formal parameters: who, beats
Dance | Figure |
Attleboro Reel | ones arch twos dive ⁋ |
Back on the Interstate | ones arch twos dive and twos cast back alone everyone ending at home |
Bale the Hay II | twos arch ones dive ⁋ |
Circle of Fun | twos arch ones dive ⁋ |
Clover's March | ____ arch others dive into a cloverleaf |
Dippin-Dots | ones arch twos dive |
twos arch ones dive |
ones arch twos dive, end back to back with your neighbor. |
Dive for the Dolphin | twos arch ones dive ⁋ |
Diving Under the Double Rainbow 0.3 | twos arch ones dive ⁋ |
twos arch ones dive with a 2nd couple |
Down the Aisle | ones arch twos dive ⁋ |
E6 | twos arch ones dive to next couple ⁋ |
Everybody Dance | twos arch ones dive ⁋ |
Glint | twos arch ones dive ⁋ |
Jefferson & Lincoln | ones arch twos dive ⁋ |
Jefferson And Liberty | ones arch twos dive ⁋ |
Jefferson And Liberty variation | ones arch twos dive ⁋ |
Jefferson's Reel | ones arch twos dive ⁋ |
Jefferson's Sixpence | ones arch twos dive |
Made Up Tonight | twos arch ones dive ⁋ |
Mountain Ridge | ones arch twos dive (Ones will be on one side of the set, twos on... |
Partner's Delight | gentlespoons arch ladles dive |
Star Through | ____ arch others dive insides arch & outsides dive |
Step In Time | twos arch ones dive ⁋ |
Symmetrical Force | twos arch ones dive ⁋ |
Tempus Fugit | twos arch ones dive ⁋ |
The Witches' Way | ones arch twos dive ⁋ |
Two + Two Makes 3 | twos arch ones dive, send ladle one back to partner |
Unnamed Easy Progression | ones arch twos dive to new neighbors ⁋ |
Waving Wheat | twos arch ones dive ⁋ |
Wednesday Night Liberty | ones arch twos dive ⁋ |