Chris Page

Permission to publish dances: Always

New Dance
Actions Title User Formation
A Sure Thing Dane Wallinga improper
A Thing of Trust Allison Jonjak improper
Accretion Reel Chet Gray scatter mixer
Accretion Reel (variation, with patter) Chet Gray scatter mixer
Apogee Allison Jonjak Becket
Chinese New Year Allison Jonjak improper
Chinese New Year (var) Koren A Wake improper
Christmas Stars Nicholas Rockstroh improper
Double Cat Bounce Dane Wallinga improper
Double Joy Koren A Wake Becket
Fourth Friday Sarah Trop improper
Grand Right and Left Mixer Chet Gray circle mixer
Heart of Joy Allison Jonjak improper
Jam Doodle Dane Wallinga improper
Not a Trip to Vegas Dane Wallinga Becket ccw
On the Other Hand Sarah Trop proper
Out of the Box Dane Wallinga Becket
Passing Through Allison Jonjak indecent
Patience Ezra Smith improper
Petronella Swing Break Chet Gray square dance
Roll 12.5 Dane Wallinga improper
Rollin' Outta Barstow Allison Jonjak improper
Rollin' Outta Barstow Chet Gray improper
Separation Anxiety Dane Wallinga Becket
Serendipity Dane Wallinga Becket ccw
Soarin' Nicholas Rockstroh Becket ccw
Soaring Chet Gray Becket ccw
Splitting Hairs Sarah Trop improper
Square Deal Dane Wallinga Becket
Squirrel! Moose Flores improper
Take Some of the Credit Dane Wallinga improper
The Contra Matrix Resolution Allison Jonjak improper
The Flying Trapeze Dane Wallinga improper
Trail Markers Nedra McNeil Beckett
Trust Dane Wallinga improper
Whirlpool Chet Gray triple minor, triad formation