hook: Classic petronella turns to a long swing
formation: Becket cw
A1 | 4 | slice left ⁋
4 | ladles take neighbors
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8 | neighbors swing
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A2 | 8 | ladles chain
8 | circle right 4 places
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B1 | 4 | gentlespoons roll away partners with a half sashay
8 | balance & petronella
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8 | balance & petronella
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12 | partners swing
I wrote a dance called “Bridge to Yesterday” which was very similar to this one, but turned out to be excessively clockwise. This is the result of my rewrite of that dance. Note the petronella turns where the spinning figures come before the balances as in the original dance “petronella.” I wanted something using the traditional-style petronella turns since it would enable a spin into a 12-count swing.