Accretion Reel (variation, with patter)

hook: elegantly simple & fun individual scatter mixer

by: Chris Page

formation: scatter mixer

Begin in any number of rings of any number of dancers anywhere in the hall

A1 4
ring go forward - "into the middle, say goodbye"
turn alone - "turn alone, away you fly" ⁋
individual scatter promenade - "scatter 'round"
find a new partner - "catch someone's eye"
A2 8
partners do si do once - "say hello with a do si do"
partners swing - "swing this partner high and low"
B1 8
partners promenade scatter - "promenade now on the heel and toe"
join in rings of any number of couples
B2 8
circle left 4 places
circle right 4 places

Chet Gray's personal notes:

I will often include some number of further variations:
- Begin and/or end in one big ring
- Begin with the circle left (B2), end with partners promenade up to the top of the hall
- Begin with the partners promenade (B1), end with the partners swing
- - Have everyone find their original partners for the final partners swing
- Invite people to find more than one person for the do si do and swing, now a basket swing
- - "dos-a-two or dos-a-three, thou swing'st them and they'll swing thee"

More patter:
- "two or four or six or eight, circle when you find them and don't be late"
- "


user: Chet Gray

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