20170506callersChoice with Ragged Robin

user: Allison Jonjak



toggle validations for common dance entry errors, e.g. typing 'gentlemen' when you're using 'leads'

Bowl of Cherries

by: Sue Rosen

introduces moves: do si do, swing, promenade, chain, allemande, circle, roll away, cross trails

formation: improper

A1 8
neighbors do si do once
neighbors swing
A2 8
neighbors promenade
ladles chain
B1 8
ladles allemande right once
partners swing
B2 8
circle left 3 places
gentlespoons roll away neighbors with a half sashay
cross trails - partners across the set right shoulders, neighbors along the set left shoulders ⁋

With neighbor along the set roll away with half sashay (ladles rolling from left to right)

Airpants, Bradley Smith pass through

by: Lisa Greenleaf

introduces moves: long lines, balance the ring, pass through

formation: improper

A1 16
neighbors balance & swing
A2 8
long lines forward & back
ladles allemande right 1½
B1 16
partners balance & swing
B2 8
circle left 3 places
balance the ring
pass through to new neighbors

Bradley Smith Notes: Originally, the last figure of this dance was a neighbor do-si-do 1 1/2, but I usually swap it for the ring balance and pass through to make the progression as simple as possible for inexperienced dancers.

Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss

by: Dale Wilson

introduces moves: star, custom, hey, meltdown swing, right left through

formation: improper

A1 8
star left - hands across - 4 places
gentlespoons drop hands; make turn to right MEANWHILE ladles continue star til you get to your partner
A2 16
ladles start a full hey - lefts in center, rights on ends
B1 16
partners meltdown swing
B2 8
right left through courtesy turn 3/4 til ladles join right hands to begin star
star left - hands across - 3 places to next neighbor ⁋

Teaching B2: "Continue the courtesy turn til ladles can take right hands in the center to start a right-hands-across star. Gentlespoons, join the star right BEHIND your partner."

Calling B2: "Ladles first star"

Last B2: right left through; swing your partner

United We Dance

by: Bob Isaacs


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