hook: invert the star
by: Dale Wilson
formation: improper
Identify Gentlespoon's home place before start of dance. Both stars end with the gentlespoon in his home place.
A1 | 16 | neighbors balance & swing
A2 | 6 | star right 3 places
4 | Invert the star +
| |
6 | star left 3 places
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B1 | 6 | Gentlespoons loop right around neighbor, Ladles
2 | gentlespoons pass by right shoulders To meet partner
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8 | partners swing
| |
B2 | 8 | circle left 3 places
4 | balance the ring
| |
4 | partners California twirl ⁋
possibly demo invert the star
Dale Wilson notes:
Will Mentor called a square dance with this move at a Folk School event. I had never seen this move used in a contra dance, so I wrote one.
I thought the hard part to teach would be "invert the star" but people get that fine. B1 seems to cause problems, though. The gentlespoons have trouble looping over their right shoulder away from the star. I have learned to talk people through it, but a demo of both moves may be the easiest approach.
The invert-the-star gets the ooh-reaction during the walk-thru, but B1 is the move that can be truly wonderful when it's done right. During the dance I call "Gentlespoons Loop, Ladles Follow, Gentlespoons Cross, Ladles Stay. Partner Swing" -- until they get it and I can drop out.
...because good days deserve gold stars, and Wednesday was a great Day!
original at: http://www.childgrove.org/mo-dances/dale-wilson