Right Left Through



formal parameters: dir, beats


Dance Figure
Badlands Contra
right left through
Happy Days
right left through
40 Years of Penguin Pam
left diagonal right left through ⁋
right left through
42 minutes of Puffin Pablo
right left through across set
500 Miles, One Step at a Time
right left through
A Random Thought
right left through on 1/2 right diagonal (See first note below)
A-1 Reel
right left through
right left through
right left through OR partners promenade across
right left through ⁋
After the Solstice
right left through
After the Solstice (AC version)
right left through
After the Solstice var
right left through
Ain't Dancing Grand
right left through
Alexander Avery's Articulate Anime Adventure
right left through
Allen Ortep's First Contra
right diagonal right left through (pull by 2nd neighbors and finish...
Already Taken
right left through
Alternating Current
right left through
An Arm and a Leg
left diagonal right left through ⁋
An Arm and a Leg (John Coffman) variation 2
right left through
Ann's Roll-Away Hey
right left through
Another Easy One
right left through
Another Trip to Germany
right left through
right left through
right left through
Balance to My Lou
right left through
Balance to My Lou (correct)
right left through
Balance to My Lou variation
right left through
Bale the Hay II
right left through
Beach Grass
right left through
Ben's Brilliance
right left through ⁋
Beneath the Stars
right left through
Better Than the Alternative
right left through (both people cross and pull their left shoulder...
right left through (both people cross and pull their left shoulder...
right left through
Blackberry Trace
right left through
Bob’s Tomatoes
right left through
right left through
Box the Gnat Contra
right left through
Box the Gnat Contra - Swat the Flea variation
right left through
Bubbly Beginnings
right left through
Call Me
right left through
right left through
Centrifugal Hey
right left through
Chain of Events
right left through
Chain of Events var
right left through
Chicken Soup
right left through
Chippenham Square
along the set right left through (HEADS)
Contra Essentialism
right left through
Converging Orbits
left diagonal right left through ⁋
right left through
Coyote Road on Christmas
right left through
Creme Fraiche
left diagonal right left through ⁋
Crystal Prelude
right left through
Crystal Prelude variation
right left through
Culver City Contra
right left through
Daddy's Little Girl
right left through
Dance Symmetry A
right left through
Dancers Rock
right left through
Dancing Spell
right left through
Deborah's Dream
right left through
Deck The Halls
right left through with neighbors
Deja Vu All Over Again
left diagonal right left through ⁋
right left through
Dusable's Chicago
right left through -you pull past your partner
Early Evening Rollaway
right left through
Echoing Allemandes
right left through
Ellen's Yarns
right left through
right left through
Everson Glen
right left through
Everything Old is New Again
right left through
right diagonal right left through Brings you to neighbor two
Falling in Love Again
right left through
Firefly Pedicabs
left diagonal right left through
First of November
right left through ⁋
Fisher's Jig
left diagonal right left through
right left through
Flicker Of Fun
right left through ⁋
Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss
right left through courtesy turn 3/4 til ladles join right hands to...
Folklife Flash
left diagonal right left through - conga line ladles in lead,...
right left through conga line again ⁋
Four Rights and Lefts Don't Make a Wrong
left diagonal right left through (pull by original neighbors;...
Fourth Friday
right left through
Gene's Genius
right left through
Genet's Recall
right left through - ones and twos only
right left through - ones and twos only - and look for next...
Gift To You
left diagonal right left through
Gold in These Hills
right left through, new neighbor courtesy turn ⁋
Ham Wiggle Makes Me Giggle
right left through
Happy Days
right left through
Henri and Jacqui
right left through
Henry & Jacqui
right left through
Here There and Yonder
right left through
Hey Now
right left through
Heyward Address
right left through
Home Cooking
right left through
Home brew
right left through
Hop Scotch
right diagonal right left through
Hotpoint Special
right left through with next neighbors
Hull's Victory
right left through
right left through
I Drove to Portland for Tacos
right left through
Ice cream
right left through
In the Mood
right left through
Inflation Reel
right left through
Into the DMZ
right left through
Intro Lesson NOT A DANCE
right left through
It Started on Facebook
right left through
It's All Backwards 0.1
along the set right left through
right left through ⁋
Jovial Heart
right left through
Joy or life
right left through
Jubilation (var)
right left through
Jurassic Redheads
right left through
Kimmswick Express
right left through Heads
Kingsford Court
right left through
Kiss the Groom
right left through
La Grande Voyage
left diagonal right left through
Lamplighter's Hornpipe
right left through
right left through and look for next neighbors ⁋
Lamplighter's Hornpipe (diagonal wave variation)
right left through
right left through and look for next neighbors ⁋
Laura's Leap
right left through
Lavender Weave
right left through
Lavender and Gold
right left through
Macadamia Nut
right left through
Mad About You
right left through
May Flies
right left through - look away to next neighbors ⁋
Mid Night Dancer
right left through
Mirror, Mirror
right left through
right left through
Money Musk
right left through, top couples only
right left through, top couples only
Moon Dance / Sun Dance
right left through
Moving to Maine
right left through
Mystic to Montreal
right left through
Never Enough
right left through
New Dance Dance Friends
right left through
New Dance ( Velvet )
right left through
New Dance ( Embrace )
right left through
New Dance Furry Valentine
right diagonal right left through ⁋
New Dance Circulation
right left through
New Dance HI
right left through with partners
New Dance Oozing Fun
right left through
New Dance Boffo
right left through
New Dance Red White Blue
right left through
right diagonal right left through to newneighbors ⁋
New Dance Rip Tide With a Twist
right left through
New Dance variation
right diagonal right left through Brings you to neighbor two
New Morning Pages
right left through
No Rest for the Weary
right left through
No Title WIP
right left through
right left through +
Northeast on Southwest
right left through
Not a Figment of Your Imagination
right left through
Old Time Elixir
right left through
Old Time Elixir #2
right left through (or promenade)
One Way or Another
right left through
Parkay: Ode to a Dance Floor
right left through
Pete's Dark Roast
right left through - courtesy turn new neighbor ⁋
right left through
right left through and look for next neighbors ⁋
Pigtown Petronella
right left through
Poussette Chain (?)
right left through
Presto Petronella
right left through
Push Back
right left through
Push Me Pull You Two
right left through
Rad Robin
right left through
Rant and Roar variation
right left through
Return to Portland
right left through
Rod's Grits
right left through
Rod's Grits
right left through
Rod's Grits Lawn variation
right left through
Rod's Velvety Lawn ("Rod's Grits Lawn" variation)
right left through, pull past partner
Roll, Roll, Roll Your Beau
right left through
Roller Coaster
left diagonal right left through end facing 1st neighbors across
Ryan’s Happy Feet
right left through
right left through
Sarah Said Yes!
right left through, end in a ring
Sarah's Journey
right left through
Saturday Night Fever
right left through
Sautee Swing var
right left through
Second dance
right left through
Seven Sevens
right left through
Shadow Boxing
left diagonal right left through ⁋
Shadow Nova
right left through
Shadow Nova variation
right left through
Shadrack's Delight
right left through
right left through
Sharon of the Green variation
right left through
Shoot the Moon
right left through
Slam Poetry
right left through with next neighbors
Sleepy Sam’s Late Night Jam
right left through
Slice of Pie
right left through
Slo Mo Bo Circ (Slow Motion Box Circulate)
right diagonal right left through ⁋
Smash the Mirrors
right left through (actually it should be left right through, but...
Smile On
right left through
Snake in the Garden
right left through
Snake in the Garden
right left through
Snake in the Hey
right left through
Snow Dance
right left through
Speed the Plough (American Version)
right left through
Spin Blend
right left through INTERRUPTED BY +
Spring Beauty
right left through
right left through
Squirrel! variation
right left through
Star Through
right left through, courtesy turn
right left through, courtesy turn
Star's End
right left through
Stars Over Big Slide
right left through
Steppy Downs Road
right left through w/o hands
right left through w/o hands
Strawberry Swirl
right left through
Strike up the Band
right left through
Summer Delight
right diagonal right left through to new neighbor ⁋
Summer Stars
right left through, end facing across
right left through, end facing the center
Summer of '84
right left through
Summer of '84
right left through - identify next neighbors ⁋
Sun Dance and Moon Dance
right left through
Sun Dancer
right left through
TGIF Friday
right left through
Take Me Home
right left through
right left through
Take Me Home Again
right left through
right left through
Tears Of Joy
right left through
Ted's Triplet #7
right left through at the top
Ted's Triplet #7
right left through, ones and twos only, arm around turn preferred
The Becket Reel
left diagonal right left through ⁋
right left through
The Caller's Wife
right left through, face 3rd neighbors ⁋
The Erik Effect
right left through
The Farmer's Bride
right left through
The Farmer's Bride
right left through
The Hartmann Reel
right left through
The Hive
left diagonal right left through
The Hole in the Wall Gang
right left through
The Joy of Six
right left through
The Judge
right left through
The Lakewood Six
left diagonal right left through
The Levi Jackson Rag
right left through (side couples)
right left through (side couples)
The Squeaking Wheel
right left through
The Tropical Gentleman
right left through
The Turning Point
right left through
Three Klicks North
right left through
Three Rights and Lefts Don't Make a Wrong
left diagonal right left through if another couple there
Together Again
right left through
Toward the San Rafael Swell
right left through
Traveling Salesman
right left through
Trip to Kentucky (original)
right left through (with courtesy turn)
Trip to Kentucky (variation)
right left through (with courtesy turn)
Trip to Lambertville
right left through
Trip up the Stairs
right left through
Turtles Too
right left through
right left through Use a twlrl instead of courtesy turn
Two + Two Makes 3
right left through
Two Left Hands
right left through
right left through
right left through
Vallimont's Steamboat
right left through
Want guidance? Will Mentor
right left through
Waving Wheat
right left through
Weave Me the Sunshine
right left through
right left through
Where is Tim's Cup?
right left through with partner. (Note couple on left diagonal as...
right left through ‡
Wings Of A Dove
right left through ⁋
With Thanks to the Gene
right left through
Write Triangles
right left through
Y 2k
right left through ⁋
You're Among Friends variation with pull by variation
right left through
right left through
“Revolving Poussette”
right left through
right left through

Dances without Right Left Through

Moves Sharing a Dance with Right Left Through


allemande orbit

arch & dive


balance the ring

box circulate

box the gnat

butterfly whirl

California twirl



contra corners

cross trails


do si do

dolphin hey

down the hall

figure 8

form a long wave

form an ocean wave

form long waves

give & take



long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by

pass through




pull by dancers

pull by direction

revolving door

roll away

Rory O'More

see saw


slide along set

square through


star promenade

swat the flea


turn alone

up the hall

zig zag

Moves Preceding Right Left Through


box the gnat




do si do

long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing


right left through


slide along set

square through



up the hall

Moves Following Right Left Through


arch & dive


balance the ring



contra corners


do si do

figure 8

form long waves

give & take



long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing



revolving door

right left through

roll away


square through

