2023-12-02 GP dance

user: Moose Flores

Hearing Our Voices Shine (Happy Birthday Heidi, from Jeremy)

by: Moose Flores

"shutter balance to Sw" was good. well-liked dance.

introduces moves: hey, star, meltdown swing, long lines, do si do, custom, swing

formation: Becket ccw

Becket CCW, so a quarter to the right.
Double progression; no one out at the top.

A1 8
gentlespoons start a right diagonal half hey - lefts in center, rights on ends ⁋
star right 3 places, ladles turn around
A2 16
neighbors meltdown swing
B1 8
long lines forward & back
partners do si do once (option: have one line raise arches over the DSD)
B2 4
left shutter balance ++
partners swing

Written & named for the winning bidder at the 2023 Dance, Music, & Spice Camp Live Auction.
Flowy A, marchy B, a place for optional arching flourish.

The title is a lyric from a song by Heidi Wilson.

++ Shutter Balance (like the shutter of a camera): join hands in a ring, and simultaneously circle left 1 place WHILE balancing the ring. (4) It may have the feel of a ricochet in a hey (in at one angle, change momentum, back out at a different angle).
Taken from a move in ECD, the name of which is unknown.

Star Colonnade

by: Moose Flores

Careful teaching Larks chain & Colonnade. Demos can help. Possible overflow/dizzy

introduces moves: pull by dancers, chain, custom

formation: Becket ccw

  • Designate ones and twos, then have each set turn 1 quarter to the RIGHT for Becket ccw. Then verify that all the ones are on the same side.
  • It may help to walk through a colonnade once without arches, to demonstrate the very simple paths. (Or have one set demonstrate.)
  • Give the twos a chance to practice arching the colonnade during the walkthrough.
  • Gentlespoons chain may be unfamiliar. Please give careful teaching & note that the courtesy turn is clockwise and that partners end as a standard couple (gentlespoon on the left, ladle on the right).
A1 8
gentlespoons balance & pull by left ⁋
next neighbors swing
A2 8
gentlespoons chain to partner
star right 4 places
B1 16
colonnade - "ones arch, colonnade!" +
B2 16
partners balance & swing
  • Colonnade: ones lift joined hands to make an arch and hold that arch for the entire figure. Gentlespoons trade positions by right-shoulder pass through with gentlespoon two going under the arch (and the arch moves!). Ladles trade by right shoulders with ladle two going under the arch. Gentlespoons trade back; ladles trade back. Each trade has 4 beats of music, so there's no need to rush.

Penny Farthing

by: Moose Flores

oval to CR is GOOD. "look for partner". when out: may oval, but do not circle.

introduces moves: custom, circle

formation: improper

A great big 'circle' & small circle, like the penny farthing bicycle.

A1 16
neighbors balance & swing
A2 8
oval left
oval right, returning to original set
B1 8
circle right 3 places
partners swing
B2 8
gentlespoons chain
long lines forward & back ⁋

A2) when oval right, "look for your partner" to know how far to come back.
when out at the ends: you may oval, but do not circle.
B2) gentlespoons chain: courtesy turn is clockwise, and you end up standard (gentlespoon on left), across from your partner (where you were at the end of the neighbor swing).

A short about the Penny Farthing: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4otrEFf_jM0

Flirt Delete Fling

by: Moose Flores

Great connection, good flow: Box to Prom., Top timing is tight. Good for early in the program. Suggested adjustment: Robins start half hey, pass P by right, then turn over R shoulder into N Swing

introduces moves: box the gnat, promenade, allemande, pass through

formation: improper

A1 8
neighbors right hand balance & box the gnat
neighbors promenade
A2 8
ladles start a half hey - rights in center, lefts on ends ++
neighbors swing
B1 8
ladles allemande right 1½
partners swing
B2 8
long lines forward & back
circle left 3 places
pass through ⁋

++ A2) half hey: once across, ladles may turn over their right shoulder for excellent flow into the neighbor swing.

The first half of the dance is focused on your neighbor.
The second half is a return to focusing on your partner.
Named after an autocowreck of the name of a certain dance weekend.

Lark and Found

by: Moose Flores

N swing is Shadow; strange, but reassuring in a Lost & Found dance. Teach the larks/cw courtesy turn

introduces moves: petronella

formation: Becket ccw

Find your shadow (from becket): face your parter & look past them for the first person looking back at you.
Give good teaching for the gentlespoons chain (courtesy turn goes clockwise, end up standard [gentlespoon on the left], across from your shadow).

A1 8
long lines forward & back
right diagonal gentlespoons chain
A2 8
star right 3 places
shadows swing
B1 8
balance & petronella
balance & petronella, turn around to face partner
B2 16
partners balance & swing ⁋

Inspired by: Tenth Year in Tommerup