formal parameters: custom, beats
Dance | Figure |
40 Years of Penguin Pam | partners two hand turn 1½ |
20 Below | move forward to new wavy line (progression) ⁋ |
balance the wave |
24th of October variation | partners chain (pull by right, loop left) |
3 Places Left | ones cast down one place – own side of the set ⁋ |
88888 | right and left grand - partners pull by right to start, 4 changes... |
A Gentle Turn | ladles courtesy turn gentlespoons |
A New Idea | right & left through with partner on the half-right diagonal + |
right & left through with neigbor on the half-left diagonal ++ |
A Proper Potpourri | 2nd corners (ladle 1& gentlespoon 2) do-si-do WHILE first... |
right & left through with only the ones rolling away (leaving... |
hey, first corners start right shoulders. Upon passing same role... |
A Proper Whoosh | grand right and left along the set: [1] |
A Third Easy Dance | balance and swing new neighbor |
forward in long lines, and while coming back, roll away with this... |
right and left through with a second new neighbor (pull by partner,... |
circle left 3/4. Partners swing on side of set they started the dance. |
A.O.'s No-No | hey, gentlespoons start left until facing neighbor a second time... |
finish star from B1, gentlespoons turn alone, partners swing |
ANTICI...PATION | do si do as couples, once and a little more to launch ladles into |
MEANWHILE gentlespoons loop around to the left, left shoulder... |
Abolish Mop Snarl | walk forward to next neighbors |
Accretion Reel | individual scatter promenade ⁋ |
find a new partner |
join in rings of any number of couples [6] |
Accretion Reel (variation, with patter) | ring go forward - "into the middle, say goodbye" |
individual scatter promenade - "scatter 'round" |
find a new partner - "catch someone's eye" |
join in rings of any number of couples |
Across Nottingham A | neighbors trade places, ones behind twos |
ladles trade places across, ladle one behind ladle two |
first corners (gentlespoon one, ladle two) do si do, while second... |
Across Nottingham B | neighbors trade places, ones behind twos |
gentlespoons trade places across, gentlespoon one behind... |
first corners (gentlespoon one, ladle two) do si do, while second... |
Ad Vielle (Oddville) | drop hands, walk forward along the set |
Adam's Trip to the Corner | ones and twos circle left |
Alamo Intro | ladles into the center and come back clap at the center |
gentlespoons into the center and turn to face out (clap at the center) |
Alex is Where? | 1/2 hey, ladles start right shoulders, upon facing neighbor veer to... |
With these new (second) neighbors, 1/2 hey ladles start... |
left shoulders around the 3rd |
swing the 2nd neighbor |
circle left 3 places, partners swing |
All hands in | Balance partner right hand and pull by right across set pass... |
Allen Ortep | dosido and swing neighbor |
right and left through across |
circle balance (on left foot then right), slide/spin left one... |
partners balance and swing |
forward and back and roll away, gentlespoons shifting right |
circle balance (on left foot then right), slide/spin left one... |
Allen Ortep's First Contra | balance and swing (with neighbor 2) |
Allen Ortep shift (balance in a circle, left foot first, then... |
Allison's Favorite | gentlespoons make left hand star |
meet the one diagonally across from you |
ladles make right hand star |
join hands in your ring of 8 |
And Thinking About Coffee Cups | neighbors balance and swing |
circle left 3 places, pass partner by right along set to face a shadow |
partners balance and swing |
circle left 3 places, pass neighbor along set to face new neighbor |
new neighbors do-si-do |
Anderson Ferry Reel | "lonesome one, ride the ferry" ⁋ |
Angels' Rib 0.1 ALTERATION | draw poussette three quarters, gentlespoons pull neighbors clockwise |
Angels' Rib 0.1 TESTING | broken circle left 1 place ("angel's rib"), then hold on to... |
Anne's Visit | partners two-hand turn ⁋ |
Aplets and Cotlets | (neighbors pull by left) |
Apple Pie Quadrille (40 bar tune) | middle 4 dancers star right 1x |
NEW middle 4 dancers star right 1x |
Left hand Gentlespoon of each line cast over left shoulder leading... |
Around We Go | circle left |
circle right |
circle left |
into the middle and back |
into the middle and back |
partner right elbow swing |
partner left elbow swing |
Attleboro Reel | as couples do si do + |
Azure Aster | MEANWHILE ladles pause, then follow neighbor to cross the set |
Balance And West Coast Swing | ladles balance right hands |
ladle 2 box the gnat with ladle 1 (into a short wavy line) |
gentlespoon 2 box the gnat with gentlespoon 1 |
Balance and Think | All trade on rt diag with same role person (The gentlespoons trade... |
Bale the Hay II | SIMULTANEOUS: |
Barber Teeny's Trampoline | Gentlespoons cast (left) behind partner, pass each other left, ... |
Ladles cast (left) behind new neighbor, pass each other left, ... |
Basic Becket | long lines slice left & back ⁋ |
Beach Grass | Gentlespoons walk, Ladles dodge, forming long wavy lines + |
Ben's Brilliance | promenade along the line |
turn as a couple, gentlespoons closer to center |
promenade back to partner |
Beneath the Stars | partners join left hands (gentlespoons reaching in below star) |
partners join right hands (gentlespoons reaching in below star) |
Between the Lines | next neighbors mirror do si do, ones splitting twos |
Between the Lines variation | next neighbors mirror do si do, ones splitting twos |
neighbors mirror do si do, twos splitting ones |
Beyond the Horizon | Balance the circle & gentlespoons roll Neighbor across set |
Balance the circle & gentlespoons roll away partner along set |
Big Baguette | whole set circle left |
whole set circle right |
top couple cast off, make an arch at the bottom of the set |
everyone else go through the arch ⁋ |
Black Cat Mixer | into the middle and come back out! |
into the middle again with a great big shout! |
turn by the individual right shoulder to walk single file... |
robins tap lark walking in front. lark turns around. say "yooohooo!... |
This one is the new neighbor. Do Si Do |
Promenade and walk that ring (counterclockwise) ⁋ |
Black River Falls | partner two-hand turn once |
Bob Dalsemer Triplet #1 | ones sashay down |
ones balance towards and away from the top |
ones sashay up |
ones separate and go down the outside into the twos' place, twos... |
partners sashay to trade places (ladles in front, gentlespoons behind) |
Bob Dalsemer Triplet #1 extra detail | ones sashay down |
ones balance towards and away from the top |
ones sashay up |
ones separate and go down the outside into the twos' place, twos... |
partners sashay to trade places (ladles in front, gentlespoons behind) |
Boiling Mud variation | neighbors handy hand allemande 1.5 |
Box the Cat | previous neighbors allemande left once |
Brown Bag Reel | single file promenade - past neighbors, ladles on the inside, same... |
single file promenade - return to the neighbors who do si do-ed |
Bumbling in the Shower | walk single file along the set (ladles leading) to next neighbors ⁋ |
Burning Man | balance wave of four and move on the right diagonal to a new wave... |
But Y, Tho? | center four star left 4 places, pick up partners |
outside four star right 4 places |
CDS Reel | whole set circle left |
whole set circle right |
Can't Wait to See You Again | ladles walk forward to next minor set |
Cape Mixer | all to middle & back out |
ladles to middle & back out |
gentlespoons to middle |
Carina | Ladles chain over and back |
Partners do-si-do once and bit more, finishing with all dancers in... |
balance right and left, quick allemande right with partner, end... |
left shoulders around person who had been in left hand |
Partners swing in center, end facing original direction ⁋ |
Celebration | sashay in & out |
sashay in & out |
Chance Dance Scrambled Eggs | chainsaw promenade left |
chainsaw promenade back to the right |
Cheaters Swing Reel 0.1 | front couple: down the outsides and turn alone, return up the outsides |
MEANWHILE: other two dancers swing, end facing down |
Christmas Hornpipe variation | ones with 2nd ladles balance ring of three |
ones with 2nd gentlespoons balance ring of three |
Christmas Stars | 1st ladles step between twos |
ones with 2nd ladles star left 3 places [1] [2] |
ones with 2nd gentlespoons star right 2 places |
1st gentlespoons cross to original side |
Cincinnati Reel | staying with the person you just turned, |
Circassian Circle | advance & retire |
advance & retire |
ladles advance & retire |
gentlespoons advance |
gentlespoons turn & walk out to next ladle ⁋ |
Circle of Fun | neighbor right elbow |
neighbor left elbow |
partner right elbow |
partner left elbow |
Closed Loop | next neighbors start a full circular hey - rights along, lefts across |
Closing Break | grand right and left |
weave the ring |
Coconut Cream Pie | middle 4 star right 4 places |
other 4 star right 4 places |
Companion Piece | ladles chevron into neighbors place—ladles pass right shoulder to... |
Complicity Swing | swing through - neighbors allemand right 1/2, ladles allemand left 1/2 |
Compost Pile Breakdown | Heads lead right, split Sides separate, go around one dancer - meet... |
Constellation | lines of four forward and back |
Contra Corners Special | gentlespoons allemande left 1 1/2 WHILE ladles allemande right 1 1/2 |
Contra Corners Special | MEANWHILE ladles allemande right 1 1/2 |
Coray's Silver Jubilee | lines of four forward & back |
FOUR gentlespoons: |
WHILE ladles: |
orbit clockwise ½ to opposite neighbor |
FOUR ladles: |
WHILE gentlespoons: |
orbit clockwise ½ to partner |
Courtesy Turn Training Mixer | in to the center |
wheel around |
facing out, step out |
wheel around, let go |
ladle turn under gentlespoon's right arm, ladle let go & ladle... |
ladle walk forward to next gentlespoon ⁋ |
with next gentlespoon, take courtesy turn hold, wheel around to... |
Crankshaft variation | ins and outs |
Cretaceous Companions | gentlespoons chevron into neighbors' place |
Cross Current | Down the hall 4in line , gentlespoon 2 in middle dose right hand... |
Cross Currents | lines of 4 forward and back |
corners swing |
ladles star right once around, give left hand to corner in... |
corners allemande left to face partners |
grand right and left (four changes) |
first gentlespoon and second ladle do si do once |
first ladle and second gentlespoon allemande right 1½ |
Crossing Times | go forward as a couple on the left diagonal and come back straight... |
DEVIL'S FANTASY | Shift left with partner bounce off first and go the next couple |
Dance All Night | corners swing |
ladles star right once |
corners allemande left 1.25 |
partners pull by right for grand right and left until they meet... |
Dance the Snapper | balance the wave & "Spank the Alligator" + ⁋ |
Dar Trek | look away from partner to form minor set with shadow and first... |
look away from the star to form minor set with shadow and second... |
look for your partner ⁋ |
Dar Trek (alt. presentation) | look away from partner to form minor set with shadow and original... |
Dar Trek variation | look away from partner to form minor set with shadow and first... |
look away from the star to form a minor set with shadow and second... |
Dave Found the Missing Coffee Cup | Slide left along set to new neighbors; circle left 3 places |
circle left 3 places, pass partner along set to face shadow |
allemande shadow left once around, allemande partner 1/2, leaving... |
hey, ladles start right shoulders, until partners meet on side of... |
partners balance and swing |
Dave Found the Missing Coffee Cup | partners balance and swing |
Dead Simple | lines of four, pass through and back ⁋ |
lines of four forward & back |
opposites dosido once |
Dearfield | trade the wave - dancers take one step forward, turn to face... |
Devil's Backbone | lead ladles unroll the star - passing right, cross the set, gather... |
Devils Fun | Gentlespoons center Balance longwave RORY O More gentlespoons... |
Diagamania | top couple promenade to the bottom of the set, everyone else move up ⁋ |
right diagonals allemande right once |
left diagonals allemande left once |
Diagonal Discovery | left diagonal gentlespoons allemande left 1½ to next neighbors |
partners two hand turn twice and open into long lines |
Diamond Allotrope | ladles ricochet to a |
Diamonds Are a Baby's Choking Hazard | quarter poussette - gentlespoons pull neighbors back then right |
quarter poussette - ladles pull neighbors right then back (along... |
circle left 1.5 places to diamonds |
Dick Witt's Circle Mixer | partners promenade counterclockwise |
promenade clockwise back to place with your new partner,... |
Dipping Dots | dip and dive across the set + |
couple with gentlespoon 1 arches, cross over |
all California Twirl |
other couple arches, cross back |
all California Twirl, let go |
Dipping Dots alternate B1 | dip and dive across the set + |
couple with gentlespoon 1 arches, cross over |
all California Twirl |
other couple arches, cross back |
all California Twirl, let go |
Dipping and Diving | top couple sashay down and back |
top couple Dip and Dive down ⁋ |
Dive for the Dolphin | neighbor handy-hand allemande (ones split the twos) |
Diving Under the Double Rainbow 0.3 | Ones arch |
Do What the 2's Say | "do what the twos say" |
Dolphin Poussette | Twos separate, ones go between new neighbors |
Dolphin Poussette (becket version) | Twos separate, ones go between new neighbors |
Dolphiniums & Daisies | dolphin gyre+ on left diagonal |
Don't Let's Star | neighbors star through |
Double Balanced Brain | partners Jersey twirl ⁋ |
Down by the Riverside triplet | circle left |
trios basket swing, end facing across |
Dreaming of Michael | mirrored mad ladle, twos stepping in front** |
E.J.M.J.F. in Cincinnati | Neighbors balance and swing |
1/2 hey, neighbors start left, until again facing neighbor. ... |
Eclipse Chasers TESTING | NEW gentlespoons allemande left once around while the ladles orbit... |
Eeyore's Excuse | neighbors join inside hands (gentlespoon's right, ladle's left) |
Eggbeater | eggbeater++ |
Ellie's Pumpkin Show | ladles walk clockwise 1/2 around partner while gentlespoons go... |
gentlespoons walk clockwise 1/2 around partner while ladles go... |
Elsa’s Quarter-Life Crisis | trade the wave - partners passing right, gentlespoons taking right... |
Enchanted Forest (Spicy version) | Mad "Ladle" but Gentlespoons go in front first |
Gentlespoons take RIGHT hands diagonally, balance together and... |
Neighbors catch and swing |
Ladles take right hands diagonally, balance together and apart,... |
Enchanted Forest, Medium-Spicy Variation--to be tested | Gentlespoons left hand balance together and apart, Rory O'Moore... |
Ladles right hand balance together and apart, Rory O'Moore into... |
Entangled in Monte Carlo | Arm Bridge Balance with partner (ladles end in middle of set,... |
Equal Opportunity | ones right-hand chain to same-role neighbors |
Equinox | ravens or larks turn Contra corners, end with opposite ravens/larks... |
Evanesce | walk forward to new wave ⁋ |
Expert Bits | All walk forward, on very slight right diagonal, to meet new... |
Fair Trade | robins trade passing R in middle |
gentlespoons trade passing R in middle |
Fan in the Doorway | 3/8 hey, neighbor right, gentlespoons left in the center, partner... |
5/8 hey, gentlespoons lead, neighbor right, ladles left, partner... |
Fast Fresh & Furious | Mad Ricochet Gentlespoons in center & ricochet out ladles in,... |
Fat Bear's Reel | ladles drop out |
Fatal Attraction | first gentlespoons roll away neighbor [1] |
Ones go forward; pivot counterclockwise 90 degrees; fall back.... |
Twos go forward; pivot counterclockwise 90 degrees; fall back.... |
Ones go forward; pivot counterclockwise 90 degrees; fall back.... |
Twos go forward; pivot counterclockwise 90 degrees; fall back.... |
Festival Reel | long lines slice left & back ⁋ |
Festival Reel II | long lines slice left & back ⁋ |
Fiddle Tales | ones turn left, dance around one person, then form diamonds with... |
ones split twos for a mirror do si do |
Fiddleheads | and go left around one person to form a ladle facing down,... |
Fiddlers' Frolic | Gentlespoons take right hands, ladles take left hands to form |
Fire Fly dance | pass thru to ocean wave of 4 - allemande right partner 3/4 to long... |
slide right pass partner |
custom gentlespoons roll away across to form a star promenade ⁋ |
Fire in Vermont | cloverleaf left 3 places |
Firefly Pedicabs | with original neighbor, weave the line -zig left past current... |
First Night Quadrille | forward and back head couples |
grand right left |
First light of spring | Pass thru to ocean wave of 4 partner right hand ladles left in center |
First of May | Ladles keep left hands to allemande left 1.5 MEANWHILE the... |
Flaherty Will Get You Everywhere | Swing through: allemande neighbor by the right halfway,... |
Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss | gentlespoons drop hands; make turn to right MEANWHILE ladles... |
For All, There Exists, Such That | Alternately: Mad Robin, ladles through the middle |
For every young | As a couple go forward on the left diagonal and come back straight... |
Four Rights and Lefts Don't Make a Wrong | right and left through on the 1/2 right diagonal* (now facing... |
right and left through across |
right and left through across (everyone now progressed and on their... |
circle balance, spin/slide right one place in circle |
circle left three places, partners swing |
From the Earth to the Moon and a Trip Around It | right and left through on 1/2 right diagonal (Gentlespoons pull by... |
right and left through on left 1/2 diagonal (Ladles pull by ladle... |
promenade across, passing second neighbors, and loop to face first... |
ladles allemande right 1 1/2 |
neighbors balance and swing |
gentlespoons allemande left 1 1/2 |
partners swing |
Fruit Punch | balance wave right then left |
Fun Dance For Linda (for Linda Leslie) | star through |
Galaxy Brain Balance | neighbors Jersey twirl, turn to face partners |
Galena | walk to next neighbor 1s up, 2s down ⁋ |
Gallery Place Transfer | gentlespoons in the center push back, ladles push back |
Galopede | top couple sashay to bottom of set - others move up ⁋ |
Galopede variation | top couple sashay to bottom of set - others move up ⁋ |
Gander | ones walk alone around the inside of the whole set, with the... |
ones turn alone and return |
Gaye's Groove | walk diagonally right to join neighbor #2 in new wave |
walk diagonally left to join neighbor #3 in new wave |
Genet's Recall | ones down the outside |
ones up the outside |
ones down the outside past twos |
ones and threes swing neighbors |
Geometric Discretion | Forward and back with current neighbors |
Promenade across, but at end of the courtesy turn shift ... |
Star left 3 places, end facing current neighbors |
dos-si-do current neighbor, finish in long waves, ... |
Balance towards and the away person in right hand (current neighbor... |
new neighbors swing |
balance the circle and slide/spin right one place (or circle left 3/4) |
swing partner |
Geometric Indiscretion | promenade across, but at end of the courtesy turn shift ... |
star left 3/4 (wrist grip) with these previous neighbors (do not... |
do-si-do current neighbor |
see-saw previous neighbor, finishing in long wavy lines,... |
balance right then left, and spin or slide past current neighbor to... |
new neighbors swing |
circle left 3 places (OR balance the circle and shift/twirl one... |
partners swing |
George's Neat Reel | Gentlespoons see-saw, while ladles turn back over right shoulder... |
neighbors swing |
forward and the way back roll away, and finish reaching across to... |
right and left through with NEW neighbors (while holding partner's... |
circle left 3 places, partners swing |
Gleeful Partners | Mad ricochet walking the path of a mad robin gentlespoons in center... |
Glen Echo Reel | custom balance the wave |
Gold Star Wednesday | Invert the star + |
Gentlespoons loop right around neighbor, Ladles follow path |
Goody One Shoe | Three quarters hey, neighbors passing right |
Grand Right and Left Mixer | Grand right and left: |
Grand Western Canal | walk forward |
Gravity Assist | Ladles ricochet in the center, gentlespoons half sashay (quarter... |
Grease & Glue | ones split twos, return to place |
twos split ones, return to place |
Grit and Grist | three changes of a circular hey - neighbors pass right along,... |
Guacamole Contra | Mad Ricochet Gentlespoons start in center they use two hands to... |
Half Grand Square | face up and down (Sides face partners, Heads face in) |
half grand square (just 8 steps) |
face up and down (new Sides face the one you swung, new Heads face in) |
half grand square (8 steps) |
half grand right and left to home |
Halloween's Twisted Heart | face neighbor; ladles back up across the set, gentlespoons follow... |
Hands on Contra | Mad Ricochet ( Walking the path of a mad robin gentlespoons go... |
Mad ricochet repeat the above |
Happy Birthday | MEANWHILE gentlespoons orbit CCW ½ around the set |
MEANWHILE ladles orbit CCW ½ around the set |
Happy Days | walking the path of a mad robin do a mad ricochet gentlespoons in... |
gentlespoons cross to partner |
Happy as a Cold Pig in Warm Mud | The first gentlespoon and second ladle star left above, and the... |
Haste to the Divorce | lines of three forward & back |
opposites dosido |
circle left |
circle right |
giant dosido 1½ ⁋ |
Haste to the Wedding | Clap, clap |
Clap, clap |
Hearing Our Voices Shine (Happy Birthday Heidi, from Jeremy) | left shutter balance ++ |
Heart and Home | slide left past neighbors, ladles stepping to the outside as... |
Heart of Joy | single file promenade clockwise 1/2 (facing neighbor) [1] |
single file promenade clockwise 1/2 (facing partner) [3] |
Heart of love | Neighbor balance swing to a wave of four, see preamble |
neighbor allemande right 1/2 gentlespoons turn left , to form a... |
Heavenly | ladles reach under star |
Here There and Yonder | right left grand |
Hey the Line | partners start a hey for eight - first pass by right, 7 passes -... |
Heyllamande | swing through [Partner allemande right by half, ladles allemande... |
balance the wave |
swing through [Neighbor allemande right by half, gentlespoons... |
Hoots and Shouts | Long lines forward and on the way back, gentlespoons roll partner... |
Gentlespoons do-si-do and return to where they started the... |
Balance toward and away neighbor; spin (or slide) by neighbor to... |
Balance and swing new neighbor |
Circle left 3/4; partners swing |
Hopscotch Reel | MEANWHILE gentlespoons dance forward to next star ++ ⁋ |
Hot Summer Nights | dance fwd on the right diagonal to form waves with neighbor 2 (left... |
Hotpoint Deluxe | Do the hotpoint special progression, ladles in front ⁋ |
Hotpoint Special | everyone take one step forward, turn to face right, and single-file... |
Humppa Promenad | walk forward (CCW, starting with outside foot) turn alone |
walk backwards (continuing CCW) |
walk forward (CW) turn alone |
walk backwards (continuing CW) |
twirl ladles under and back to the right; gentlespoons continue... |
I ♥ Unicorns | mirror mad robin - twos beak-to-beak then ones beak-to-beak |
Ice Cream in the Sink | gentlespoons twirl ladle to gentlespoon behind ⁋ |
Icebreaker Mixer | neighbor is now partner; promenade around the hall and find another... |
Impromptu Triplet #1 | circle left |
circle right |
star right |
star left |
ones cast to second position, twos move up |
ones cast to third position, threes move up ⁋ |
Impromptu Triplet #2 | ones & twos allemande left neighbor once, threes allemande left... |
twos & threes allemande left neighbor once, ones allemande left... |
ones sashay down & up & down, twos & threes move up ⁋ |
Impromptu Triplet #3 | continue holding hands, rotate the set 90 degrees to the left |
balance the line right then left |
continue holding hands, rotate the set 90 degrees to the left |
balance the line right then left |
threes (who are at the top of the set) cast to second position,... |
Indigo Silk | ones star through (ladles left hand, gentlespoons right hand) ⁋ |
ones arch, twos half figure 8 under ++ to ends of a line of four |
Infinity Continued | ladles dance in |
ladles push off, gentlespoons pull by |
Ins and Outs of Contra | ins and outs |
Invertro Flirtilization | Invert the line - ones arch and walk across the set, second ladle... |
Irritable Inventiveness | As a couple, Partners do si do with Neighbor couple |
It Started on Facebook | balance and box circulate (gentlespoons cross set, ladles loop... |
promenade 3 places CW aroumd group of 4 (actually takes 6-8 beats) |
partners swing (12-14 beats to swing or balance and swing) |
Jabberwocky | ladles turn back to next neighbors |
Jingle jangle Jingle | Ladles cross over to partner gentlespoons rotate right to face... |
Joyous Rose Seth Tepfer variation | walk forward to new ⁋ |
swing through (neighbor allemande right 1/2, ladles allemande left 1/2 |
Joyous Rose original | walk forward to new ⁋ |
swing through (neighbor allemande right 1/2, ladles allemande left 1/2 |
Juicy Fruity Chewy | starburst counter-clockwise 2 (arc past shadows; partners) ⁋ |
Kat in Halifax's Second Scatter Dance | as couples, scatter to find new duples ⁋ |
Kidwell's Graces | partners start a full circular hey - rights across, lefts along -... |
Kimmswick Express | Heads forward & back |
LERN to Lava | partners double La Baratte (see teaching note) |
(finish the double La Baratte) |
La BubbleSort | shorts to the middle, clap, and back |
talls to the middle, clap, and back, facing in to make a wavy ring+ ⁋ |
new partner, in right hand, balance & swing |
end with shorter on the right |
La Grande Voyage | Leapfrog - Gentlespoons don't move - roll your partner from across... |
Leapfrog - Ladles don't move - roll your partner from side to... |
La Green Bean | ladles to the center and back |
gentlespoons to the center |
gentlespoons go back |
La Guaracha aka Spanish Waltz | waltz the set |
La Southern Green Bean | ladles to the center and back |
gentlespoons to the center |
gentlespoons go back |
La String Bean | ladles to the center and back |
gentlespoons to the center |
gentlespoons go back |
La String Bean (reverse progression & courtesy turn variation) | ladles to the center & back |
gentlespoons to the center |
gentlespoons return to partners |
partners courtesy turn 1¼ to face the center |
Labor of Love | ALTERNATE - ones: |
ALTERNATE - twos: |
Lady of the Lake | Actives down the center, turn alone, cast off with neighbor |
Lakeside Room Stomp | top couple promenade to the bottom of the set, everyone else move up |
three claps, three stomps |
three claps, three stomps |
partners two-hand turn once |
same as B1 |
Laminar Groove | neighbor courtesy turn |
Lamplighter's Hornpipe | ones cross down between twos |
Lamplighter's Hornpipe (diagonal wave variation) | ones cross down between twos |
Lava Flow | Partners La Baratte (see teaching notes) |
Lava Pit | partners La Baratte (see teaching note) |
Leave the Wine | Weave the line Zig past neighbors, zag past next neighbors, zig to... |
Leave the Wine | Weave the line: |
Leave the Wine (Becket variation) | Weave the line: |
Left Hand of Darkness 0.9 | partners Nevada twirl (ladle twirl the gentlespoon to swap &... |
Libra Boys | cloverleaf turn single (face to face with partners) to face next... |
Life, the Universe, and Everything | walk forward ⁋ |
Low German Junction (hey figure) 0.2 | flutterby - ladles take right hands and fetch neighbor gentlespoon... |
Lucky Seven | everyone into the middle and back |
into the middle and back |
Lunt Birthday Waltz | waltz 1 1/4 around Neighbors ⁋ |
open up to face new Neighbors, hands four |
M.A.D. About Dancing | walk forward to next neighbors |
Macadamia Nut | ladles cross by left |
Mad Robin Landing | gentlespoons walk across the set while ladles step left, partners... |
Mandelbrot Set | big oval circle right |
big oval circle left |
Mange Tak | "swing through": |
"swing through": |
Manifest Density (choreographically dense version) | ALTERNATE - ones: |
ones pass second gentlespoon one more time - form a ring, ladles... |
twos separate - second ladle cast down, orbit counterclockwise once... |
ALTERNATE - twos: |
twos pass first gentlespoon one more time - form a ring,... |
ones separate - first ladle cast up, orbit counterclockwise once... |
Manifest Density (spatially dense version) | ALTERNATE - ones: |
ones pass second gentlespoon one more time - form a ring, ladles... |
ALTERNATE - twos: |
twos pass first gentlespoon one more time - form a ring,... |
Maybe You Should Write An Easy Dance | promenade across the set, and shift ccw around set to face new... |
Forward in long lines and while coming back, roll away with ... |
Circle left 3/4 with shadow, neighbor (and shadow's neighbor), ... |
Ladles chain to shadow (quickly) |
1/2 hey, ladles start right shoulders, upon passing shadow by left... |
Partners swing, preceding balance optional. (Read * note below) |
Melanie's Triplet | invert the set, twos separating followed by ones and threes ⁋ |
Melted Butter | Star Thru (use inside hands) |
Microchasm | peel the banana #1s cast to bottom and form arch while others... |
Middle Break | grand right and left |
grand right and left |
Mind the Shark | lines of four forward & back |
corners swing (do not trade places, square the set) |
head couples forward & back |
side couples forward & back |
Money Musk | ones cast down one couple to long lines along |
Monophobia | Unwind to an outward facing circle, just turning on the spot, do... |
Mr Johnson's Jig | Circle left |
Ladles do-si-do, while gentlespoons orbit clockwise 1/2 way around... |
Neighbors swing |
Right and left through, roll away (leaving gentlespoons to right of... |
1/2 hey, gentlespoons start right shoulder, finish in long waves,... |
Balance forward and back, gentlespoons cross set to partner's... |
Partners balance and swing, finish facing new neighbors |
Mr Johnson's Second Jig | neighbors balance and swing |
circle left 3 places, partners swing |
Half hey, ladles start right shoulder, finish in long waves, ... |
Balance, ladles cross set to take partner's place, while... |
Balance; gentlespoons cross set while ladles shift to partner's... |
Murphy's Second | 3/4 Colonnade - 2s take right hands, form an arch, and each person... |
Roll away Swing - Ladles roll gentlespoons by the right, right... |
1 1/2 Whirlemande - Pivot around a person rather than in between... |
1 Handy Hand Allemande - Use hands that make sense based on the... |
Music between the Sheets | Ladles cross right again |
Music between the Sheets variation | Ladles cross right again |
Music between the Sheets variation variation | Ladles cross right again |
New Beginnings | custom Oval Left in large circle |
New Morning Pages | Neighbors balance and box the gnat, end with ladles facing out,... |
1/2 hey starting with gentlespoons passing left shoulders, ladles... |
balance right and left, slide/spin by current neighbor to new... |
New neighbors swing |
balance the circle, slide/spin right one place |
Balance the circle, slide/spin right one place, face neighbor |
Night dancer | ladles trade right shoulder |
Northalstead Jig (Riverside Jig variation) | top 2 couples form line of 4 with arches, dance to the bottom,... |
Not A Dance Yet | get on the correct side |
Not Quite Fifty | Gentlespoons exchange places with the gentlespoon in his star, ... |
Not a Figment of Your Imagination | gentlespoons turn out over right shoulder on home side |
partners courtesy turn to face across (hold courtesy turn position) |
Nutella Petronella | lines of four forward and back |
opposites do si do once |
Ends balance and swing to change places while centers... |
Opening Break | Identify partners, neighbors, opposites |
grand right and left |
Pallette Cleanser | circle left |
circle right |
star right |
star left |
ones sashay down & up & down ⁋ |
Pasta Promenade | down the hall four in line, ones in the center |
ones turn as a couple, twos turn alone, come back |
ones split the twos, symmetric dosido |
Patty Cake Polka | heel, toe, heel, toe |
heel, toe, heel, toe |
right hand: clap clap clap |
left hand: clap clap clap |
both hands: clap clap clap |
own legs: clap clap clap |
move to your next partner ⁋ |
Peak Bagger | centers on the right, right elbow turn (right hand partner) |
centers on the left, left elbow turn (left hand partner) |
Pedal Pushers | single file promenade three places |
Penny Farthing | oval left |
oval right, returning to original set |
Petronella | ones spin right to form a diamond, gentlespoon below, ladle above |
Petronella Milkshake | neighbors scatter promenade |
Petronella Stars | ones petronella diamond [1] |
ones petronella square [2] |
ones allemande right 1½ below / twos allemande right once above |
Petronella Stompshake | neighbors scatter promenade |
Petrozilla | lines of four forward and back |
corners swing and square the set |
sides pass through and face back in |
heads pass through and face back in, form a big ring |
Pinball Wizard | walk fwd to ricochet with next neighbor (N2) and turn back to N1 |
walk fwd to ricochet with shadow and turn back to partner |
Pixie Star | gyre star once ladles drop out on home side |
Polymorphous' Reel #1 | neighbors take inside hands, star through to a ring |
with neighbor, slide along set to shadows ⁋ |
Porpoiseful Play | ones pass second gentlespoon one last time |
Positional Thinking | Circle balance. Pass to a wave by gentlespoons turning right 1/2, ... |
Balance left and right; allemande left 3/4 to long wavy lines,... |
Balance forward and back, box circulate to long waves, : with... |
Balance right and left; ladles cross set while : gentlespoons... |
Partners balance and swing, end facing new neighbors |
Long lines forward and back. |
Circle right (or left, but right seems more distinctive). |
Progress for Progress's Sake | walk forward to NEW next neighbor ⁋ |
Projectile Possums | walk forward and ricochet with next neighbors or prev neighbors |
walk forward and ricochet with shadows |
Projectile Possums Variant | walk forward and ricochet with next neighbors or prev neighbors |
walk forward and ricochet with shadows |
Race Against the Clock | march right along the set ⁋ |
ladles turn back over right shoulders |
Rang Tang Contra | neighbors rang tang right |
partners rang tang left |
neighbors rang tang right |
partners rang tang left |
Ransom Note (adaptation) | ones split the twos, then cast home |
twos split the ones, then cast home |
fall back with neighbors |
mad ladle (do si do neighbors but facing partners) |
Richfield Stomp | lines of four forward |
grand right and left 1/2 to meet partner on opposite side |
Rick's Triplet #1 | P's B&S, 1's end facing down, 2's & 3's up |
Dip and dive, 1's starting under arch formed by 2's, until everyone... |
1's &2's balance in circle; ne=N;s roll away aong the set,... |
Bal cirle of 6; everyone roll away (original 1's with original 2's;... |
Balance circle of 6 (4); Circle left (12) |
Rick's Triplet #1 | dip and dive, 6 changes - inside couple arch, turn as a couple on... |
top two couples form a ring of four |
all form a ring of six |
Rick's Triplet #2 | ones go down the outside into the twos' place, twos move up |
ones loop to *individual* right and go around the ends of the set... |
form a long wave - partners keeping right hands and neighbors... |
half hey for six - neighbors pass left shoulders to begin, ends... |
Ring a ding ding and ding | Partner balance & swing to a wave of four , in order to form... |
Balance the wave of 4 and turn your partner half by the right,... |
Riverside Jig | top 2 couples form line of 4, dance to the bottom over everyone's... |
Road to Boston | into the middle and back |
into the middle and back |
gentlespoons in and clap and back up |
ladles in and clap and back up |
Rochelle’s Big Squiggle | gentlespoons catch partners with right hands, and take left hands... |
Rockin' Robin | hey, partners passing left shoulders to start |
Roll Away | heads (sides) forward and back |
heads (sides) right left through |
heads (sides) pass through and cross trail |
heads (sides) go around 2 to form lines at the sides (heads) + + |
two ladles roll away with a half sashay + side ladles roll head... |
two gentlespoons roll away with a half sashay + head gentlespoons... |
center two roll away with half sashay + gentlespoon rolls opposite |
everybody roll away with a half sashay + gentlespoons roll corners |
Roll Away (variation) | Heads forward & back |
Heads separate, go around two - form lines at the sides... |
center two roll away with a half sashay |
everyone roll away with a half sashay (Corners) |
everyone forward & back |
Roll Away Beginner Variation | heads (sides) forward and back |
heads (sides) star right four places then heads (sides) separate, |
heads (sides) go around 2 to form lines at the sides (heads) + + |
two ladles roll away with a half sashay + side ladles roll head... |
two gentlespoons roll away with a half sashay + head gentlespoons... |
center two roll away with half sashay + gentlespoon rolls opposite |
everybody roll away with a half sashay + gentlespoons roll corners |
Roller Coaster | Balance the ring and pass by right to 2nd neighbors |
Balance the ring and pass by right to 3rd neighbors |
Dosido and swing 3rd neighbors, end facing across |
Star left 3 places, gentlespoons turn back over right shoulder,... |
Ladles start 1/2 hey, passing right shoulders. Gentlespoons... |
Rollin' Outta Barstow | custom 3/4 hey with ricochet (gentlespoon left, partner right,... |
Rory O'More | ones cast down around twos |
ones cross up between twos and cast down with twos moving up ⁋ |
Rory O'Star | Right hands across 3 places, finish in long waves, ... |
Balance to and from neighbor, spin (or slide) to new neighbor. ⁋ |
neighbors balance and swing |
hands across left 4 places |
Gentlespoons see-saw WHILE ladles turn over right... |
partners balance and swing |
Rural Felicity | top couple sashay down to end of set |
bottom couple sashay down to end of set |
two-hand turn once |
two hand arch with partner while top couple sashay under all to... |
Rural Felicity | top couple, sashay down |
same two, sashay up to top |
top couple face down, others form arch. top couple promenade down ⁋ |
Safe and Sound | single-file promenade along the set to new neighbors ⁋ |
single-file circle left 2 places |
single-file circle left 2 places |
Sail Back to Aptos | sail back - raise right arm overhead while backing up, turn to... |
Salute to Larry Jennings (Larry Jennings variation) | grand right & left along the set (and around the ends): |
Salute to Larry Jennings (original) | grand right & left along the set (and around the ends): |
Sasha | pointing at partner: Sasha! Sasha! Ras, dva, tri! |
hand clapping with partner: right right right, left left left, both... |
hand clapping with partner: right right right, left left left, both... |
promenade single, find new partner ⁋ |
Sauce for the Goose | ladles two-hand turn, once around |
gentlespoons two-hand turn, once around |
Say Go to the Do-si-do | Circle left 3 places |
neighbors do-si-do 1 1/2, ending with gentlespoons facing in,... |
1/2 hey gentlespoons start left shoulder, finish in long waves on... |
balance towards and way then away from current neighbor, spin (or... |
new neighbors balance and swing |
star left 3 places (putting everyone on side of set they started... |
Scottish Reel | top ladle leads ladles line through gentlespoons line in a slalom... |
top gentlespoon leads gentlespoons line through ladles line in a... |
top couple sashay down the middle & back |
top couple separate, cast, walk down to the bottom ⁋ |
Seige of Ennis | advance & retire |
advance & retire |
divide couples, left couple 7s behind couple to right, rise& grind |
divide couples, left couple 7s behind couple to right, rise &... |
centers star right while sides allemande right |
centers star left while sides allemande left |
advance & retire |
line facing the music raises their arms |
Seige of Kerrick (adaptation) | ones split the twos, symmetric dosido |
twos split the 1s, symmetric dosido |
partners half house ⁋ |
Serendipity | walk forward to next neighbor ⁋ |
Shades of Impropriety (variation) | SIMULTANEOUS: |
ones face down, twos face up toward next neighbors ⁋ |
twos face up, ones face down, toward next neighbors ⁋ |
partners two-hand turn any amount, end facing down in line of four ⁋ |
Shadows of St. Louis | 3rd shadows swat the flea |
3rd shadows pull by left |
Shiver Me Timbers | gentlespoons right arm turn 1½ times |
Shoot to the Middle (variation) | bend the line |
Shooting Star | Promenade With partner ccw to new couple to form a new star promenade |
Simple Break 0 | right & left grand halfway around |
Single File Mixer | single promenade to find new partner |
Sleeping With The Hounds | ladles turn out |
Sleepwalking | single file promenade along set to next neighbors ⁋ |
gentlespoons drop out |
Slice and Dice | slice ricochet diagonal back with 2nd neighbor (ladles are now on... |
slice ricochet diagonal back with 2nd shadows (ladles are now on... |
Slice of Pie | Ladles cross directly to Partner |
Snake in the Garden | gentlespoons find new gentlespoons |
Snake in the Garden | gentlespoons find new gentlespoons |
gentlespoons back out and ladles walk in to a long wavy line of ladles |
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish | Alternate: down the hall and turn alone |
Alternate: up the hall and twos face first ladle |
Alternate: dolphin hey - start with twos passing first ladle by... |
Soarin' | partners courtesy turn |
Soaring | partners courtesy turn to face across (ID next neighbors on left... |
Spider Jive | celtic hey* |
Springtime in Philly | single file promenade to next neighbors (ladles leading partner) ⁋ |
Springy Connection | cast and cross |
2s cast the 1s around |
Star Colonnade | colonnade - "ones arch, colonnade!" + |
Star Step | ladles give partner left hand for a courtesy turn |
Star Through | H (S) forward & back |
H (S) forward again & STAR through (in the center: PASS through) |
STAR through with Outside 2 |
with the one you face: STAR through |
one you meet (in the center) STAR through |
separate around One |
into the center, STAR through |
look for your Corner & allemande left |
Star-Thru Corners | 1s take free hands |
star-thru corners++ |
Starburst | gentlespoons turn out over left shoulder WHILE |
ladles turn out over right shoulder |
Stargazer | return to prev neighbors |
return to neighbors |
Steppy Downs Road | (yo this tune has 12 beat phrases) |
(also can we talk about sam sweeney?) |
(seriously, like, whoa) |
(what a great tune) |
Stick in the Bug | couples do si do once, face next neighbors ⁋ |
Strike up the Band | neighbor balance and swing end swing in wave of 4 see notes |
Stuffed to the Brim with Beautiful Concepts | dolphin progression counter-clockwise – single-file right one... |
Sugarbritches 2.0 | dance forward to |
Sugarbritches 2.0 allemande variation | dance forward to |
Summer Stars | four gentlespoons star left 1/2 |
four ladles chain across the center + |
all eight star left 1/2 ++ |
Summer Stars 0.2 | four gentlespoons star left 1/2 |
four ladles chain across the center + |
all eight star left 1/2 ++ |
Summer of '84 | walk forward to ⁋ |
Summer of '84 | walk forward along the set to next couple |
Summer of '94 | dance forward to form new waves and balance |
Sun Dance and Moon Dance | Moon Dance |
Sun Dance |
Superballin' | neighbor left hand balance & swap the flea |
Superficial Tradition | long lines back |
Symmetrical Force | neighbors mirror image do si do (ones split the twos) |
neighbors mirror image allemande (ones split the twos) |
unwind to a circle, ones duck & twos arch |
Synchronized Swimming | dolphin hey - gentlespoon one followed by ladle one starts by... |
Tag, You're It | interrupted hey for three+ |
Take a Dance (adaptation) | ones split the twos, then cast home |
twos split the ones, then cast home |
Ted's Triplet #3 | down the center, cross over, back outside |
dip and dive six center couple arches, face up to start |
cast down the outside to bottom |
all swing |
Ted's Triplet #7 | ones and twos allemande right 1½ |
Tetrahymena Twirl | handy hand allemande neighbor 1 1/2 |
twos arch, gentlespoon one pull ladle one under arch |
Texas Star | ladles to the center & back to the bar |
gentlespoons to the center for a right hand star |
gentlespoons star LEFT pass your partner ⁋ |
pick up next ladle for a |
star left |
Texas Star Barn Dance Variation | ladles to the center & back to the bar |
gentlespoons to the center for a right hand star |
gentlespoons star right pass your partner ⁋ |
pick up next ladle for a |
star right |
Thanks, Charlie | gentlespoons drop out at home |
The Balter Dance | ladles hold their place while gentlespoons roll from right side to... |
The Connectrix | cloverleaf left 3 places |
The Contra Dancer's New Groove | left right through |
The Country of Marriage | meanwhile ladles slide left to meet partner for a |
The Country of Marriage Lawn variation | meanwhile ladles slide left to meet partner for a |
The Dance of Deception | dance begins in group of four with shadows |
The Evil Twin | Celtic Knot |
The Fabulous Couple | walk forward to ⁋ |
The Future Soon | as couples do si do |
jersey twirl to new neighbors |
california twirl back to old neighbors |
The Gang of Four | ladles cast back while gentlespoons continue forward ⁋ |
entire set oval left until across from partner |
The Gay Gordons (step together/step apart version) | walk forward |
pivot to walk backward (still counterclockwise) |
walk forward |
pivot to walk backward (still clockwise) |
step together, step apart |
pass ladle to the center |
step together, step apart |
ladle turn back |
The Great Urbana Barn Dance | Ladles orbit by turning back over their right shoulder... |
partners balance and swing |
rights and lefts across with parner |
partners promenade across shifting shifting ccw around set to face... |
The Hole in the Wall Gang | long lines back |
The Jonesborough Way | gentlespoons cross the set by right |
The Judge | form a ring with next neighbor and shadow |
The Levi Jackson Rag | top couple walk to the middle of the set after the sides pull by |
top couple walks to the bottom of the set after the sides pull by |
top couple (at the bottom) separates and goes back home up the... |
five ladies grand chain (leave current gent, pass next gent,... |
five ladies grand chain (leave current gent, pass next gent,... |
The Mean Dance | lines of three promenade anywhere in the room |
three people basket swing |
first two people to make eye contact swing, remaining person... |
The Menagerie | #2s split #1s for mirror shoulder rounds once around - turn to next... |
neighbors box the gnat / swat the flea as appropriate |
The Petronella Hurl | Partners Jersey Twirl* (face new neighbors) |
The Pizza Democracy | Cloverleaf turn a single towards neighbors and take inside hands |
Neighbors balance and inside hands California twirl |
The Pizza Democracy variation | Cloverleaf turn a single towards neighbors |
The Queen Bee | ladles slide right to partner |
The Set Monster | 4th neighbors star through ⁋ |
The Slinky Walk | left colonnade - "ones arch, colonnade!" + |
The Snowball (variation) | 4s and below sashay up the center and cast out above the ones |
down the outsides and return to blace |
ones sashay down the center to the bottom |
The Squeaking Wheel | turn the clover left 3 places |
The Sturgeon General | gentlespoons catch left hands |
The Sturgeon General variation | gentlespoons catch left hands |
The Triangle Inequality | Ones and twos balance and petronella 1½ places, 1st ladle face... |
In groups of three, balance and petronella 1 place, 3rd ladle face up |
Top four balance and petronella 1 ½ places to a ring of four |
Same four balance the ring |
Ones and threes circle left ¾ |
The Tropical Gentleman | "CELTIC HEY": |
ladles orbit clockwise 1/4 |
gentlespoons orbit clockwise 1/4 |
The Weekend Warrior | balance & trade the wave - partners passing right, ladles... |
The Witches' Way | Double Wizard's Walk: ones split the twos; next twos split the ones |
backing up, ones split these twos, then original twos split the ones |
There Is No Way to Peace; Peace Is the Way | next gentlespoons catch left |
Three Bricks Shy | twos cross over and go below ones ending in proper lines |
twos split ones with a handy hand allemande 1½ |
Three Rights and Lefts Don't Make a Wrong | balance the circle, shift right one place (Or half hey, ladles... |
neighbors balance and swing on side of set ladles started the dance |
balance in a circle, starting on left foot, shift left one place ... |
partners swing |
Right and left through on 1/2 right diagonal. (*See below) |
right and left through across |
Three Thirty-Three | grand right and left : |
grand right and left the other way : |
Tighten Your Lugnuts | 1 dancer strip the willow (left allemande someone, right allemande... |
birdie in the cage (other dancers circle left around the 1)) |
slide back into place ⁋ |
Tinkie Winkie | neighbor star through + |
star through with neighbor + |
Tinkie Winkie Lawn variation | neighbor star through + |
star through with neighbor + |
Tom and Amy's Delight | Ladles walk forward, flirt and go back to place |
Totally Improper | double figure of 8 – ½ way – ones leading [*1] |
handy hand turns 1½ times – mirror turns [ones in and down] |
double figure of 8 – ½ way – twos leading [*1] |
handy hand turns 1½ times – mirror turns [twos in and down] |
Travels with Rick and Kim | promenade single file around the circle 3 places |
Trip to Brattleboro DV #1 | ones split the twos - mirror gyre |
Trip to Chicago | facing star, ladles back up 3 places |
partners turn to their right and single-file promenade to next... |
Trip to IHOP | ladles to the center to a long wavy line, balance, and stay there |
gentlespoons to the center to a long wavy line, balance, and stay... |
Trip to Kentucky (variation) | neighbors two-hand turn **counterclockwise** 1/2/3+ times - end... |
Trip to Petrick var | trade the wave - neighbors pass by right shoulders across |
Trip to San Juan County Park | draw poussette - gentlespoons keep two hands with partners and back... |
Trip to Versailles | as couples, mad ladle clockwise (think: 8 count sliding door, twice) |
Center four dancers: star right, star left |
meanwhile, at ends: neighbors allemande left once, allemande right... |
Grand right and left halfway around |
Trip to Wilson | Ladles cast, loop to face across. Gentlespoons follow partner |
Triwizard Tournament | middle of each triple face the wall to the caller's right |
groups of 6 grand chain once around |
end progressed, facing a new threesome |
Twirly Minds Think Alike | Neighbor handy hand balance and star through Gentlespoons right,... |
Five changes of a hey, gentlespoons start passing left Until the... |
Two Waves, Five Balances on the Head of a Pin | neighbors turn right 1/2, gentlespoons turn left 1/2 |
Umbra and Penumbra | Ladles ricochet in the center while the gentlespoons slide left to... |
Uncommon Corners | A couple contra corners The second time B couple all their corners... |
Unknown Circle Right Left Grand | right hand handshake to your partner & pull by |
left hand to next |
right left grand |
Valparaiso | Partners promenade across, but during the courtesy turn shift (ccw... |
Circle left 3/4 and pass 2nd neighbor along set to return to 1st... |
balance ans swing with 1st neighbors |
1/2 hey, ladles start passing right shoulders, then partners pass... |
With next neighbor, start 1/2 hey ladles start passing left... |
partners swing, end facing across 3rd neighbors |
Violet Ice | partners two-hand turn and open to face across |
partners slide L along the set to meet new neighbors ⁋ |
Virginia Reel | partners two hand turn |
ones form an arch |
WOW !! | Ladles do-si-do once and end face out, WHILE gentlespoons orbit... |
Balance towards and away neighbor, spin past neighbor to face new... |
new neighbors swing |
Right and left through across, roll away (gentlespoons now on right... |
Gentlespoons do-si-do WHILE ladles turn back over left shoulder and... |
Waiting for the Other Foot to Fall | ones split the twos with a handy hand allemande 1½ |
Waldorf Colonnade | Colonnade - "1's Arch, Ladles trade: Colonnade!" + |
Walk Along John to Kansas | B1: |
B2: |
walk forward to next neighbors ⁋ |
Walk Along John to Kansas (shifted) | A1: |
A2: |
walk forward to next neighbors ⁋ |
B1: |
B2: |
Warped Waves | lines of 4, forward and back |
Wave Goodbye to Winter | gentlespoons swing through |
slide across to ocean wave + |
Wave Goodbye to Winter Rollaway variation | gentlespoons swing through |
slide across to ocean wave + |
Waves Tossed in Dublin Bay | Gay gordons promenade; take promenade hands with the ladle on the... |
Waxmyrtle | (it's a slip jig) |
(it's still a slip jig) |
(i think you see where this is going) |
(slip jiiiiig) |
Weave Well Enough Alone | weave the ring ½ (to partner) |
West By Midwest | swing though |
Where is Tim's Cup? | partners promenade across and shift to face noted new neighbors. |
Where's Alex? | half hey, gentlespoons start passing right, partners pass left,... |
half hey, gentlespoons start passing left, partners pass right,... |
3rd neighbors left shoulders around and return to 2nd neighbor |
2nd neighbors swing. (2nd neighbors then become new 1st neighbors) |
Whirlpool | grand right & left - partner right, left, right, partner left,... |
Winter in Summerland | dance forward to next neighbor ⁋ |
three-quarters hey (gentlespoons by left in the center) |
Wizard's Walk Ted Steele A2 | wizard's walk: Ones separate around the twos. Ones split the next... |
Woven Waves | gentlespoons drop left hands, ladles drop right hands, to form |
Y 2k | Ladles allemande left once Around in center while the gentlespoons... |
Yellow Cat's Jig (Maggie Jo's Version) | couples go forward & back |
ladles go forward & back |
gentlespoons go forward & back |
You Can Get There From Here | walk forward to ⁋ |
You Can Get To Good Friday From Here | walk forward 4 steps to new wave with next neighbors ⁋ |
Zoom Contra #1 | loop left to reorient as if at the top and bottom of a diamond |
push off from each other and loop back into place |
Zoom Contra #3 | sashay down and back |
Zoom Contra #6 | couples do si do |
Zoom Contra #9 | sashay down |
clapping: Self-R-S-L-S-R-S-L |
sashay up |
clapping: S-L-S-R-S-L-S-R |
[Title of Contra] | walk forward ⁋ |
moving lines of three | active couple out to the right |
active gent to the next and circle three |
active gent takes that lady to the next couple |
custom form lines of three with lonesome gents |
lines of three trade the ladies with a right hand high and a left... |
keep going until you meet your partner |
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ | 4th neighbors right hand balance |