formal parameters: dir, beats
Dance | Figure |
Badlands Contra | right left through |
Happy Days | right left through |
40 Years of Penguin Pam | left diagonal right left through ⁋ |
right left through |
42 minutes of Puffin Pablo | right left through across set |
500 Miles, One Step at a Time | right left through |
A Random Thought | right left through on 1/2 right diagonal (See first note below) |
A-1 Reel | right left through |
ABC | right left through |
right left through OR partners promenade across |
Addiction | right left through ⁋ |
After the Solstice | right left through |
After the Solstice (AC version) | right left through |
After the Solstice var | right left through |
Ain't Dancing Grand | right left through |
Alexander Avery's Articulate Anime Adventure | right left through |
Allen Ortep's First Contra | right diagonal right left through (pull by 2nd neighbors and finish... |
Already Taken | right left through |
Alternating Current | right left through |
An Arm and a Leg | left diagonal right left through ⁋ |
An Arm and a Leg (John Coffman) variation 2 | right left through |
Ann's Roll-Away Hey | right left through |
Another Easy One | right left through |
Another Trip to Germany | right left through |
Arpeggio | right left through |
Astray | right left through |
Balance to My Lou | right left through |
Balance to My Lou (correct) | right left through |
Balance to My Lou variation | right left through |
Bale the Hay II | right left through |
Beach Grass | right left through |
Ben's Brilliance | right left through ⁋ |
Beneath the Stars | right left through |
Better Than the Alternative | right left through (both people cross and pull their left shoulder... |
right left through (both people cross and pull their left shoulder... |
Birthday | right left through |
Blackberry Trace | right left through |
Bob’s Tomatoes | right left through |
Boomerang | right left through |
Box the Gnat Contra | right left through |
Box the Gnat Contra - Swat the Flea variation | right left through |
Bubbly Beginnings | right left through |
Call Me | right left through |
Caveman | right left through |
Centrifugal Hey | right left through |
Chain of Events | right left through |
Chain of Events var | right left through |
Chicken Soup | right left through |
Chippenham Square | along the set right left through (HEADS) |
Contra Essentialism | right left through |
Converging Orbits | left diagonal right left through ⁋ |
right left through |
Coyote Road on Christmas | right left through |
Creme Fraiche | left diagonal right left through ⁋ |
Crystal Prelude | right left through |
Crystal Prelude variation | right left through |
Culver City Contra | right left through |
Daddy's Little Girl | right left through |
Dance Symmetry A | right left through |
Dancers Rock | right left through |
Dancing Spell | right left through |
Deborah's Dream | right left through |
Deck The Halls | right left through with neighbors |
Deja Vu All Over Again | left diagonal right left through ⁋ |
Devious | right left through |
Dusable's Chicago | right left through -you pull past your partner |
Early Evening Rollaway | right left through |
Echoing Allemandes | right left through |
Ellen's Yarns | right left through |
Essential | right left through |
Everson Glen | right left through |
Everything Old is New Again | right left through |
Fabulous | right diagonal right left through Brings you to neighbor two |
Falling in Love Again | right left through |
Firefly Pedicabs | left diagonal right left through |
First of November | right left through ⁋ |
Fisher's Jig | left diagonal right left through |
right left through |
Flicker Of Fun | right left through ⁋ |
Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss | right left through courtesy turn 3/4 til ladles join right hands to... |
Folklife Flash | left diagonal right left through - conga line ladles in lead,... |
right left through conga line again ⁋ |
Four Rights and Lefts Don't Make a Wrong | left diagonal right left through (pull by original neighbors;... |
Fourth Friday | right left through |
Gene's Genius | right left through |
Genet's Recall | right left through - ones and twos only |
right left through - ones and twos only - and look for next... |
Gift To You | left diagonal right left through |
Gold in These Hills | right left through, new neighbor courtesy turn ⁋ |
Ham Wiggle Makes Me Giggle | right left through |
Happy Days | right left through |
Henri and Jacqui | right left through |
Henry & Jacqui | right left through |
Here There and Yonder | right left through |
Hey Now | right left through |
Heyward Address | right left through |
Home Cooking | right left through |
Home brew | right left through |
Hop Scotch | right diagonal right left through |
Hotpoint Special | right left through with next neighbors |
Hull's Victory | right left through |
right left through |
I Drove to Portland for Tacos | right left through |
Ice cream | right left through |
In the Mood | right left through |
Inflation Reel | right left through |
Into the DMZ | right left through |
Intro Lesson NOT A DANCE | right left through |
It Started on Facebook | right left through |
It's All Backwards 0.1 | along the set right left through |
Joseph | right left through ⁋ |
Jovial Heart | right left through |
Joy or life | right left through |
Jubilation (var) | right left through |
Jurassic Redheads | right left through |
Kimmswick Express | right left through Heads |
Kingsford Court | right left through |
Kiss the Groom | right left through |
La Grande Voyage | left diagonal right left through |
Lamplighter's Hornpipe | right left through |
right left through and look for next neighbors ⁋ |
Lamplighter's Hornpipe (diagonal wave variation) | right left through |
right left through and look for next neighbors ⁋ |
Laura's Leap | right left through |
Lavender Weave | right left through |
Lavender and Gold | right left through |
Macadamia Nut | right left through |
Mad About You | right left through |
May Flies | right left through - look away to next neighbors ⁋ |
Mid Night Dancer | right left through |
Mirror, Mirror | right left through |
Monday | right left through |
Money Musk | right left through, top couples only |
right left through, top couples only |
Moon Dance / Sun Dance | right left through |
Moving to Maine | right left through |
Mystic to Montreal | right left through |
Never Enough | right left through |
New Dance Dance Friends | right left through |
New Dance ( Velvet ) | right left through |
New Dance ( Embrace ) | right left through |
New Dance Furry Valentine | right diagonal right left through ⁋ |
New Dance Circulation | right left through |
New Dance HI | right left through with partners |
New Dance Oozing Fun | right left through |
New Dance Boffo | right left through |
New Dance Red White Blue | right left through |
right diagonal right left through to newneighbors ⁋ |
New Dance Rip Tide With a Twist | right left through |
New Dance variation | right diagonal right left through Brings you to neighbor two |
New Morning Pages | right left through |
No Rest for the Weary | right left through |
No Title WIP | right left through |
No-See-Ums | right left through + |
Northeast on Southwest | right left through |
Not a Figment of Your Imagination | right left through |
Old Time Elixir | right left through |
Old Time Elixir #2 | right left through (or promenade) |
One Way or Another | right left through |
Parkay: Ode to a Dance Floor | right left through |
Pete's Dark Roast | right left through - courtesy turn new neighbor ⁋ |
Petronella | right left through |
right left through and look for next neighbors ⁋ |
Pigtown Petronella | right left through |
Poussette Chain (?) | right left through |
Presto Petronella | right left through |
Push Back | right left through |
Push Me Pull You Two | right left through |
Rad Robin | right left through |
Rant and Roar variation | right left through |
Return to Portland | right left through |
Rod's Grits | right left through |
Rod's Grits | right left through |
Rod's Grits Lawn variation | right left through |
Rod's Velvety Lawn ("Rod's Grits Lawn" variation) | right left through, pull past partner |
Roll, Roll, Roll Your Beau | right left through |
Roller Coaster | left diagonal right left through end facing 1st neighbors across |
Ryan’s Happy Feet | right left through |
SLIDING WAVES | right left through |
Sarah Said Yes! | right left through, end in a ring |
Sarah's Journey | right left through |
Saturday Night Fever | right left through |
Sautee Swing var | right left through |
Second dance | right left through |
Seven Sevens | right left through |
Shadow Boxing | left diagonal right left through ⁋ |
Shadow Nova | right left through |
Shadow Nova variation | right left through |
Shadrack's Delight | right left through |
Shambolic | right left through |
Sharon of the Green variation | right left through |
Shoot the Moon | right left through |
Slam Poetry | right left through with next neighbors |
Sleepy Sam’s Late Night Jam | right left through |
Slice of Pie | right left through |
Slo Mo Bo Circ (Slow Motion Box Circulate) | right diagonal right left through ⁋ |
Smash the Mirrors | right left through (actually it should be left right through, but... |
Smile On | right left through |
Snake in the Garden | right left through |
Snake in the Garden | right left through |
Snake in the Hey | right left through |
Snow Dance | right left through |
Speed the Plough (American Version) | right left through |
Spin Blend | right left through INTERRUPTED BY + |
Spring Beauty | right left through |
Squirrel! | right left through |
Squirrel! variation | right left through |
Star Through | right left through, courtesy turn |
right left through, courtesy turn |
Star's End | right left through |
Stars Over Big Slide | right left through |
Steppy Downs Road | right left through w/o hands |
right left through w/o hands |
Strawberry Swirl | right left through |
Strike up the Band | right left through |
Summer Delight | right diagonal right left through to new neighbor ⁋ |
Summer Stars | right left through, end facing across |
right left through, end facing the center |
Summer of '84 | right left through |
Summer of '84 | right left through - identify next neighbors ⁋ |
Sun Dance and Moon Dance | right left through |
Sun Dancer | right left through |
TGIF Friday | right left through |
Take Me Home | right left through |
right left through |
Take Me Home Again | right left through |
right left through |
Tears Of Joy | right left through |
Ted's Triplet #7 | right left through at the top |
Ted's Triplet #7 | right left through, ones and twos only, arm around turn preferred |
The Becket Reel | left diagonal right left through ⁋ |
right left through |
The Caller's Wife | right left through, face 3rd neighbors ⁋ |
The Erik Effect | right left through |
The Farmer's Bride | right left through |
The Farmer's Bride | right left through |
The Hartmann Reel | right left through |
The Hive | left diagonal right left through |
The Hole in the Wall Gang | right left through |
The Joy of Six | right left through |
The Judge | right left through |
The Lakewood Six | left diagonal right left through |
The Levi Jackson Rag | right left through (side couples) |
right left through (side couples) |
The Squeaking Wheel | right left through |
The Tropical Gentleman | right left through |
The Turning Point | right left through |
Three Klicks North | right left through |
Three Rights and Lefts Don't Make a Wrong | left diagonal right left through if another couple there |
Together Again | right left through |
Toward the San Rafael Swell | right left through |
Traveling Salesman | right left through |
Trip to Kentucky (original) | right left through (with courtesy turn) |
Trip to Kentucky (variation) | right left through (with courtesy turn) |
Trip to Lambertville | right left through |
Trip up the Stairs | right left through |
Turtles Too | right left through |
right left through Use a twlrl instead of courtesy turn |
Two + Two Makes 3 | right left through |
Two Left Hands | right left through |
UN-Birthday | right left through |
Undercurrent | right left through |
Vallimont's Steamboat | right left through |
Want guidance? Will Mentor | right left through |
Waving Wheat | right left through |
Weave Me the Sunshine | right left through |
Whatchagonnado? | right left through |
Where is Tim's Cup? | right left through with partner. (Note couple on left diagonal as... |
Whitecaps | right left through ‡ |
Wings Of A Dove | right left through ⁋ |
With Thanks to the Gene | right left through |
Write Triangles | right left through |
Y 2k | right left through ⁋ |
You're Among Friends variation with pull by variation | right left through |
poetry | right left through |
“Revolving Poussette” | right left through |
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ | right left through |