlespoons reaching in below star)
partners join right hands (gentlespoons reaching in below star)
Between the Lines
next neighbors mirror do si do, ones splitting twos
Between the Lines variation
next neighbors mirror do si do, ones splitting twos
neighbors mirror do si do, twos splitting ones
Beyond the Horizon
Balance the circle & gentlespoons roll Neighbor across set
Balance the circle & gentlespoons roll away partner along set
Big Baguette
whole set circle left
whole set circle right
top couple cast off, make an arch at the bottom of the set
everyone else go through the arch ⁋
Black Cat Mixer
into the middle and come back out!
into the middle again with a great big shout!
turn by the individual right shoulder to walk single file...
robins tap lark walking in front. lark turns around. say "yooohooo!...
This one is the new neighbor. Do Si Do
Promenade and walk that ring (counterclockwise) ⁋
Black River Falls
partner two-hand turn once
Bob Dalsemer Triplet #1
ones sashay down
ones balance towards and away from the top
ones sashay up
ones separate and go down the outside into the twos' place, twos...
partners sashay to trade places (ladles in front, gentlespoons behind)
Bob Dalsemer Triplet #1 extra detail
ones sashay down
ones balance towards and away from the top
ones sashay up
ones separate and go down the outside into the twos' place, twos...
partners sashay to trade places (ladles in front, gentlespoons behind)
Boiling Mud variation
neighbors handy hand allemande 1.5
Box the Cat
previous neighbors allemande left once
Brown Bag Reel
single file promenade - past neighbors, ladles on the inside, same...
single file promenade - return to the neighbors who do si do-ed
Bumbling in the Shower
walk single file along the set (ladles leading) to next neighbors ⁋
Burning Man
balance wave of four and move on the right diagonal to a new wave...
But Y, Tho?
center four star left 4 places, pick up partners
outside four star right 4 places
CDS Reel
whole set circle left
whole set circle right
Can't Wait to See You Again
ladles walk forward to next minor set
Cape Mixer
all to middle & back out
ladles to middle & back out
gentlespoons to middle
Ladles chain over and back
Partners do-si-do once and bit more, finishing with all dancers in...
balance right and left, quick allemande right with partner, end...
left shoulders around person who had been in left hand
Partners swing in center, end facing original direction ⁋
sashay in & out
sashay in & out
Chance Dance Scrambled Eggs
chainsaw promenade left
chainsaw promenade back to the right
Cheaters Swing Reel 0.1
front couple: down the outsides and turn alone, return up the outsides
MEANWHILE: other two dancers swing, end facing down
Christmas Hornpipe variation
ones with 2nd ladles balance ring of three
ones with 2nd gentlespoons balance ring of three
Christmas Stars
1st ladles step between twos
ones with 2nd ladles star left 3 places [1] [2]
ones with 2nd gentlespoons star right 2 places
1st gentlespoons cross to original side
Cincinnati Reel
staying with the person you just turned,
Circassian Circle
advance & retire
advance & retire
ladles advance & retire
gentlespoons advance
gentlespoons turn & walk out to next ladle ⁋
Circle of Fun
neighbor right elbow
neighbor left elbow
partner right elbow
partner left elbow
Closed Loop
next neighbors start a full circular hey - rights along, lefts across
Closing Break
grand right and left
weave the ring
Coconut Cream Pie
middle 4 star right 4 places
other 4 star right 4 places
Companion Piece
ladles chevron into neighbors place—ladles pass right shoulder to...
Complicity Swing
swing through - neighbors allemand right 1/2, ladles allemand left 1/2
Compost Pile Breakdown
Heads lead right, split Sides separate, go around one dancer - meet...
lines of four forward and back
Contra Corners Special
gentlespoons allemande left 1 1/2 WHILE ladles allemande right 1 1/2
Contra Corners Special
MEANWHILE ladles allemande right 1 1/2
Coray's Silver Jubilee
lines of four forward & back
FOUR gentlespoons:
WHILE ladles:
orbit clockwise ½ to opposite neighbor
FOUR ladles:
WHILE gentlespoons:
orbit clockwise ½ to partner
Courtesy Turn Training Mixer
in to the center
wheel around
facing out, step out
wheel around, let go
ladle turn under gentlespoon's right arm, ladle let go & ladle...
ladle walk forward to next gentlespoon ⁋
with next gentlespoon, take courtesy turn hold, wheel around to...
Crankshaft variation
ins and outs
Cretaceous Companions
gentlespoons chevron into neighbors' place
Cross Current
Down the hall 4in line , gentlespoon 2 in middle dose right hand...
Cross Currents
lines of 4 forward and back
corners swing
ladles star right once around, give left hand to corner in...
corners allemande left to face partners
grand right and left (four changes)
Cross Hey
first gentlespoon and second ladle do si do once
first ladle and second gentlespoon allemande right 1½
Crossing Times
go forward as a couple on the left diagonal and come back straight...
Shift left with partner bounce off first and go the next couple
Dance All Night
corners swing
ladles star right once
corners allemande left 1.25
partners pull by right for grand right and left until they meet...
Dance the Snapper
balance the wave & "Spank the Alligator" + ⁋
Dar Trek
look away from partner to form minor set with shadow and first...
look away from the star to form minor set with shadow and second...
look for your partner ⁋
Dar Trek (alt. presentation)
look away from partner to form minor set with shadow and original...
Dar Trek variation
look away from partner to form minor set with shadow and first...
look away from the star to form a minor set with shadow and second...
Dave Found the Missing Coffee Cup
Slide left along set to new neighbors; circle left 3 places
circle left 3 places, pass partner along set to face shadow
allemande shadow left once around, allemande partner 1/2, leaving...
hey, ladles start right shoulders, until partners meet on side of...
partners balance and swing
Dave Found the Missing Coffee Cup
partners balance and swing
Dead Simple
lines of four, pass through and back ⁋
lines of four forward & back
opposites dosido once
trade the wave - dancers take one step forward, turn to face...
Devil's Backbone
lead ladles unroll the star - passing right, cross the set, gather...
Devils Fun
Gentlespoons center Balance longwave RORY O More gentlespoons...
top couple promenade to the bottom of the set, everyone else move up ⁋
right diagonals allemande right once
left diagonals allemande left once
Diagonal Discovery
left diagonal gentlespoons allemande left 1½ to next neighbors
partners two hand turn twice and open into long lines
Diamond Allotrope
ladles ricochet to a
Diamonds Are a Baby's Choking Hazard
quarter poussette - gentlespoons pull neighbors back then right
quarter poussette - ladles pull neighbors right then back (along...
circle left 1.5 places to diamonds
Dick Witt's Circle Mixer
partners promenade counterclockwise
promenade clockwise back to place with your new partner,...
Dipping Dots
dip and dive across the set +
couple with gentlespoon 1 arches, cross over
all California Twirl
other couple arches, cross back
all California Twirl, let go
Dipping Dots alternate B1
dip and dive across the set +
couple with gentlespoon 1 arches, cross over
all California Twirl
other couple arches, cross back
all California Twirl, let go
Dipping and Diving
top couple sashay down and back
top couple Dip and Dive down ⁋
Dive for the Dolphin
neighbor handy-hand allemande (ones split the twos)
Diving Under the Double Rainbow 0.3
Ones arch
Do What the 2's Say
"do what the twos say"
Dolphin Poussette
Twos separate, ones go between new neighbors
Dolphin Poussette (becket version)
Twos separate, ones go between new neighbors
Dolphiniums & Daisies
dolphin gyre+ on left diagonal
Don't Let's Star
neighbors star through
Double Balanced Brain
partners Jersey twirl ⁋
Down by the Riverside triplet
circle left
trios basket swing, end facing across
Dreaming of Michael
mirrored mad ladle, twos stepping in front**
E.J.M.J.F. in Cincinnati
Neighbors balance and swing
1/2 hey, neighbors start left, until again facing neighbor. ...
Eclipse Chasers TESTING
NEW gentlespoons allemande left once around while the ladles orbit...
Eeyore's Excuse
neighbors join inside hands (gentlespoon's right, ladle's left)
Ellie's Pumpkin Show
ladles walk clockwise 1/2 around partner while gentlespoons go...
gentlespoons walk clockwise 1/2 around partner while ladles go...
Elsa’s Quarter-Life Crisis
trade the wave - partners passing right, gentlespoons taking right...
Enchanted Forest (Spicy version)
Mad "Ladle" but Gentlespoons go in front first
Gentlespoons take RIGHT hands diagonally, balance together and...
Neighbors catch and swing
Ladles take right hands diagonally, balance together and apart,...
Enchanted Forest, Medium-Spicy Variation--to be tested
Gentlespoons left hand balance together and apart, Rory O'Moore...
Ladles right hand balance together and apart, Rory O'Moore into...
Entangled in Monte Carlo
Arm Bridge Balance with partner (ladles end in middle of set,...
Equal Opportunity
ones right-hand chain to same-role neighbors
ravens or larks turn Contra corners, end with opposite ravens/larks...
walk forward to new wave ⁋
Expert Bits
All walk forward, on very slight right diagonal, to meet new...
Fair Trade
robins trade passing R in middle
gentlespoons trade passing R in middle
Fan in the Doorway
3/8 hey, neighbor right, gentlespoons left in the center, partner...
5/8 hey, gentlespoons lead, neighbor right, ladles left, partner...
Fast Fresh & Furious
Mad Ricochet Gentlespoons in center & ricochet out ladles in,...
Fat Bear's Reel
ladles drop out
Fatal Attraction
first gentlespoons roll away neighbor [1]
Ones go forward; pivot counterclockwise 90 degrees; fall back....
Twos go forward; pivot counterclockwise 90 degrees; fall back....
Ones go forward; pivot counterclockwise 90 degrees; fall back....
Twos go forward; pivot counterclockwise 90 degrees; fall back....
Festival Reel
long lines slice left & back ⁋
Festival Reel II
long lines slice left & back ⁋
Fiddle Tales
ones turn left, dance around one person, then form diamonds with...
ones split twos for a mirror do si do
and go left around one person to form a ladle facing down,...
Fiddlers' Frolic
Gentlespoons take right hands, ladles take left hands to form
Fire Fly dance
pass thru to ocean wave of 4 - allemande right partner 3/4 to long...
slide right pass partner
custom gentlespoons roll away across to form a star promenade ⁋
Fire in Vermont
cloverleaf left 3 places
Firefly Pedicabs
with original neighbor, weave the line -zig left past current...
First Night Quadrille
forward and back head couples
grand right left
First light of spring
Pass thru to ocean wave of 4 partner right hand ladles left in center
First of May
Ladles keep left hands to allemande left 1.5 MEANWHILE the...
Flaherty Will Get You Everywhere
Swing through: allemande neighbor by the right halfway,...
Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss
gentlespoons drop hands; make turn to right MEANWHILE ladles...
For All, There Exists, Such That
Alternately: Mad Robin, ladles through the middle
For every young
As a couple go forward on the left diagonal and come back straight...
Four Rights and Lefts Don't Make a Wrong
right and left through on the 1/2 right diagonal* (now facing...
right and left through across
right and left through across (everyone now progressed and on their...
circle balance, spin/slide right one place in circle
circle left three places, partners swing
From the Earth to the Moon and a Trip Around It
right and left through on 1/2 right diagonal (Gentlespoons pull by...
right and left through on left 1/2 diagonal (Ladles pull by ladle...
promenade across, passing second neighbors, and loop to face first...
ladles allemande right 1 1/2
neighbors balance and swing
gentlespoons allemande left 1 1/2
partners swing
Fruit Punch
balance wave right then left
Fun Dance For Linda (for Linda Leslie)
star through
Galaxy Brain Balance
neighbors Jersey twirl, turn to face partners
walk to next neighbor 1s up, 2s down ⁋
Gallery Place Transfer
gentlespoons in the center push back, ladles push back
top couple sashay to bottom of set - others move up ⁋
Galopede variation
top couple sashay to bottom of set - others move up ⁋
ones walk alone around the inside of the whole set, with the...
ones turn alone and return
Gaye's Groove
walk diagonally right to join neighbor #2 in new wave
walk diagonally left to join neighbor #3 in new wave
Genet's Recall
ones down the outside
ones up the outside
ones down the outside past twos
ones and threes swing neighbors
Geometric Discretion
Forward and back with current neighbors
Promenade across, but at end of the courtesy turn shift ...
Star left 3 places, end facing current neighbors
dos-si-do current neighbor, finish in long waves, ...
Balance towards and the away person in right hand (current neighbor...
new neighbors swing
balance the circle and slide/spin right one place (or circle left 3/4)
swing partner
Geometric Indiscretion
promenade across, but at end of the courtesy turn shift ...
star left 3/4 (wrist grip) with these previous neighbors (do not...
do-si-do current neighbor
see-saw previous neighbor, finishing in long wavy lines,...
balance right then left, and spin or slide past current neighbor to...
new neighbors swing
circle left 3 places (OR balance the circle and shift/twirl one...
partners swing
George's Neat Reel
Gentlespoons see-saw, while ladles turn back over right shoulder...
neighbors swing
forward and the way back roll away, and finish reaching across to...
right and left through with NEW neighbors (while holding partner's...
circle left 3 places, partners swing
Gleeful Partners
Mad ricochet walking the path of a mad robin gentlespoons in center...
Glen Echo Reel
custom balance the wave
Gold Star Wednesday
Invert the star +
Gentlespoons loop right around neighbor, Ladles follow path
Goody One Shoe
Three quarters hey, neighbors passing right
Grand Right and Left Mixer
Grand right and left:
Grand Western Canal
walk forward
Gravity Assist
Ladles ricochet in the center, gentlespoons half sashay (quarter...
Grease & Glue
ones split twos, return to place
twos split ones, return to place
Grit and Grist
three changes of a circular hey - neighbors pass right along,...
Guacamole Contra
Mad Ricochet Gentlespoons start in center they use two hands to...
Half Grand Square
face up and down (Sides face partners, Heads face in)
half grand square (just 8 steps)
face up and down (new Sides face the one you swung, new Heads face in)
half grand square (8 steps)
half grand right and left to home
Halloween's Twisted Heart
face neighbor; ladles back up across the set, gentlespoons follow...
Hands on Contra
Mad Ricochet ( Walking the path of a mad robin gentlespoons go...
Mad ricochet repeat the above
Happy Birthday
MEANWHILE gentlespoons orbit CCW ½ around the set
MEANWHILE ladles orbit CCW ½ around the set
Happy Days
walking the path of a mad robin do a mad ricochet gentlespoons in...
gentlespoons cross to partner
Happy as a Cold Pig in Warm Mud
The first gentlespoon and second ladle star left above, and the...
Haste to the Divorce
lines of three forward & back
opposites dosido
circle left
circle right
giant dosido 1½ ⁋
Haste to the Wedding
Clap, clap
Clap, clap
Hearing Our Voices Shine (Happy Birthday Heidi, from Jeremy)
left shutter balance ++
Heart and Home
slide left past neighbors, ladles stepping to the outside as...
Heart of Joy
single file promenade clockwise 1/2 (facing neighbor) [1]
single file promenade clockwise 1/2 (facing partner) [3]
Heart of love
Neighbor balance swing to a wave of four, see preamble
neighbor allemande right 1/2 gentlespoons turn left , to form a...
ladles reach under star
Here There and Yonder
right left grand
Hey the Line
partners start a hey for eight - first pass by right, 7 passes -...
swing through [Partner allemande right by half, ladles allemande...
balance the wave
swing through [Neighbor allemande right by half, gentlespoons...
Hoots and Shouts
Long lines forward and on the way back, gentlespoons roll partner...
Gentlespoons do-si-do and return to where they started the...
Balance toward and away neighbor; spin (or slide) by neighbor to...
Balance and swing new neighbor
Circle left 3/4; partners swing
Hopscotch Reel
MEANWHILE gentlespoons dance forward to next star ++ ⁋
Hot Summer Nights
dance fwd on the right diagonal to form waves with neighbor 2 (left...
Hotpoint Deluxe
Do the hotpoint special progression, ladles in front ⁋
Hotpoint Special
everyone take one step forward, turn to face right, and single-file...
Humppa Promenad
walk forward (CCW, starting with outside foot) turn alone
walk backwards (continuing CCW)
walk forward (CW) turn alone
walk backwards (continuing CW)
twirl ladles under and back to the right; gentlespoons continue...
I ♥ Unicorns
mirror mad robin - twos beak-to-beak then ones beak-to-beak
Ice Cream in the Sink
gentlespoons twirl ladle to gentlespoon behind ⁋
Icebreaker Mixer
neighbor is now partner; promenade around the hall and find another...
Impromptu Triplet #1
circle left
circle right
star right
star left
ones cast to second position, twos move up
ones cast to third position, threes move up ⁋
Impromptu Triplet #2
ones & twos allemande left neighbor once, threes allemande left...
twos & threes allemande left neighbor once, ones allemande left...
ones sashay down & up & down, twos & threes move up ⁋
Impromptu Triplet #3
continue holding hands, rotate the set 90 degrees to the left
balance the line right then left
continue holding hands, rotate the set 90 degrees to the left
balance the line right then left
threes (who are at the top of the set) cast to second position,...
Indigo Silk
ones star through (ladles left hand, gentlespoons right hand) ⁋
ones arch, twos half figure 8 under ++ to ends of a line of four
Infinity Continued
ladles dance in
ladles push off, gentlespoons pull by
Ins and Outs of Contra
ins and outs
Invertro Flirtilization
Invert the line - ones arch and walk across the set, second ladle...
Irritable Inventiveness
As a couple, Partners do si do with Neighbor couple
It Started on Facebook
balance and box circulate (gentlespoons cross set, ladles loop...
promenade 3 places CW aroumd group of 4 (actually takes 6-8 beats)
partners swing (12-14 beats to swing or balance and swing)
ladles turn back to next neighbors
Jingle jangle Jingle
Ladles cross over to partner gentlespoons rotate right to face...
Joyous Rose Seth Tepfer variation
walk forward to new ⁋
swing through (neighbor allemande right 1/2, ladles allemande left 1/2
Joyous Rose original
walk forward to new ⁋
swing through (neighbor allemande right 1/2, ladles allemande left 1/2
Juicy Fruity Chewy
starburst counter-clockwise 2 (arc past shadows; partners) ⁋
Kat in Halifax's Second Scatter Dance
as couples, scatter to find new duples ⁋
Kidwell's Graces
partners start a full circular hey - rights across, lefts along -...
Kimmswick Express
Heads forward & back
LERN to Lava
partners double La Baratte (see teaching note)
(finish the double La Baratte)
La BubbleSort
shorts to the middle, clap, and back
talls to the middle, clap, and back, facing in to make a wavy ring+ ⁋
new partner, in right hand, balance & swing
end with shorter on the right
La Grande Voyage
Leapfrog - Gentlespoons don't move - roll your partner from across...
Leapfrog - Ladles don't move - roll your partner from side to...
La Green Bean
ladles to the center and back
gentlespoons to the center
gentlespoons go back
La Guaracha aka Spanish Waltz
waltz the set
La Southern Green Bean
ladles to the center and back
gentlespoons to the center
gentlespoons go back
La String Bean
ladles to the center and back
gentlespoons to the center
gentlespoons go back
La String Bean (reverse progression & courtesy turn variation)
ladles to the center & back
gentlespoons to the center
gentlespoons return to partners
partners courtesy turn 1¼ to face the center
Labor of Love
Lady of the Lake
Actives down the center, turn alone, cast off with neighbor
Lakeside Room Stomp
top couple promenade to the bottom of the set, everyone else move up
three claps, three stomps
three claps, three stomps
partners two-hand turn once
same as B1
Laminar Groove
neighbor courtesy turn
Lamplighter's Hornpipe
ones cross down between twos
Lamplighter's Hornpipe (diagonal wave variation)
ones cross down between twos
Lava Flow
Partners La Baratte (see teaching notes)
Lava Pit
partners La Baratte (see teaching note)
Leave the Wine
Weave the line Zig past neighbors, zag past next neighbors, zig to...
Leave the Wine
Weave the line:
Leave the Wine (Becket variation)
Weave the line:
Left Hand of Darkness 0.9
partners Nevada twirl (ladle twirl the gentlespoon to swap &...
Libra Boys
cloverleaf turn single (face to face with partners) to face next...
Life, the Universe, and Everything
walk forward ⁋
Low German Junction (hey figure) 0.2
flutterby - ladles take right hands and fetch neighbor gentlespoon...
Lucky Seven
everyone into the middle and back
into the middle and back
Lunt Birthday Waltz
waltz 1 1/4 around Neighbors ⁋
open up to face new Neighbors, hands four
M.A.D. About Dancing
walk forward to next neighbors
Macadamia Nut
ladles cross by left
Mad Robin Landing
gentlespoons walk across the set while ladles step left, partners...
Mandelbrot Set
big oval circle right
big oval circle left
Mange Tak
"swing through":
"swing through":
Manifest Density (choreographically dense version)
ones pass second gentlespoon one more time - form a ring, ladles...
twos separate - second ladle cast down, orbit counterclockwise once...
twos pass first gentlespoon one more time - form a ring,...
ones separate - first ladle cast up, orbit counterclockwise once...
Manifest Density (spatially dense version)
ones pass second gentlespoon one more time - form a ring, ladles...
twos pass first gentlespoon one more time - form a ring,...
Maybe You Should Write An Easy Dance
promenade across the set, and shift ccw around set to face new...
Forward in long lines and while coming back, roll away with ...
Circle left 3/4 with shadow, neighbor (and shadow's neighbor), ...
Ladles chain to shadow (quickly)
1/2 hey, ladles start right shoulders, upon passing shadow by left...
Partners swing, preceding balance optional. (Read * note below)
Melanie's Triplet
invert the set, twos separating followed by ones and threes ⁋
Melted Butter
Star Thru (use inside hands)
peel the banana #1s cast to bottom and form arch while others...
Middle Break
grand right and left
grand right and left
Mind the Shark
lines of four forward & back
corners swing (do not trade places, square the set)
head couples forward & back
side couples forward & back
Money Musk
ones cast down one couple to long lines along
Unwind to an outward facing circle, just turning on the spot, do...
Mr Johnson's Jig
Circle left
Ladles do-si-do, while gentlespoons orbit clockwise 1/2 way around...
Neighbors swing
Right and left through, roll away (leaving gentlespoons to right of...
1/2 hey, gentlespoons start right shoulder, finish in long waves,...
Balance forward and back, gentlespoons cross set to partner's...
Partners balance and swing, finish facing new neighbors
Mr Johnson's Second Jig
neighbors balance and swing
circle left 3 places, partners swing
Half hey, ladles start right shoulder, finish in long waves, ...
Balance, ladles cross set to take partner's place, while...
Balance; gentlespoons cross set while ladles shift to partner's...
Murphy's Second
3/4 Colonnade - 2s take right hands, form an arch, and each person...
Roll away Swing - Ladles roll gentlespoons by the right, right...
1 1/2 Whirlemande - Pivot around a person rather than in between...
1 Handy Hand Allemande - Use hands that make sense based on the...
Music between the Sheets
Ladles cross right again
Music between the Sheets variation
Ladles cross right again
Music between the Sheets variation variation
Ladles cross right again
New Beginnings
custom Oval Left in large circle
New Morning Pages
Neighbors balance and box the gnat, end with ladles facing out,...
1/2 hey starting with gentlespoons passing left shoulders, ladles...
balance right and left, slide/spin by current neighbor to new...
New neighbors swing
balance the circle, slide/spin right one place
Balance the circle, slide/spin right one place, face neighbor
Night dancer
ladles trade right shoulder
Northalstead Jig (Riverside Jig variation)
top 2 couples form line of 4 with arches, dance to the bottom,...
Not A Dance Yet
get on the correct side
Not Quite Fifty
Gentlespoons exchange places with the gentlespoon in his star, ...
Not a Figment of Your Imagination
gentlespoons turn out over right shoulder on home side
partners courtesy turn to face across (hold courtesy turn position)
Nutella Petronella
lines of four forward and back
opposites do si do once
Ends balance and swing to change places while centers...
Opening Break
Identify partners, neighbors, opposites
grand right and left
Pallette Cleanser
circle left
circle right
star right
star left
ones sashay down & up & down ⁋
Pasta Promenade
down the hall four in line, ones in the center
ones turn as a couple, twos turn alone, come back
ones split the twos, symmetric dosido
Patty Cake Polka
heel, toe, heel, toe
heel, toe, heel, toe
right hand: clap clap clap
left hand: clap clap clap
both hands: clap clap clap
own legs: clap clap clap
move to your next partner ⁋
Peak Bagger
centers on the right, right elbow turn (right hand partner)
centers on the left, left elbow turn (left hand partner)
Pedal Pushers
single file promenade three places
Penny Farthing
oval left
oval right, returning to original set
ones spin right to form a diamond, gentlespoon below, ladle above
Petronella Milkshake
neighbors scatter promenade
Petronella Stars
ones petronella diamond [1]
ones petronella square [2]
ones allemande right 1½ below / twos allemande right once above
Petronella Stompshake
neighbors scatter promenade
lines of four forward and back
corners swing and square the set
sides pass through and face back in
heads pass through and face back in, form a big ring
Pinball Wizard
walk fwd to ricochet with next neighbor (N2) and turn back to N1
walk fwd to ricochet with shadow and turn back to partner
Pixie Star
gyre star once ladles drop out on home side
Polymorphous' Reel #1
neighbors take inside hands, star through to a ring
with neighbor, slide along set to shadows ⁋
Porpoiseful Play
ones pass second gentlespoon one last time
Positional Thinking
Circle balance. Pass to a wave by gentlespoons turning right 1/2, ...
Balance left and right; allemande left 3/4 to long wavy lines,...
Balance forward and back, box circulate to long waves, : with...
Balance right and left; ladles cross set while : gentlespoons...
Partners balance and swing, end facing new neighbors
Long lines forward and back.
Circle right (or left, but right seems more distinctive).
Progress for Progress's Sake
walk forward to NEW next neighbor ⁋
Projectile Possums
walk forward and ricochet with next neighbors or prev neighbors
walk forward and ricochet with shadows
Projectile Possums Variant
walk forward and ricochet with next neighbors or prev neighbors
walk forward and ricochet with shadows
Race Against the Clock
march right along the set ⁋
ladles turn back over right shoulders
Rang Tang Contra
neighbors rang tang right
partners rang tang left
neighbors rang tang right
partners rang tang left
Ransom Note (adaptation)
ones split the twos, then cast home
twos split the ones, then cast home
fall back with neighbors
mad ladle (do si do neighbors but facing partners)
Richfield Stomp
lines of four forward
grand right and left 1/2 to meet partner on opposite side
Rick's Triplet #1
P's B&S, 1's end facing down, 2's & 3's up
Dip and dive, 1's starting under arch formed by 2's, until everyone...
1's &2's balance in circle; ne=N;s roll away aong the set,...
Bal cirle of 6; everyone roll away (original 1's with original 2's;...
Balance circle of 6 (4); Circle left (12)
Rick's Triplet #1
dip and dive, 6 changes - inside couple arch, turn as a couple on...
top two couples form a ring of four
all form a ring of six
Rick's Triplet #2
ones go down the outside into the twos' place, twos move up
ones loop to *individual* right and go around the ends of the set...
form a long wave - partners keeping right hands and neighbors...
half hey for six - neighbors pass left shoulders to begin, ends...
Ring a ding ding and ding
Partner balance & swing to a wave of four , in order to form...
Balance the wave of 4 and turn your partner half by the right,...
Riverside Jig
top 2 couples form line of 4, dance to the bottom over everyone's...
Road to Boston
into the middle and back
into the middle and back
gentlespoons in and clap and back up
ladles in and clap and back up
Rochelle’s Big Squiggle
gentlespoons catch partners with right hands, and take left hands...
Rockin' Robin
hey, partners passing left shoulders to start
Roll Away
heads (sides) forward and back
heads (sides) right left through
heads (sides) pass through and cross trail
heads (sides) go around 2 to form lines at the sides (heads) + +
two ladles roll away with a half sashay + side ladles roll head...
two gentlespoons roll away with a half sashay + head gentlespoons...
center two roll away with half sashay + gentlespoon rolls opposite
everybody roll away with a half sashay + gentlespoons roll corners
Roll Away (variation)
Heads forward & back
Heads separate, go around two - form lines at the sides...
center two roll away with a half sashay
everyone roll away with a half sashay (Corners)
everyone forward & back
Roll Away Beginner Variation
heads (sides) forward and back
heads (sides) star right four places then heads (sides) separate,
heads (sides) go around 2 to form lines at the sides (heads) + +
two ladles roll away with a half sashay + side ladles roll head...
two gentlespoons roll away with a half sashay + head gentlespoons...
center two roll away with half sashay + gentlespoon rolls opposite
everybody roll away with a half sashay + gentlespoons roll corners
Roller Coaster
Balance the ring and pass by right to 2nd neighbors
Balance the ring and pass by right to 3rd neighbors
Dosido and swing 3rd neighbors, end facing across
Star left 3 places, gentlespoons turn back over right shoulder,...
Ladles start 1/2 hey, passing right shoulders. Gentlespoons...
Rollin' Outta Barstow
custom 3/4 hey with ricochet (gentlespoon left, partner right,...
Rory O'More
ones cast down around twos
ones cross up between twos and cast down with twos moving up ⁋
Rory O'Star
Right hands across 3 places, finish in long waves, ...
Balance to and from neighbor, spin (or slide) to new neighbor. ⁋
neighbors balance and swing
hands across left 4 places
Gentlespoons see-saw WHILE ladles turn over right...
partners balance and swing
Rural Felicity
top couple sashay down to end of set
bottom couple sashay down to end of set
two-hand turn once
two hand arch with partner while top couple sashay under all to...
Rural Felicity
top couple, sashay down
same two, sashay up to top
top couple face down, others form arch. top couple promenade down ⁋
Safe and Sound
single-file promenade along the set to new neighbors ⁋
single-file circle left 2 places
single-file circle left 2 places
Sail Back to Aptos
sail back - raise right arm overhead while backing up, turn to...
Salute to Larry Jennings (Larry Jennings variation)
grand right & left along the set (and around the ends):
Salute to Larry Jennings (original)
grand right & left along the set (and around the ends):
pointing at partner: Sasha! Sasha! Ras, dva, tri!
hand clapping with partner: right right right, left left left, both...
hand clapping with partner: right right right, left left left, both...
promenade single, find new partner ⁋
Sauce for the Goose
ladles two-hand turn, once around
gentlespoons two-hand turn, once around
Say Go to the Do-si-do
Circle left 3 places
neighbors do-si-do 1 1/2, ending with gentlespoons facing in,...
1/2 hey gentlespoons start left shoulder, finish in long waves on...
balance towards and way then away from current neighbor, spin (or...
new neighbors balance and swing
star left 3 places (putting everyone on side of set they started...
Scottish Reel
top ladle leads ladles line through gentlespoons line in a slalom...
top gentlespoon leads gentlespoons line through ladles line in a...
top couple sashay down the middle & back
top couple separate, cast, walk down to the bottom ⁋
Seige of Ennis
advance & retire
advance & retire
divide couples, left couple 7s behind couple to right, rise& grind
divide couples, left couple 7s behind couple to right, rise &...
centers star right while sides allemande right
centers star left while sides allemande left
advance & retire
line facing the music raises their arms
Seige of Kerrick (adaptation)
ones split the twos, symmetric dosido
twos split the 1s, symmetric dosido
partners half house ⁋
walk forward to next neighbor ⁋
Shades of Impropriety (variation)
ones face down, twos face up toward next neighbors ⁋
twos face up, ones face down, toward next neighbors ⁋
partners two-hand turn any amount, end facing down in line of four ⁋
Shadows of St. Louis
3rd shadows swat the flea
3rd shadows pull by left
Shiver Me Timbers
gentlespoons right arm turn 1½ times
Shoot to the Middle (variation)
bend the line
Shooting Star
Promenade With partner ccw to new couple to form a new star promenade
Simple Break 0
right & left grand halfway around
Single File Mixer
single promenade to find new partner
Sleeping With The Hounds
ladles turn out
single file promenade along set to next neighbors ⁋
gentlespoons drop out
Slice and Dice
slice ricochet diagonal back with 2nd neighbor (ladles are now on...
slice ricochet diagonal back with 2nd shadows (ladles are now on...
Slice of Pie
Ladles cross directly to Partner
Snake in the Garden
gentlespoons find new gentlespoons
Snake in the Garden
gentlespoons find new gentlespoons
gentlespoons back out and ladles walk in to a long wavy line of ladles
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
Alternate: down the hall and turn alone
Alternate: up the hall and twos face first ladle
Alternate: dolphin hey - start with twos passing first ladle by...
partners courtesy turn
partners courtesy turn to face across (ID next neighbors on left...
Spider Jive
celtic hey*
Springtime in Philly
single file promenade to next neighbors (ladles leading partner) ⁋
Springy Connection
cast and cross
2s cast the 1s around
Star Colonnade
colonnade - "ones arch, colonnade!" +
Star Step
ladles give partner left hand for a courtesy turn
Star Through
H (S) forward & back
H (S) forward again & STAR through (in the center: PASS through)
STAR through with Outside 2
with the one you face: STAR through
one you meet (in the center) STAR through
separate around One
into the center, STAR through
look for your Corner & allemande left
Star-Thru Corners
1s take free hands
star-thru corners++
gentlespoons turn out over left shoulder WHILE
ladles turn out over right shoulder
return to prev neighbors
return to neighbors
Steppy Downs Road
(yo this tune has 12 beat phrases)
(also can we talk about sam sweeney?)
(seriously, like, whoa)
(what a great tune)
Stick in the Bug
couples do si do once, face next neighbors ⁋
Strike up the Band
neighbor balance and swing end swing in wave of 4 see notes
Stuffed to the Brim with Beautiful Concepts
dolphin progression counter-clockwise – single-file right one...
Sugarbritches 2.0
dance forward to
Sugarbritches 2.0 allemande variation
dance forward to
Summer Stars
four gentlespoons star left 1/2
four ladles chain across the center +
all eight star left 1/2 ++
Summer Stars 0.2
four gentlespoons star left 1/2
four ladles chain across the center +
all eight star left 1/2 ++
Summer of '84
walk forward to ⁋
Summer of '84
walk forward along the set to next couple
Summer of '94
dance forward to form new waves and balance
Sun Dance and Moon Dance
Moon Dance
Sun Dance
neighbor left hand balance & swap the flea
Superficial Tradition
long lines back
Symmetrical Force
neighbors mirror image do si do (ones split the twos)
neighbors mirror image allemande (ones split the twos)
unwind to a circle, ones duck & twos arch
Synchronized Swimming
dolphin hey - gentlespoon one followed by ladle one starts by...
Tag, You're It
interrupted hey for three+
Take a Dance (adaptation)
ones split the twos, then cast home
twos split the ones, then cast home
Ted's Triplet #3
down the center, cross over, back outside
dip and dive six center couple arches, face up to start
cast down the outside to bottom
all swing
Ted's Triplet #7
ones and twos allemande right 1½
Tetrahymena Twirl
handy hand allemande neighbor 1 1/2
twos arch, gentlespoon one pull ladle one under arch
Texas Star
ladles to the center & back to the bar
gentlespoons to the center for a right hand star
gentlespoons star LEFT pass your partner ⁋
pick up next ladle for a
star left
Texas Star Barn Dance Variation
ladles to the center & back to the bar
gentlespoons to the center for a right hand star
gentlespoons star right pass your partner ⁋
pick up next ladle for a
star right
Thanks, Charlie
gentlespoons drop out at home
The Balter Dance
ladles hold their place while gentlespoons roll from right side to...
The Connectrix
cloverleaf left 3 places
The Contra Dancer's New Groove
left right through
The Country of Marriage
meanwhile ladles slide left to meet partner for a
The Country of Marriage Lawn variation
meanwhile ladles slide left to meet partner for a
The Dance of Deception
dance begins in group of four with shadows
The Evil Twin
Celtic Knot
The Fabulous Couple
walk forward to ⁋
The Future Soon
as couples do si do
jersey twirl to new neighbors
california twirl back to old neighbors
The Gang of Four
ladles cast back while gentlespoons continue forward ⁋
entire set oval left until across from partner
The Gay Gordons (step together/step apart version)
walk forward
pivot to walk backward (still counterclockwise)
walk forward
pivot to walk backward (still clockwise)
step together, step apart
pass ladle to the center
step together, step apart
ladle turn back
The Great Urbana Barn Dance
Ladles orbit by turning back over their right shoulder...
partners balance and swing
rights and lefts across with parner
partners promenade across shifting shifting ccw around set to face...
The Hole in the Wall Gang
long lines back
The Jonesborough Way
gentlespoons cross the set by right
The Judge
form a ring with next neighbor and shadow
The Levi Jackson Rag
top couple walk to the middle of the set after the sides pull by
top couple walks to the bottom of the set after the sides pull by
top couple (at the bottom) separates and goes back home up the...
five ladies grand chain (leave current gent, pass next gent,...
five ladies grand chain (leave current gent, pass next gent,...
The Mean Dance
lines of three promenade anywhere in the room
three people basket swing
first two people to make eye contact swing, remaining person...
The Menagerie
#2s split #1s for mirror shoulder rounds once around - turn to next...
neighbors box the gnat / swat the flea as appropriate
The Petronella Hurl
Partners Jersey Twirl* (face new neighbors)
The Pizza Democracy
Cloverleaf turn a single towards neighbors and take inside hands
Neighbors balance and inside hands California twirl
The Pizza Democracy variation
Cloverleaf turn a single towards neighbors
The Queen Bee
ladles slide right to partner
The Set Monster
4th neighbors star through ⁋
The Slinky Walk
left colonnade - "ones arch, colonnade!" +
The Snowball (variation)
4s and below sashay up the center and cast out above the ones
down the outsides and return to blace
ones sashay down the center to the bottom
The Squeaking Wheel
turn the clover left 3 places
The Sturgeon General
gentlespoons catch left hands
The Sturgeon General variation
gentlespoons catch left hands
The Triangle Inequality
Ones and twos balance and petronella 1½ places, 1st ladle face...
In groups of three, balance and petronella 1 place, 3rd ladle face up
Top four balance and petronella 1 ½ places to a ring of four
Same four balance the ring
Ones and threes circle left ¾
The Tropical Gentleman
ladles orbit clockwise 1/4
gentlespoons orbit clockwise 1/4
The Weekend Warrior
balance & trade the wave - partners passing right, ladles...
The Witches' Way
Double Wizard's Walk: ones split the twos; next twos split the ones
backing up, ones split these twos, then original twos split the ones
There Is No Way to Peace; Peace Is the Way
next gentlespoons catch left
Three Bricks Shy
twos cross over and go below ones ending in proper lines
twos split ones with a handy hand allemande 1½
Three Rights and Lefts Don't Make a Wrong
balance the circle, shift right one place (Or half hey, ladles...
neighbors balance and swing on side of set ladles started the dance
balance in a circle, starting on left foot, shift left one place ...
partners swing
Right and left through on 1/2 right diagonal. (*See below)
right and left through across
Three Thirty-Three
grand right and left :
grand right and left the other way :
Tighten Your Lugnuts
1 dancer strip the willow (left allemande someone, right allemande...
birdie in the cage (other dancers circle left around the 1))
slide back into place ⁋
Tinkie Winkie
neighbor star through +
star through with neighbor +
Tinkie Winkie Lawn variation
neighbor star through +
star through with neighbor +
Tom and Amy's Delight
Ladles walk forward, flirt and go back to place
Totally Improper
double figure of 8 – ½ way – ones leading [*1]
handy hand turns 1½ times – mirror turns [ones in and down]
double figure of 8 – ½ way – twos leading [*1]
handy hand turns 1½ times – mirror turns [twos in and down]
Travels with Rick and Kim
promenade single file around the circle 3 places
Trip to Brattleboro DV #1
ones split the twos - mirror gyre
Trip to Chicago
facing star, ladles back up 3 places
partners turn to their right and single-file promenade to next...
Trip to IHOP
ladles to the center to a long wavy line, balance, and stay there
gentlespoons to the center to a long wavy line, balance, and stay...
Trip to Kentucky (variation)
neighbors two-hand turn **counterclockwise** 1/2/3+ times - end...
Trip to Petrick var
trade the wave - neighbors pass by right shoulders across
Trip to San Juan County Park
draw poussette - gentlespoons keep two hands with partners and back...
Trip to Versailles
as couples, mad ladle clockwise (think: 8 count sliding door, twice)
Center four dancers: star right, star left
meanwhile, at ends: neighbors allemande left once, allemande right...
Grand right and left halfway around
Trip to Wilson
Ladles cast, loop to face across. Gentlespoons follow partner
Triwizard Tournament
middle of each triple face the wall to the caller's right
groups of 6 grand chain once around
end progressed, facing a new threesome
Twirly Minds Think Alike
Neighbor handy hand balance and star through Gentlespoons right,...
Five changes of a hey, gentlespoons start passing left Until the...
Two Waves, Five Balances on the Head of a Pin
neighbors turn right 1/2, gentlespoons turn left 1/2
Umbra and Penumbra
Ladles ricochet in the center while the gentlespoons slide left to...
Uncommon Corners
A couple contra corners The second time B couple all their corners...
Unknown Circle Right Left Grand
right hand handshake to your partner & pull by
left hand to next
right left grand
Partners promenade across, but during the courtesy turn shift (ccw...
Circle left 3/4 and pass 2nd neighbor along set to return to 1st...
balance ans swing with 1st neighbors
1/2 hey, ladles start passing right shoulders, then partners pass...
With next neighbor, start 1/2 hey ladles start passing left...
partners swing, end facing across 3rd neighbors
Violet Ice
partners two-hand turn and open to face across
partners slide L along the set to meet new neighbors ⁋
Virginia Reel
partners two hand turn
ones form an arch
WOW !!
Ladles do-si-do once and end face out, WHILE gentlespoons orbit...
Balance towards and away neighbor, spin past neighbor to face new...
new neighbors swing
Right and left through across, roll away (gentlespoons now on right...
Gentlespoons do-si-do WHILE ladles turn back over left shoulder and...
Waiting for the Other Foot to Fall
ones split the twos with a handy hand allemande 1½
Waldorf Colonnade
Colonnade - "1's Arch, Ladles trade: Colonnade!" +
Walk Along John to Kansas
walk forward to next neighbors ⁋
Walk Along John to Kansas (shifted)
walk forward to next neighbors ⁋
Warped Waves
lines of 4, forward and back
Wave Goodbye to Winter
gentlespoons swing through
slide across to ocean wave +
Wave Goodbye to Winter Rollaway variation
gentlespoons swing through
slide across to ocean wave +
Waves Tossed in Dublin Bay
Gay gordons promenade; take promenade hands with the ladle on the...
(it's a slip jig)
(it's still a slip jig)
(i think you see where this is going)
(slip jiiiiig)
Weave Well Enough Alone
weave the ring ½ (to partner)
West By Midwest
swing though
Where is Tim's Cup?
partners promenade across and shift to face noted new neighbors.
Where's Alex?
half hey, gentlespoons start passing right, partners pass left,...
half hey, gentlespoons start passing left, partners pass right,...
3rd neighbors left shoulders around and return to 2nd neighbor
2nd neighbors swing. (2nd neighbors then become new 1st neighbors)
grand right & left - partner right, left, right, partner left,...
Winter in Summerland
dance forward to next neighbor ⁋
three-quarters hey (gentlespoons by left in the center)
Wizard's Walk Ted Steele A2
wizard's walk: Ones separate around the twos. Ones split the next...
Woven Waves
gentlespoons drop left hands, ladles drop right hands, to form
Y 2k
Ladles allemande left once Around in center while the gentlespoons...
Yellow Cat's Jig (Maggie Jo's Version)
couples go forward & back
ladles go forward & back
gentlespoons go forward & back
You Can Get There From Here
walk forward to ⁋
You Can Get To Good Friday From Here
walk forward 4 steps to new wave with next neighbors ⁋
Zoom Contra #1
loop left to reorient as if at the top and bottom of a diamond
push off from each other and loop back into place
Zoom Contra #3
sashay down and back
Zoom Contra #6
couples do si do
Zoom Contra #9
sashay down
clapping: Self-R-S-L-S-R-S-L
sashay up
clapping: S-L-S-R-S-L-S-R
[Title of Contra]
walk forward ⁋
moving lines of three
active couple out to the right
active gent to the next and circle three
active gent takes that lady to the next couple
custom form lines of three with lonesome gents
lines of three trade the ladies with a right hand high and a left...
keep going until you meet your partner
4th neighbors right hand balance

Dances without Custom

Moves Sharing a Dance with Custom


allemande orbit

arch & dive


balance the ring

box circulate

box the gnat

butterfly whirl

California twirl



contra corners

do si do

dolphin hey

down the hall

facing star

figure 8

form a long wave

form an ocean wave

form long waves


give & take



long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by

pass through




pull by dancers

pull by direction

revolving door

right left through

roll away

Rory O'More

see saw


slide along set

square through

stand still


star promenade

swat the flea


turn alone

up the hall

zig zag

Moves Preceding Custom


allemande orbit

arch & dive


balance the ring

box the gnat

butterfly whirl

California twirl




do si do

dolphin hey

down the hall

figure 8

form a long wave

form an ocean wave




long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by

pass through




pull by dancers

revolving door

right left through

roll away

Rory O'More

see saw


slide along set

square through


star promenade


turn alone

up the hall

Moves Following Custom


allemande orbit

arch & dive


balance the ring

box the gnat



contra corners


do si do

dolphin hey

down the hall

facing star

figure 8

form a long wave

form an ocean wave

form long waves

give & take



long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by

pass through




pull by dancers

right left through

roll away

Rory O'More

see saw

slide along set

square through


star promenade

swat the flea


turn alone

up the hall

zig zag