Dolphin Hey



related figures: hey
formal parameters: who, whom, shoulder, beats


Dance Figure
Bale the Hay II
dolphin hey - start with ones passing second gentlespoon by left...
Dive for the Dolphin
dolphin hey - start with gentlespoons passing second ladle by left...
dolphin hey - start with ones passing second gentlespoon by right...
Dolphin Poussette
dolphin hey - start with ones passing second gentlespoon by right...
Dolphin Poussette (becket version)
dolphin hey - start with ones passing second gentlespoon by right...
Kinematic Dolphin Vorticity
dolphin hey - start with ones passing second ladle by left...
Manifest Density (choreographically dense version)
dolphin hey - start with ones passing second gentlespoon by right...
dolphin hey - start with twos passing first gentlespoon by right...
Manifest Density (spatially dense version)
dolphin hey - start with ones passing second gentlespoon by right...
dolphin hey - start with twos passing first gentlespoon by right...
Porpoiseful Play
dolphin hey - start with ones passing second gentlespoon by right...
dolphin hey - start with twos passing first ladle by right shoulders
Seaworld (alternating version)
dolphin hey - start with twos passing first ladle by right shoulders
dolphin hey - start with twos passing first ladle by right shoulders
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish
dolphin hey - start with ones passing second ladle by right...
The Menagerie
dolphin hey - start with ones passing second gentlespoon by right...

Dances without Dolphin Hey

Moves Sharing a Dance with Dolphin Hey


arch & dive

balance the ring

box circulate

box the gnat

butterfly whirl




do si do

down the hall

figure 8

form long waves


give & take


long lines

mad robin

meltdown swing

pass by



right left through

roll away

slide along set

star promenade


up the hall