2nd try

user: Moose Flores

Table of Contents

  1. Fire in Vermont by Nicholas Rockstroh
  2. Laura's 3/4 Century by Bob Stein
  3. And Another Thing: http://www.ibiblio.org/contradance/thecallersbox/dance.php?id=13997

  4. Maliza's Magical Mystery Motion v. by Cary Ravitz
  5. Moving to Maine by Ryan Carollo
  6. Happy as a Cold Pig in Warm Mud by Mike Boerschig
  7. Changeling Intuition by Joseph Pimentel
  8. Fisher's Jig (Same role swing) https://www.ibiblio.org/contradance/thecallersbox/dance.php?id=7051

  9. Shambolic by Moose Flores
  10. Rouleau by Sarah Kaiser https://www.ibiblio.org/contradance/thecallersbox/dance.php?id=9678

  11. A Crafty Wave by Nicholas Rockstroh
  12. Shadow Boxing by Elizabeth Bloom Albert
  13. Ten Strings Attached by Jim Saxe and Charlie Fenton: http://www.quiteapair.us/calling/acdol/dance/acd_155.html

  14. Mama Loo's Reel by Gene Hubert
  15. Moose Tracks by Elizabeth Bloom Albert
  16. Fiddlers' Frolic by Cary Ravitz
  17. A 60th Birthday Dance (for Chris Deephouse) by Donna Hunt
  18. Box the Gnat Contra - Swat the Flea variation by Becky Hill
  19. Weave Me the Sunshine by Dale Rempert
  20. Big Circle with Hey by Al Green
  21. Dogs & Catenaries by Dave Pokorney
  22. F4F: Dance All Night by Rick Mohr https://www.ibiblio.org/contradance/thecallersbox/dance.php?id=10369

  23. Hearing Our Voices Shine (Happy Birthday Heidi, from Jeremy) by Moose Flores
  24. Kinematic Dolphin Vorticity by Luke Donforth
  25. Dolphiniums & Daisies by Bob Green
  26. Heatwave by Peter Foster
  27. Pete's Dark Roast by Andy Shore
  28. Dave Found the Missing Coffee Cup (reupload) by Michael Fuerst
  29. Al's Safeway Produce by Robert Cromartie
  30. Mama Loo's Reel by Gene Hubert
  31. A Sure Thing by Chris Page
  32. March of the Coffee Zombies by Cary Ravitz
  33. Hazelnut Coffee by Peter Foster
  34. Dogs & Catenaries by Dave Pokorney
  35. Tighten Your Lugnuts by Allison Jonjak
  36. What's the Catch? (var. on A Nice Catch, SZA) by Moose Flores
  37. Catch Me If You Can by Jim Hemphill
  38. Gotta Catch 'Em All by Nicholas Rockstroh
  39. Catch a Falling Star by Melanie Axel-Lute



toggle validations for common dance entry errors, e.g. typing 'gentlemen' when you're using 'leads'

Fire in Vermont

by: Nicholas Rockstroh

introduces moves: allemande, swing, balance the ring, California twirl, petronella, custom

formation: Becket ccw

Couples wait out with gentlespoons on the right and ladles on the left

A1 8
gentlespoons allemande left 1½
neighbors swing
A2 4
balance the ring
partners California twirl, take hands with next neighbors
balance & petronella
B1 8
balance & petronella
balance the ring
neighbors California twirl, keep hands and reach back to partners to form a cloverleaf
B2 6
cloverleaf left 3 places
partners swing

Notice that the two twirls to swap are done with different hands. This is intentional. The California twirl and reach back to a cloverleaf is inspired, primarily, by several Rick Mohr dances which do the same thing.

The name is a result of a remarkable confluence of events. A friend of mine from Wisconsin, Ceara Herndon, was visiting her sister in Vermont. She sent me a picture of a firepit captioned with the title, which seemed like a good name for a dance. As it turns out, the state flower of Vermont is the Red Clover, which I only learned AFTER writing the dance. On top of all this, there's an old, hitherto unpublished dance of mine called "Fire Flower," which also contains a California twirl and reach back to a cloverleaf.

Laura's 3/4 Century

by: Bob Stein

introduces moves: mad robin, hey, gyre, long lines, roll away, circle

formation: improper

A1 8
mad robin, ladles in front
neighbors swing
A2 12
gentlespoons start a hey - lefts in center, rights on ends - until partners meet the second time
partners gyre once
B1 16
partners long swing
B2 8
long lines forward & back
gentlespoons roll away partners with a half sashay ⁋
circle right 3 places

Those who don't like a long 16-count swing may gyre twice.

Maliza's Magical Mystery Motion v.

by: Cary Ravitz

introduces moves: chain

formation: Becket ccw

A1 8
circle left 3 places
neighbors swing
A2 8
long lines forward & back
ladles chain
B1 8
balance & petronella and turn to face the next ⁋
balance & petronella
B2 16
partners balance & swing

Moving to Maine

by: Ryan Carollo

introduces moves: right left through

formation: Becket

A1 8
right left through
ladles start a right diagonal half hey - rights in center, lefts on ends ⁋
A2 16
partners balance & swing
B1 8
gentlespoons start a half hey - lefts in center, rights on ends - ladles ricochet
neighbors swing
B2 8
long lines forward & back
gentlespoons chain

Happy as a Cold Pig in Warm Mud

by: Mike Boerschig

introduces moves: custom

formation: improper

A1 16
neighbors balance & swing
A2 8
gentlespoons allemande left 1½
partners allemande right 1½
B1 8
The first gentlespoon and second ladle star left above, and the second gentlespoon and first ladle star left below
partners swing
B2 8
circle left 3 places
balance the ring
partners California twirl ⁋

Changeling Intuition

by: Joseph Pimentel

This dance is not published.


by: Moose Flores

introduces moves: cross trails

formation: Becket

A1 8
gentlespoons allemande left 1½
neighbors swing end facing left diagonal
A2 8
left diagonal ladles chain to shadow
right left through
B1 8
balance & petronella
balance & petronella
B2 4
cross trails - neighbors across the set right shoulders, shadows along the set left shoulders
partners swing ⁋

End effects: while waiting out, when a diagonal chain comes to you, do so.
You will spend part of your time waiting out with your shadow and some with your partner. You will still do every partner swing.

A Crafty Wave

by: Nicholas Rockstroh

introduces moves: box circulate, star, form long waves

formation: improper

Start in a long wave taking right hands with current neighbors

A1 8
balance & box circulate - ladles cross while gentlespoons loop right
balance & box circulate - gentlespoons cross while ladles loop right
A2 16
neighbors balance & swing
B1 8
gentlespoons allemande left 1½
partners swing
B2 8
ladles chain
star left - wrist grip - 4 places
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out

Written for Andrea Craft from Chicago when they needed a straightforward dance with box circulates in it. Very similar to “Minimum Fuss, Maximum Fun” by Dean Snipes, which differs slightly in the A1 and A2.

Shadow Boxing

by: Elizabeth Bloom Albert

introduces moves: Rory O'More

formation: Becket ccw

A1 8
star left 4 places
form long waves - ladles face in, gentlespoons face out
balance & Rory O'More right with your Shadow
A2 8
balance & box circulate - ladles cross while gentlespoons loop left
balance & box circulate - gentlespoons cross while ladles loop left
B1 16
partners balance & swing
B2 8
long lines forward & back
left diagonal right left through ⁋

Double progression
At top/bottom) dancers will stand out with their Shadow. Trade places then wait for your partner; do not participate in the box circulates.

Ten Strings Attached by Jim Saxe and Charlie Fenton: http://www.quiteapair.us/calling/acdol/dance/acd_155.html

Mama Loo's Reel

by: Gene Hubert

introduces moves: stand still

formation: improper

A1 8
circle left 4 places
neighbors swing
A2 8
long lines forward & back
ladles allemande right 1½
B1 16
partners balance & swing
B2 8
ladles chain
circle right 4 places
stand still let go hands and turn ⁋

Moose Tracks

by: Elizabeth Bloom Albert

introduces moves: slide along set, promenade, do si do

formation: Becket

A2) Promenade goes around the oval, turn as a couple. Then promenade to return to where you started, but do not turn.

A1 2
slide left along set ⁋
circle left 3 places
neighbors swing, end facing CCW (gentlespoon's left shoulder toward the center)
A2 8
neighbors promenade along the set on the right, turn as a couple
neighbors promenade along the set on the left, returning to your partner, do not turn
B1 8
partners do si do ¾, as couples
partners do si do once
B2 16
partners balance & swing

A2) while promenading, hand holds are not so important.

B1) The "as couples 3/4 do si do" begins by sliding back to back with the other couple, and ends face to face with your partner.

Fiddlers' Frolic

by: Cary Ravitz

introduces moves: poussette, custom, facing star

formation: Becket

A1 8
long lines forward & back
ladles chain ⁋
A2 16
next neighbors balance & swing
B1 4
circle left 2 places
mad robin, gentlespoons in front and to the right
half poussette - ladles pull neighbors back then left
B2 0
Gentlespoons take right hands, ladles take left hands to form
facing star clockwise 3 places with gentlespoons putting their left hands in and backing up
partners swing

The original A1 was long lines, gentlespoons start a hands across star left and ladles fall in behind your partner, from initial positions, turn the star 1 for gentlespoons and 1/2 for ladles, look for a new neighbor. I have also used long lines, roll away with a half sashay, circle right 3/4, turn alone and look a new neighbor. (For now) I have settled on the A1 noted in the dance because of its simplicity.

Will Mentor suggests that a mad robin and full poussette fit nicely in 16 counts. This can be used in place of the B1 here, with the facing star becoming gentlespoons take right hands, ladles take left hands, gentlespoons go forward, ladles go backward.

For Pam and Fred

A 60th Birthday Dance (for Chris Deephouse)

by: Donna Hunt

introduces moves: form an ocean wave, balance, pull by dancers, down the hall, up the hall

formation: Becket

next neighbors are on the left diagonal

A1 8
partners promenade counterclockwise around set one place to meet new neighbors
form an ocean wave & balance - ladles by left hands and partners by right hands
A2 4
partners allemande right ½
gentlespoons pull by right
neighbors swing, end facing down hall
B1 8
down the hall and thread the needle +
up the hall and bend into a ring
B2 8
balance & petronella
partners swing
  • thread the needle = all four hold hands, gentlespoons on end make arch with neighbor and ladle on the other end go under arch while gentlespoon on end walks around to invert the line (couples change sides of the set)---ladle in the middle twirl under her arm---and face up

Box the Gnat Contra - Swat the Flea variation

by: Becky Hill

introduces moves: box the gnat, swat the flea

formation: improper

A1 8
neighbors right hand balance & box the gnat
partners left hand balance & swat the flea
A2 16
neighbors balance & swing
B1 8
ladles allemande right 1½
partners swing
B2 8
right left through
ladles chain look for new ⁋

Weave Me the Sunshine

by: Dale Rempert

formation: Becket ccw

teach heys by having the dancers identify the people they will trade places with, first on the diagonal then across the hall

A1 4
gentlespoons allemande left ½
form an ocean wave & balance - gentlespoons by left hands and neighbors by right hands
neighbors swing
A2 8
right left through
ladles chain
B1 8
ladles start a left diagonal half hey - rights in center, lefts on ends ⁋
ladles start a half hey - rights in center, lefts on ends
B2 16
partners balance & swing

This dance is really much simpler than it first appears. Dale calls this combination of heys a "zigzag hey". Dale teaches the heys by having the dancers identify the people they will trade places with, first on the diagonal then across the hall. Most dancers catch on pretty quickly that the two heys should be blended into one. (In other words, the ladle never stops between the two 1/2 heys.)

As in all double progression dances an odd number of couples is preferred. The odd couple stands in the gentlespoons' line

Big Circle with Hey

by: Al Green

This dance is not published.

Dogs & Catenaries

by: Dave Pokorney

formation: Becket

Double Progression

A1 8
ladles chain to neighbor
ladles start a half hey - rights in center, lefts on ends
A2 16
neighbors balance & swing
B1 8
ladles chain to partner
ladles start a right diagonal half hey - rights in center, lefts on ends ⁋
B2 16
partners balance & swing
gentlespoons chain to neighbor
gentlespoons start a half hey - lefts in center, rights on ends
neighbors balance & swing
gentlespoons chain to partner
gentlespoons start a right diagonal half hey - lefts in center, rights on ends ⁋
partners balance & swing

AB and CD are the same, except for which role dancer starts the chains & heys.

Could be done as just AB or just CD.

The word catenary is from the Latin for chain.

Hearing Our Voices Shine (Happy Birthday Heidi, from Jeremy)

by: Moose Flores

introduces moves: meltdown swing, custom

formation: Becket ccw

Becket CCW, so a quarter to the right.
Double progression; no one out at the top.

A1 8
gentlespoons start a right diagonal half hey - lefts in center, rights on ends ⁋
star right 3 places, ladles turn around
A2 16
neighbors meltdown swing
B1 8
long lines forward & back
partners do si do once (option: have one line raise arches over the DSD)
B2 4
left shutter balance ++
partners swing

Written & named for the winning bidder at the 2023 Dance, Music, & Spice Camp Live Auction.
Flowy A, marchy B, a place for optional arching flourish.

The title is a lyric from a song by Heidi Wilson.

++ Shutter Balance (like the shutter of a camera): join hands in a ring, and simultaneously circle left 1 place WHILE balancing the ring. (4) It may have the feel of a ricochet in a hey (in at one angle, change momentum, back out at a different angle).
Taken from a move in ECD, the name of which is unknown.

Kinematic Dolphin Vorticity

by: Luke Donforth

introduces moves: gate, dolphin hey

formation: improper

A1 8
long lines forward & back
twos gate ones to face down the set - turn 1 & 1/4
A2 16
dolphin hey - start with ones passing second ladle by left shoulders - end passing second ladle one last time
B1 16
partners meltdown swing on gentlespoons' home side
B2 6
circle left 3 places
neighbors swing ⁋

Dolphiniums & Daisies

by: Bob Green

introduces moves: pass by, custom

formation: improper

A1 6
neighbors allemande left 1½
ladles pass by right shoulders
partners gyre once
A2 8
dolphin gyre+ on left diagonal
gentlespoons allemande right once
B1 16
partners long swing
B2 8
circle left 4 places
neighbors allemande right once ⁋
  • Dolphin gyre: gentlespoons lead and ladles follow, walking the pattern of a gyre with the neighbor gentlespoon leading and neighbor gentlespoon following.

This is a four-person gyre, executed along the left diagonal with your new neighbor.

Video available: http://dancevideos.childgrove.org/contra/contra-modern/534-dolphiniums-dasies-by-bob-green-improper


by: Peter Foster

This dance is not published.

Pete's Dark Roast

by: Andy Shore

formation: Becket

A1 8
gentlespoons allemande left 1½
neighbors swing
A2 8
neighbors promenade
mad robin, ladles in front
B1 8
partners right hand balance & box the gnat
right left through - courtesy turn new neighbor ⁋
B2 8
ladles do si do 1½
partners swing

when out with partner, cross over and get in with Balance & Box the Gnat
(if you miss that, you'll still be in position to courtesy turn new neighbor)

Dave Found the Missing Coffee Cup (reupload)

by: Michael Fuerst

formation: Becket

A1 2
slide left along set ⁋
circle left 3 places
neighbors swing
A2 6
circle left 3 places
partners pass by right shoulders
shadows allemande left once
partners allemande right ¼
B1 16
ladles start a full hey - lefts in center, rights on ends
B2 16
partners balance & swing

(composed November-December 1991)
I re-entered the dance to use existing calls instead of everything being custom.
Original: http://contradb.com/dances/1204

Al's Safeway Produce

by: Robert Cromartie

formation: improper

A1 8
star left - wrist grip - 4 places
neighbors allemande left 1½
A2 8
ladles allemande right 1½
partners swing
B1 6
circle left 3 places
neighbors swing
B2 8
long lines forward & back
star right - wrist grip - 4 places ⁋

Author's Notes:
The transition from left hand star to allemande left is especially nice if a New England style (hand on wrist) star is used. This is the only dance I can think of for which I specifically request that type of star in those parts of the country where the default is hands-across.
Unfortunately, the origin of the name is lost in the mists of time. All I can say is that "Al" is not Al Olson, although had I known who he is when I wrote this, it might have been. Composed sometime around 1989.

This dance is from William Watson's mirror of American Country Dances On Line
All rights reserved by the author; used by permission.
Added to database 9/14/1997; last revised 3/5/1999; edited by Russell Owen

Mama Loo's Reel

by: Gene Hubert

formation: improper

A1 8
circle left 4 places
neighbors swing
A2 8
long lines forward & back
ladles allemande right 1½
B1 16
partners balance & swing
B2 8
ladles chain
circle right 4 places
stand still let go hands and turn ⁋

A Sure Thing

by: Chris Page

formation: improper

A1 6
half poussette - gentlespoons pull partners back then left
neighbors swing
A2 8
gentlespoons allemande left 1½
partners start a half hey - rights on ends, lefts in center
B1 16
partners meltdown swing
B2 8
ladles chain
circle right 4 places ⁋

March of the Coffee Zombies

by: Cary Ravitz

formation: Becket

A1 4
long lines forward
gentlespoons roll away partners with a half sashay
circle right 3 places - hands free zombie walk ⁋
A2 8
circle left 3 places - hands free zombie walk
form an ocean wave - gentlespoons by right hands and partners by left hands ¹
balance & Rory O'More right - ladles travel two places to neighbor gentlespoon's side
B1 16
neighbors long swing or meltdown
B2 8
gentlespoons allemande left 1½
partners swing
  1. gentlespoon one facing down, ladle one facing up

Hazelnut Coffee

by: Peter Foster

This dance is not published.

Dogs & Catenaries

by: Dave Pokorney

formation: Becket

Double Progression

A1 8
ladles chain to neighbor
ladles start a half hey - rights in center, lefts on ends
A2 16
neighbors balance & swing
B1 8
ladles chain to partner
ladles start a right diagonal half hey - rights in center, lefts on ends ⁋
B2 16
partners balance & swing
gentlespoons chain to neighbor
gentlespoons start a half hey - lefts in center, rights on ends
neighbors balance & swing
gentlespoons chain to partner
gentlespoons start a right diagonal half hey - lefts in center, rights on ends ⁋
partners balance & swing

AB and CD are the same, except for which role dancer starts the chains & heys.

Could be done as just AB or just CD.

The word catenary is from the Latin for chain.

Tighten Your Lugnuts

by: Allison Jonjak

introduces moves: custom

formation: 5 dancers

5 dancers in a circle of 5

A1 8
circle left 5 places
star left 5 places
A2 8
balance & petronella
balance & petronella
B1 16
1 dancer strip the willow (left allemande someone, right allemande someone else, continue til all allemanded)
B2 14
birdie in the cage (other dancers circle left around the 1))
slide back into place ⁋

unless there was also a star right. If one throws that in, then the strip-the-willow move ends up crossing the phrase, being split between B1 and B2, but you can probably get away with a shorter birdie in the cage. Would have to dance it with an additional star in there to see if it feels rushed.

Designate a "first person" to strip the willow. They can follow any comfortable pattern, but going vaguely "across" (like tightening lug nuts) tends to be easier than following the line of the circle.

The dancer finds their way back to their original place after the birdie in the cage, and the dancer to their left will be the next willow-stripper.

Catch Me If You Can

by: Jim Hemphill

formation: improper

Begin in short waves with neighbor left hands and gentlespoons in the center with right hands.

A1 8
balance & gentlespoons Rory O'More right
partners swing
A2 8
ladles chain
ladles allemande right 1½
B1 0
form an ocean wave - ladles by right hands and partners by left hands
balance & ladles Rory O'More right
neighbors swing
B2 8
circle left 3 places
balance & petronella to face new neighbors and ⁋
form an ocean wave - gentlespoons by right hands and next neighbors by left hands next gentlespoon

/+ A modified petroella, gentlespoons don't travel as far across the set as you spin, ladles angle a little outset as they spin and join left hands with next neighbor, gentlespoons join rights in center


Gotta Catch 'Em All

by: Nicholas Rockstroh

formation: Becket

A1 8
balance & petronella turn
neighbors swing
A2 4
balance the ring
gentlespoons roll away partners with a half sashay
neighbors right hand balance & box the gnat
B1 0
form long waves - gentlespoons face in, ladles face out
balance & Rory O'More right ⁋
next neighbors swing
B2 8
gentlespoons start a half hey - lefts in center, rights on ends - ladles ricochet
partners swing

Written around the same time Pokemon GO! came out. Includes three different moments where you catch someone and swing them.

Catch a Falling Star

by: Melanie Axel-Lute

introduces moves: turn alone

formation: improper

A1 16
neighbors balance & swing
A2 8
circle left 3 places
partners swing
B1 8
long lines forward & back
star right - hands across - 4 places
B2 4
balance the star
ladles pull by right "rolling face-to-face like a half gyre"
gentlespoons turn alone over their left shoulder
star left - hands across - 4 places ⁋

While the ladles swap in the star can be either in the style of a Rory slide (as in "Our House" by Dean Snipes) or the pull by above, Melanie asserts that the pull by was her original intention.