Hey Man

by: Paul Balliet

formation: Becket

A1 8
gentlespoons do si do once
same roles balance right hand
same roles allemande right ¾
A2 16
partners start a full hey - lefts on ends, rights in center until partners meet a 2nd time
B1 16
partners balance & swing
B2 8
circle left 4 places
slice left and straight back ⁋

Paul wrote this with Gentlespoons and Ladles alternating doing the A1 figures. Could also do "you and your partner decide which one of you to send to the center" -- it doesn't matter who goes, because the next thing is coming back to your partner on the same side of the set.


user: Koren A Wake

shared everywhere


no known calls of this transcription

please report problems to ContraDB.admonsterator@gmail.com.


toggle validations for common dance entry errors, e.g. typing 'gentlemen' when you're using 'leads'